Prevention Abbreviations

The term prevention refers to the action and effect of preventing. The concept, therefore, allows us to designate the preparation of something in advance for a certain purpose, the fact of foreseeing damage or anticipating possible barriers, conflicts or problems, among other meanings.

Risk , in turn, has a more remote etymological origin, more precisely in the Arabic word rizq, which means “what provides providence”. The term is associated with the proximity of possible harm and vulnerability.

These definitions allow us to understand that the concept of risk prevention is related to the preparation of defensive measures to anticipate and minimize potential damages. In other words: to face a situation or activity inherently risky by its own characteristics, people take certain precautions in case the risk occurs and becomes a danger to integrity.

Risk prevention is very important in the workplace, especially in those that imply a greater possibility of harm to the worker (such as civil construction, mining or the chemical industry, for example).

The objective of occupational risk prevention is to reduce accidents at work and minimize damage if they occur. It therefore includes a certain organizational system for the activity and the use of suitable clothing to protect the worker’s health (helmet, fire-retardant clothing, etc.).
Control of toxic materials and waste is also part of risk prevention in the industry to take care of worker health and to avoid contamination in the vicinity of factories.

Risk prevention in the work environment can also include medical and hospital environments, for example, carrying out disease control, risk factor control, among others. In this case, in addition to the use of protective equipment, constant surveillance and personal hygiene are also encouraged.

In short, prevention is developed when one seeks to eliminate agents or situations that present risk or to reduce them, which, in this case, are considered preventive measures that alter the work process in the environment intended for it.

In the prevention of risks, there is a concern to consider the work process, giving value to communication and education about the risks of workers, contributing to the strengthening of appropriate practices at work.

In Brazil, there is the so-called PPRA – Environmental Risk Prevention Program, which is mandatory in companies and institutions that hire workers through the CLT regime. This program is intended to promote attitudes aimed at preserving the health and safety of workers.

It is through this program that the company carries out an assessment of possible risks in the work environment and defines the measures that will be implemented for prevention. There is even a standard (NR) that regulates this definition.

Regarding the risks, they can be any type of potential risks to which a worker is subject: risks related to the work environment, regarding safety conditions, regarding the aforementioned biological or chemical pollutants, as well as the mental or physical demands that jeopardize the health of the employee.

