What does AF mean?

Are you looking for the meanings of AF? On the following image, you can see major definitions of AF. If you want, you can also download image file to print, or you can share it with your friend via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, etc. To see all meanings of AF, please scroll down. The full list of definitions is shown in the table below in alphabetical order.

Major Meanings of AF

The following image presents the most commonly used meanings of AF. You can down the image file in PNG format for offline use or send it to your friends by email. If you are a webmaster of non-commercial website, please feel free to publish the image of AF definitions on your website.

What does af stand for

All Definitions of AF

As mentioned above, you will see all meanings of AF in the following table. Please know that all definitions are listed in alphabetical order. You can click links on the right to see detailed information of each definition, including definitions in English and your local language.
AFAbercrombie & Fitch
AFAbsorption Fraction
AFAcademy Fantasia
AFAcceleration Factor
AFAcre Foot
AFAcronym Finder
AFAcross Flats
AFActive Flow
AFActivity Factor
AFActivity Finish
AFActum Fide
AFAd Finem
AFAddams Family
AFAdded Factor
AFAddress Family
AFAddress Field
AFAdjust Fire
AFAdmiral of the Fleet
AFAeon Flux
AFAfghan Film
AFAfrican Affairs
AFAft Fuselage
AFAfter Ford
AFAfter Forever
AFAfter Funimation
AFAfter Future
AFAgnostic Front
AFAgreed Framework
AFAgromart Foundation
AFAhrens Fox
AFAir Filter
AFAir Force
AFAir France
AFAir Freight
AFAir Freshener
AFAirway Facilities
AFAkademikernes Fellesorganisasjon
AFAkademiska Föreningen
AFAl Fine
AFAlabama & Florida Railway Company
AFAlleged Father
AFAlliance Forums
AFAlliance Francophone
AFAlliance Française
AFAllied Force
AFAllocations Familiales
AFAllowance Factor
AFAlmond Flour
AFAlternating Field
AFAlternative Forum
AFAlternative Frequency
AFAmahoro Foundation
AFAmazing Fantasy
AFAmerican Field
AFAmerican Flag
AFAmerican Forests
AFAmerican Fork
AFAmerican Fractional
AFAmerican Freightways
AFAmiga Format
AFAmmunition Factory
AFAmniotic Fluid
AFAmpere Frame
AFAmplify and Forward
AFAnaerobic Filter
AFAnal Fissure
AFAnarchist Federation
AFAncestry File
AFAnimal Forest
AFAnimation Factory
AFAnime Fantasy
AFAnisotropic Filtering
AFAntenna Factor
AFApplicable Fare
AFApplied For
AFAppropriated Fund
AFApproximate Factorization
AFArcade Fire
AFArchitecture Foundation
AFArchitectures and Framework
AFAretha Franklin
AFArmed Forces
AFArtemis Fowl
AFArthacharya Foundation
AFArthritis Foundation
AFArtificially Feeding/Fed
AFArtists Forum, Inc.
AFAs Fed
AFAs Found
AFAsia Foundation
AFAsian Female
AFAssets Forfeiture
AFAssociation Football
AFAssured Forwarding
AFAstoria Financial Corporation
AFAthlete's Foot
AFAtom Films
AFAtomic Fluorescence
AFAtrial Fibrillation
AFAtrial Flutter
AFAttack Flamingo
AFAttack Force
AFAudio Frequency
AFAugmentation Force
AFAunt Flo
AFAustralia Fair
AFAuthority Figure
AFAutomatic Focus
AFAutomatic Following
AFAuxiliary Carry Flag
AFAuxiliary Feed
AFAuxiliary Funds
AFAvailability Factor
AFAvailability of the Fiber Cable
AFAviation Fuel
AFAward Fee
AFStore Ship
AFamphibious force