What does CAF mean?

Are you looking for the meanings of CAF? On the following image, you can see major definitions of CAF. If you want, you can also download image file to print, or you can share it with your friend via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, etc. To see all meanings of CAF, please scroll down. The full list of definitions is shown in the table below in alphabetical order.

Major Meanings of CAF

The following image presents the most commonly used meanings of CAF. You can down the image file in PNG format for offline use or send it to your friends by email. If you are a webmaster of non-commercial website, please feel free to publish the image of CAF definitions on your website.

What does caf stand for

All Definitions of CAF

As mentioned above, you will see all meanings of CAF in the following table. Please know that all definitions are listed in alphabetical order. You can click links on the right to see detailed information of each definition, including definitions in English and your local language.
CAFC4ISR Architecture Framework
CAFCAN Arbitration Field
CAFCMM Appraisal Framework
CAFCabin Air Filter
CAFCable Adjustment Factor
CAFCafritz Building
CAFCaisse d'Allocations Familiales
CAFCall Attach Facility
CAFCambridge Application Form
CAFCameroon Armed Forces
CAFCampaign for America's Future
CAFCanadian Abilities Foundation
CAFCanadian Air Force
CAFCanadian Airgun Forum
CAFCanadian Arab Federation
CAFCanadian Armed Forces
CAFCapacité d'Autofinancement
CAFCatalog Access Facility
CAFCatholic Answers Forum
CAFCensus of Agriculture and Fisheries
CAFCentral Adjudication Facility
CAFCentral African Republic
CAFCentral American Federation
CAFCentral Analytical Facility
CAFCentralized Authorization File
CAFCentre d'Autoformation et de Formation Continuée
CAFCentre for Analytical Finance
CAFCentrifugal Air Fan
CAFCentro de Apoyo Familiar
CAFCercle Athlétique de la Famenne
CAFChadian Armed Forces
CAFChallenged Athletes Foundation
CAFCharities Aid Foundation
CAFChase Auto Finance
CAFChemical Analysis Facility
CAFChicago Architecture Foundation
CAFChild Acceptance Factor
CAFChild Aid Foundation
CAFChild, Adolescent, and Family
CAFChildren of Alcoholics Foundation
CAFChildren's Advocacy Foundation, Inc.
CAFChildren's Angel Flight
CAFChinese Air Force
CAFCitius, Altius, Fortius
CAFCivil Asset Forfeiture
CAFCivilian Armed Forces
CAFClassical Association of Florida
CAFClearance As Filed
CAFClient Approval Form
CAFClinical Activity File
CAFClub Alpin Français
CAFCode Aurora Forum
CAFCoefficient d'Acceptation Féminine
CAFCombat Air Forces
CAFCombined Adjustment Factor
CAFCombined Arms Flavor
CAFCombustion Air Flow
CAFComité des Armateurs Fluviaux
CAFCommemorative Air Force
CAFCommission de l'Avifaune Française
CAFCommittee on Academic Freedom
CAFCommon Adapter Framework
CAFCommon Application Form
CAFCommon Assessment Framework
CAFCommunity Activation Facilitator
CAFCommunity Arts Fund
CAFComparative Advantage Following
CAFCompetency Assessment File
CAFCompetition, Applicants and Finalists
CAFCompletely Assembled for Ferry
CAFComposite Application Framework
CAFCompress and Forward
CAFCompressed Air Filter
CAFCompressed Air Foam
CAFCompressed Asbestos Fibre
CAFComputer Acquisition Form
CAFComputer Assisted Feedback
CAFConcert Association of Florida
CAFConductive Anodic Filament
CAFConfederate Air Force
CAFConfederation of African Football
CAFConfédération Africaine de Football
CAFCongenital Afibrinogenemia
CAFCongolese Armed Forces
CAFConstrucciones Y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles
CAFConstruction Advancement Foundation
CAFContact A Family
CAFContemporary Arts Forum
CAFContract Advertisement Forecast
CAFContribution Approval Form
CAFControllable ATM Fabric
CAFCooley's Anemia Foundation
CAFCooperativas Agrarias Federadas
CAFCore Audio Format
CAFCorporación Andina de Fomento
CAFCorrective Action Form
CAFCosmetology Advancement Foundation
CAFCost And Freight
CAFCouncil Affiliation Fee
CAFCounter Air Fighter
CAFCourse Approval Form
CAFCove Adoptive Families
CAFCraxi, Andreotti, Forlani
CAFCreate A Family
CAFCreate a Fighter
CAFCritical Assessment Factor
CAFCroatian Air Force
CAFCross-Ambiguity Function
CAFCrédit Agricole Finistère
CAFCuisses, Abdos, Fessiers
CAFCulture and Animals Foundation
CAFCurrency Adjustment Factor
CAFCurriculum Action Form
CAFCustomer Acquisition Form
CAFCzech Air Force
CAFcommander, airborne/air assault force