Prevention Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Prevention

APS Abuse Prevention Service
APARTMENT Abuse Prevention Training
APT Abuse Prevention Training
AMPTH Academic Model for the Prevention and Treatment of HIV
AAP Accident Analysis and Prevention
AIPB Accident Investigation and Prevention Bureau
APA Accident Prevention Advisor
APC Accident Prevention Council
APPENDIX Accident Prevention Plan
APP Accident Prevention Plan
APTT Accident Prevention Task Team
APARTMENT Accident Prevention Team
APT Accident Prevention Team
ARPER Accidental Release Prevention
ARP Accidental Release Prevention
ARP-RMP Accidental Release Prevention and Risk Management Planning
ASPIRE Action on Secondary Prevention through Intervention to Reduce Events
APRA Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration
APC Adenoma Prevention with Celebrex
APPROVE Adenomatous Polyp Prevention on VIOXX
APPENDIX Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
APP Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
AIP Advanced Inspection and Prevention
ACCLPP Advisory Committee on Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
ASAP Advocates for Sexual Assault Prevention
ACPP Africa Conflict Prevention Pool
APS Agence Prévention et Sécurité
ADAPT Agisanang Domestic Abuse Prevention and Training
ASAP AIDS and Substance Abuse Prevention
APEP AIDS Prevention Education Programme
APEPCY AIDS Prevention Education Project for Chinese Youth
AFCAPS Air Force Coronary Arteriosclerosis Prevention Study
AFCPCO Air Force Corrosion, Prevention and Control Office
AMP Aircraft Mishap Prevention
ACLPPP Alameda County Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
AFVPP Alaska Family Violence Prevention Project
ACCPA Alberta Community Crime Prevention Association
ADAPCP Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention & Control Program
ADAPT Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention & Treatment
ADEPT Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention Team
AODP Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Program
ACAPS Alcohol, Counselling and Prevention Service
ACCP Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention
AICPR Alliance for International Conflict Prevention and Resolution
ALPHA Allies Linked for the Prevention of HIV and AIDS
ABPA American Backflow Prevention Association
ACPI American Crime Prevention Institute
AFSP American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
AIPP American Institute for Pollution Prevention
ASPCA American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
AGP Anatomie Gestes et Prévention
ARPAC Antibiotic Resistance, Prevention and Control
ADDP Appraisal Defect Detection & Prevention
ASPPR Arctic Shipping Pollution Prevention Regulations
ACPA Arizona Crime Prevention Association
ARPEP Arizona Rape Prevention Education Project
APNA Arkansas Prevention Needs Assessment
AVPP Armed Violence Prevention Programme
ASPTF Army Suicide Prevention Task Force
APEP Arthritis Prevention and Education Program
ARTILLERY Artists Rights And Theft Prevention Act Of 2004
ART Artists’ Rights and Theft Prevention Act of 2004
ACPF Asia Crime Prevention Foundation
AYPS Asian Youth Prevention Services
APTA Association de Prevention des Traumatismes Auditifs
APOP Association for Pet Obesity Prevention
APCRI Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India
APTR Association for Prevention Teaching and Research
AFSP Association for Suicide Prevention
APA Association for the Prevention of Accidents
APARTMENT Association for the Prevention of Torture
APT Association for the Prevention of Torture
AFPC Association Francaise de Prevention des Comportements sur la Route
AFPRAL Association Française pour la Prévention des Allergies
AIPS Association Internationale pour la Prévention du Suicide
APPA Association pour la Prévention de la Pollution Atmosphérique
APPAS Association pour la Prévention de la Pollution Atmosphérique
APAR Association Prevention Autisme Recherche
AACAPC Athens Area Child Abuse Prevention Council
ANPR Atlantic Networks for Prevention Research
ACTIVE Atrial Fibrillation Clopidogrel Trial with Irbesartan for Prevention of Vascular Events
AASP Australasian Association for Suicide Prevention
ACTISPP Australian Capital Territory Injury Surveillance and Prevention Project
AIPN Australian Injury Prevention Network
AP Auto Prévention
ADP Automated Defect Prevention
AMPS Automated Mishap Prevention System
ACOPS Automatic CPU Overheating Prevention System
ATPA Automobile Prevention Authority
AAPC Aviation Accident Prevention Course
ACPI Aviation Crime Prevention Institute, Inc.
AGAP Awareness Group on AIDS Prevention
BFPD Back Flow Prevention Device
BPECC Backflow Prevention Education Council of Colorado
BPV Backflow Prevention Valve
BCPIO Bank Crime Prevention and Investigation Office
BJCDC Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention
BIGPRO Biguanides and the Prevention of the Risk of Obesity
BOP Blowout Prevention
BOPE Blowout Prevention Equipment
BCPS Board Certified Prevention Specialist
BCCPT Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment
BCPF Breast Cancer Prevention Fund
BCPT Breast Cancer Prevention Trial
BASP Bureau for Action on Smoking Prevention
BCDP Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention
BNCP Business Network on Crime Prevention
BPU Business Prevention Unit
CHAP Cadet Harassment and Abuse Prevention
CFPA California Foreclosure Prevention Act
CIPN California Injury Prevention Network
COSAP Campus Office of Substance Abuse Prevention
CVPP Campus Violence Prevention Program
CASP Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
CMIRPS Canadian Medication Incident Reporting and Prevention System
CSPCA Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
CEBP Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention
CPCD Cancer Prevention and Control Database
CPCRN Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network
CPCTP Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program
CPFP Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program
CAPR Cancer Prevention Research
CRPF Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation
CPC Cellule de Prévention et de Crise
CAPP Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
CAPS Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
CDCP Center for Disease Control and Prevention
CDPE Center for Disease Prevention and Epidemiology
CESP Center for Elderly Suicide Prevention
CHIP Center for Health, Intervention, and Prevention
CIPC Center for Injury Prevention and Control
CMWP Center for Multicultural Wellness and Prevention
CPEI Center for Prevention and Early Intervention
CSAP Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
CT2P2 Center for Technology Transfer and Pollution Prevention
CPTCSA Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse
CPDV Center for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
CPHV Center for the Prevention of Handgun Violence
CPHV Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence
CPSDV Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence
CSPV Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
CBDRP Centers for Birth Defects Research and Prevention
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CAPT Centers for the Application of Prevention Technologies
CPG Central Prevention Group
CEPS Centre d’Etude et de Prevention du Suicide
CIP Centre d’Information sur la Prévention des Difficultés des Entreprises
CPS Centre de Prévention du Suicide
CPIVAS Centre de Prévention et d’Intervention pour Victimes d’Agression Sexuelle
CPH Centre de Prévention et de Protection de l’Habitat
CEPR Centre Européen de Prévention des Risques
CEPRI Centre Europeen de Prevention du Risque d’Inondation
CICP Centre for International Crime Prevention
CTCP Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention
COIP Centre Ontarien d’Information en Prevention
CRISP Centre Régional d’Information et de Prévention du Sida
CRP Centre Régional de Prévention
CRIPS Centres Régionaux d’Information et de Prévention du Sida
CPP Certified Prevention Professional
CECAP Cervical Cancer Prevention
CPM Cesarean Prevention Movement
CAPACITY Chemical Accident Prevention
CAP Chemical Accident Prevention
CAPP Chemical Accident Prevention Program
CAPP Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions
CAPSS Child Abduction Prevention & Support Services
CAPA Child Abduction Prevention Act
CAPTA Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
CAPC Child Abuse Prevention Council of Sacramento, Inc.
CAPM Child Abuse Prevention Month
CAPP Child Abuse Prevention Project
CAPS Child Abuse Prevention Services
CAPT Child Abuse Prevention Taskforce
CAPACITY Child Access Prevention
CAP Child Access Prevention
CAPT Child Accident Prevention Trust
CAPP Child Assault Prevention Project
CPPA Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996
CSAP Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
CSAPN Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Network
CIPC Childhood Injury Prevention Coalition
CLPPPS Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
CAPS Chilliwack Addictions and Prevention Services
CCDC Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
CBDPP Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program
CDIP Chronic Disease Injury Prevention
CDP Chronic Disease Prevention
CDPA Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance
CDPHP Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
CAPP Cianbro Accident Prevention Process
CIPS Cisco Intrusion Prevention System
CPEC Coalition for the Prevention of Economic Crime
CAPS Code Abuse Prevention System
CTPR College Tobacco Prevention Resource
COAP Colorado Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy Parenting and Prevention
COAPPP Colorado Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting and Prevention
CPCF Colorado Prevention Center Foundation
CPP Comité de la Prévention et de la Précaution
CDPA Comité Départementale de Prévention de l’Alcoolisme
CPPT Comité pour la Prévention et la Protection au Travail
CPPT Comité Prévention et Protection au Travail (French; Belgium
CNPT Commission Nationale de Prévention de la Torture
CPT Committee for the Prevention of Torture
CPVPV Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice
CCPC Committee on Crime Prevention and Control
CDPC Communicable Disease Prevention & Control
CAPS Community Assault Prevention Services
CCPO Community Crime Prevention Organisation
CDEPP Community Diabetes Education and Prevention Program
CHAPS Community HIV and AIDS Prevention Strategy
CPAS Community Prevention and Addiction Services
CPC Community Prevention Coalition
CBCAP Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention
CBPIR Community-Based Prevention Intervention Research
CBPP Community-Based Prevention Program
CAPP Compliance Assurance and Pollution Prevention
CAPT Complications of AMD Prevention Trial
CCPC Comprehensive Cancer Prevention and Control
CSA Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act
CNPS Computer Noise Prevention System
CPPF Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum
CPA Conflict Prevention Associates
CPC Conflict Prevention Center
CPN Conflict Prevention Network
CPLD Conseil de Prevention et de Lutte contre le Dopage
COFEPOSA Conservation of Foreign Exchanges and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act
CICPP Construction Industry Crime Prevention Program
CICP Construction Industry Crime Prevention Program
CPV Consultation de Prévention de la Violence
CPT Convention for the Prevention of Torture
CISPRI Cook Inlet Spill Prevention and Response, Inc.
CPPI Coordinated Primary Prevention Initiative
CSPCA Cork Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
CCPP Corrosion Control & Prevention Program
CPCP Corrosion Prevention & Control Program
CPAC Corrosion Prevention and Control
CPC Corrosion Prevention and Control
CPA Corrosion Prevention Association
CPN Corruption Prevention Network
CPIP Covington Partners In Prevention
CPR Crash Prevention Recorder
CCPD Crime Control and Prevention District
CPA Crime Prevention Act
CPAL Crime Prevention Analysis Lab
CPRS Crime Prevention and Response Systems
CPAP Crime Prevention Assistance Program
CPAM Crime Prevention Association of Michigan
CPB Crime Prevention Branch
CPC Crime Prevention Coalition
CPCA Crime Prevention Coalition of America
CPDA Crime Prevention Design Advisor
CPD Crime Prevention Division
CPO Crime Prevention Officer
CPPP Crime Prevention Partnership Program
CPP Crime Prevention Program
CPRM Crime Prevention Resource Manual
CPS Crime Prevention Survey
CPU Crime Prevention Unit
CAPS Crisis Assessment & Prevention Systems
CPM Crisis Prevention and Management
CPC Crisis Prevention Center
CPI Crisis Prevention Institute
CPRM Cult Prevention and Research Ministries
CCSPCA Cumberland County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
CSP Cycle Slip Prevention
DPPF Damage Prevention Path Forward
DEPENDENT Data Execution Prevention
DEP Data Execution Prevention
DEPUTY Data Execution Prevention
DEPLOYED Data Execution Prevention
DEPOSIT Data Execution Prevention
DLP Data Leak Prevention
DLP data loss prevention
DDP Defect Detection and Prevention
DP Defect Prevention
DPP Defect Prevention Process
DDPM Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
DTF DHAPP Prevention Program Travel Form
DCPP Diabetes Control and Prevention Program
DPP Diabetes Prevention Program
DPSC Diabetes Prevention Support Center
DEPENDENT Diagnostic Environnement Prevention
DEP Diagnostic Environnement Prévention
DEPUTY Diagnostic Environnement Prévention
DEPLOYED Diagnostic Environnement Prévention
DEPOSIT Diagnostic Environnement Prévention
DEPPR Direction de l’Eau et de la Prévention des Pollutions et des Risques
DPAS Direction de la Prevention et de l’Action Sociale
DPDS Direction de la Prevention et du Developpement Social
DPM Direction de la Prévention Médicale
DPP Disabilities Prevention Program
DPTR Disability Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation
DPPC Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Commission
DPPI Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative
DPM Disaster Prevention and Management
DPP Disaster Prevention and Preparedness
DPPD Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Department
DPCC Discharge Prevention, Containment and Countermeasures
DCPD Disease Control and Prevention Department
DPCL Disease Prevention and Control Law of 1955
DPDP Disease Prevention Demonstration Program
DPE Disease Prevention Education
DLPM District Loss Prevention Manager
DCP Division of Cancer Prevention
DCPC Division of Cancer Prevention and Control
DCBPS Division of Community-Based Prevention Services
DDTP Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
DEPR Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research
DSTD Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention
DVP Division of Violence Prevention
DLPM Divisional Loss Prevention Manager
DVP Domestic Violence Prevention
DVPP Domestic Violence Prevention Program
DAPCO Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Office
DPAS Drugs Prevention Advisory Service
DTPS Dynamic Threat Prevention System
EIPP Early Intervention and Prevention Program
EPSF Early Prevention of School Failure
EPSDT Early Prevention, Screening, Detection and Treatment
EPCPC East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition
EANP Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention
EAPU Elder Abuse Prevention Unit
EP Electronic Prevention
ESP Electronic Skid Prevention
EMPRES Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animals and Plant Pests and Diseases
EPPR Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response
EVAP Emergency Vehicle Accident Prevention
EIPMS Emotional Involvement Prevention Measures
EIAPP Engine International Air Pollution Prevention
EPIC Environmental Prevention in Communities
EPS Epidemic Prevention Station
EPIC Epidemiology and Prevention for Injury Control
EPSC Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control
EPAT Estrogen in the Prevention of Atherosclerosis Trial
ECP European Cancer Prevention Organization
ECCP European Centre for Conflict Prevention
ECDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
EUCPCM European Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management
EGPS European Glaucoma Prevention Study
EJCPR European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
SPAH European Sonotherapy Prevention of Arterial Hyperplasia
ESPS European Stroke Prevention Study
EUCPN European Union Crime Prevention Network
ESPRIT European-Australian Stroke Prevention in Reversible Ischemia Trial
EPC Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
EGAPP Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention
EPL Exploit Prevention Labs
ERP Exposure and Response Prevention
FLASAP Fair Lawn Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention
FPD Fall Prevention Device
FCAPC Family and Child Abuse Prevention Center
FIVPT Family and Intimate Violence Prevention Program Team
FHPP Family Homelessness Prevention Pilot
FVPC Family Violence Prevention Center
FVPF Family Violence Prevention Fund
FPKPA Federal Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act
FPPA Federal Pollution Prevention Act
FPER Fire Prevention
FP Fire Prevention
FPS Fire Prevention and Safety
FPAN Fire Prevention Association of Nevada
FPANT Fire Prevention Association of North Texas
FPO Fire Prevention Officer
FPT Fire Prevention Technician
FPW Fire Prevention Week
FPDS Fire Prevention, Detection and Suppression
FDP Flood Damage Prevention
FDPO Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
FCPA Florida Crime Prevention Association
FNP Fonds National de Prevention
FAIP Foundation for Aquatic Injury Prevention
FPI Fraud Prevention Institute
FIPP Fraudulent Identity Prevention Program
FFPS Freedom Foreclosure Prevention Services, LLC
FCCAP Fresno Council on Child Abuse Prevention
FPO Fun Prevention Officer
FAAP Fundamentals of Army Accident Prevention
GHASP Galveston-Houston Association for Smog Prevention
GAPP Gang Alternative Prevention Program
GPTTO Gang Prevention Through Targeted Outreach
GAAP Gendering Adolescent AIDS Prevention
GOHPP Georgia Oral Health Prevention Program
GPN Georgia Prevention Network
GTIPI Georgia Traffic Injury Prevention Institute
GESPCAN German Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
GSPT Ghana Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis
GCPP Global Conflict Prevention Pool
GIPP Global Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention
GPPAC Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict
GSAMP Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention
GOSAP Governor’s Office for Substance Abuse Prevention
GRIPP Grady Injury Prevention Program
PPCG Group on Pollution Prevention and Control
GRASP Groupe de Recherche sur les Aspects Sociaux de la Sante et de la Prevention
GCPC Gynecologic Cancer Prevention Center
HOPE Halt Overpopulation with Prevention and Education
HIPRC Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center
HCCP Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention
HEPAC Health Economics in Prevention and Care
HLPP Hearing Loss Prevention Program
HOPE Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation
HOPE Heroin Overdose Prevention and Education
HCPP Hispanic Crime Prevention Program
HEPPAC HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County
HPP HIV Prevention Program
HPR HIV Prevention Research
HPTN HIV Prevention Trials Network
HAPP HIV/AIDS Prevention Program
HAPPY HIV/AIDS Prevention Promotion Youth
HIPS Host Intrusion Prevention System
HIP Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System
HSPCA Houston Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
HSPP Hutchinson Smoking Prevention Project
HPT Hypertension Prevention Trial
ITPA Identity Theft Prevention Act
ICPA Illinois Crime Prevention Association
ISPB Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness
IVPA Illinois Violence Prevention Authority
IIP Illness and Injury Prevention
IPP Illness Prevention Program
IMPACT Implementing AIDS Prevention and Care Project
IMPACS Improving Malpractice Prevention and Compensation Systems
ISLP In Store Loss Prevention
ILP Incident Learning and Prevention
IPS Incident Prevention System
IPRC Indiana Prevention Resource Center
ISPCA Indiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
ITPC Indiana Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation
IFAP Industrial Foundation for Accident Prevention
IWPP Industrial Waste & Pollution Prevention
ICP Infection Control and Prevention
ICPA Infection Control and Prevention Analysts, Inc.
IP Infection Prevention
IPAC Infection Prevention and Control
IPACS Infection Prevention and Control Service
IPC Infection Prevention Control
IP Infection Preventionist
IPP Infertility Prevention Project
ILP Information Leakage Prevention
IIPP Injury & Illness Prevention Program
IPCP Injury Prevention and Control Program
IPAR Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
IPNANZ Injury Prevention Network of Aotearoa New Zealand
IPRC Injury Prevention Research Center
IPRU Injury Prevention Research Unit
IPTF Injury Prevention Task Force
IPW Injury Prevention Web
IRP Injury Research and Prevention
IFCP Institute for Cancer Prevention
IPR Institute for Prevention Research
IPC Institute for the Prevention of Crime
IPFC Institute for the Prevention of Financial Crimes
IDPS Institutional Default Prevention System
ICPI Insurance Crime Prevention Institute
IPPC Integrated Policy Prevention Control
IPCC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention Control
IPTCS Integrated Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support
IRTPA Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004
ICCPUD Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking
IPRP Intering Parametric Roll Prevention
ILPS Internal Loss Prevention Supervisor
IAPB International Agency for Prevention of Blindness
IAPP International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
IASP International Association for Suicide Prevention
ICPA International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
ICPS International Crime Prevention Specialist
IIPW International Infection Prevention Week
CPR International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution
ILPS International Loss Prevention Systems
IMPA International Myopia Prevention Association
INAP International Network for Acid Prevention
INHOEP International Network for the History of Occupational and Environmental Prevention
IOPP International Oil Pollution Prevention
IPPPSH International Prospective Primary Prevention Study in Hypertension
ISIPS International Sharps Injury Prevention Society
ISPCA International Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
ISVIP International Society for Violence and Injury Prevention
ISPA Internet Spyware Prevention Act
IDP Intrusion Detection and Prevention
IDPS Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
IPS Intrusion Prevention System
ICAPP Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program
ICPA Iowa Crime Prevention Association
ISPCA Ipoh Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
ISPCA Iran Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
ISPCA Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
ISSPCC Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
ISPCA Israeli Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
JKSAPCS Jammu and Kashmir State AIDS Prevention and Control Society
JCCP Japan Center for Conflict Prevention
JASPCA John Ancrum Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
JG-APP Joint Group on Acquisition Pollution Prevention
JG-PP Joint Group on Pollution Prevention
JOPP Journal of Primary Prevention
KIPS Kaiser Injury Prevention System
KMPP Kansas Methamphetamine Prevention Project
KSAPS Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society
KIPC Keiki Injury Prevention Coalition
KODCP Kentucky Office of Drug Control and Prevention
KPPC Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center
KAIPPG Kenya AIDS Intervention Prevention Project Group
KOPS Kiel Obesity Prevention Study
KSPCA Kilkenny Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
KDPPG Killinarden Drug Primary Prevention Group
KIPP Knee Injury Prevention Program
KCDC Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention
KAPS Kuopio Atherosclerosis Prevention Study
LAAPP Laboratory Animal Allergy Prevention Program
LCP Laboratory of Cancer Prevention
LPF Landing Prevention Facility
LDP Lane Departure Prevention
LCAT Latino Council on Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention
LPPC Latvian Pollution Prevention Center
LAMPP Lead Action for Medicaid Primary Prevention
LPPU Lead Poisoning Prevention Unit
LFPC Lebanese Fire Prevention Committee
LIPS Lescol Intervention Prevention Study
LPD Lightning Prevention Device
LRC-CPPT Lipid Research Clinics Study Coronary Primary Prevention Trial
LLETP Local Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention
LP Loss Prevention
LPA Loss Prevention Association of India, Ltd.
LPB Loss Prevention Bulletin
LPC Loss Prevention Certification
LPCB Loss Prevention Certification Board
LPC Loss Prevention Council
LPD Loss Prevention Department
LPF Loss Prevention Foundation
LPI Loss Prevention Investigator
LPMI Loss Prevention Management Institute
LPMS Loss Prevention Management System
LPM Loss Prevention Manager
LPO Loss Prevention Observation
LPO Loss Prevention Officer
LPP Loss Prevention Procedures
LPQ Loss Prevention Qualified
LPR Loss Prevention Report
LPS Loss Prevention Specialist
LPS Loss Prevention Standards
LPSC Loss Prevention Subcommittee
LPS Loss Prevention Subcommittee
LPS Loss Prevention Supervisor
LPS Loss Prevention System
LPSI Loss Prevention Systems, Inc.
LPT Loss Prevention Team
LATIFPA Louisiana Automobile Theft and Insurance Fraud Prevention Authority
LEAP Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention Program
MFPC Machinery Failure Prevention Conference
MAPS Mail Abuse Prevention Systems
MAPD Major Accident Prevention Document
MAPP Major Accident Prevention Policy
MAPTB Malaysian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis
MCSTOPPP Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program
MCPA Marion County Prevention Association
MAPPA Maryland Association of Prevention Professionals and Advocates
MAAPP Massachusetts Asian AIDS Prevention Project
MFPT Mechanical Failure Prevention Technology
MFPG Mechanical Failures Prevention Group
MERP Medication Error Reporting and Prevention
MIPT Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
MRPP Men’s Rape Prevention Project
MVP Mentors in Violence Prevention
MVCPA Miami Valley Crime Prevention Association
MDPB Michigan Damage Prevention Board
MCPA Minnesota Crime Prevention Association
MCPA Mississauga Crime Prevention Association
MLP Money Laundering Prevention
MLPD Money Laundering Prevention Directorate
MTUPP Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program
M2P2 Multi-Media Pollution Prevention
MPT Multipurpose Prevention Technologies
MFPO Municipal Fire Prevention Officer
MSIP Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention
NADAPP National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Programme
NAPI National Arson Prevention Initiative
NAPT National Association for Prevention of Tuberculosis of Great Britain
NASP National Association for Shoplifting Prevention
NAPS National Association for the Prevention of Starvation
NAPTA National Association for the Prevention of Teacher Abuse
NBCP National Bureau of Corruption Prevention
NCCDPHP National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
NCHCP National Center for Hate Crime Prevention
NCHHSTP National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
NCSPT National Center for Suicide Prevention Training
NCPP-1 National Commission on Prevention Priorities
NCPP National Commission on Prevention Priorities
NCADP National Committee for AIDS, Drugs and Prostitution Prevention and Control
NCPB National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness
NCCMERP National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention
NCPCA National Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse
NCSCP National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention
NCPC National Crime Prevention Council
NCPI National Crime Prevention Institute
NCP National Crime Prevention Programme
NCPS National Crime Prevention Strategy
NDPA National Drug Prevention Alliance
NDPL National Drug Prevention League
NHPA National Hijack Prevention Academy
NIPC National Inhalant Prevention Coalition
NIDP National Institute for Disaster Prevention
NOSP National Office for Suicide Prevention
NOPP National Office of Pollution Prevention
NPDPM National Policy for Disaster Prevention and Management
NPPC National Pollution Prevention Center
NPIN National Prevention Information Network
NPN National Prevention Network
PRIMEDES National Reference Center for the Prevention and Mitigation of Disasters
NSPCC National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children
NSPCA National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
NSSP National Strategy for Suicide Prevention
NSPCB National Subcommittee for the Prevention and Control of Blindness
NSPS National Suicide Prevention Strategy
NTPPM National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
NTTPN National Tribal Tobacco Prevention Network
NWPC National Waste Prevention Coalition
NWPF National Waste Prevention Forum
NYSPS National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy
NSPA Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act of 2000
NHPS Nemours Health and Prevention Services
NIDP NetScreen Intrusion Detection and Prevention
NIPS Network Intrusion Prevention System
NPRC Nevada Prevention Resource Center
NSPCA Nevada Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
NJPN New Jersey Prevention Network, Inc.
NJSPCA New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
NYSPCC New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
NOPP Northwest Obesity Prevention Project
OPAT Obesity Prevention and Treatment
OCAP Office of Child Abuse Prevention
OCP Office of Crime Prevention
ODPE Office of Disease Prevention and Epidemiology
ODPHP Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
OGDP Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention
OPP Office of Pollution Prevention
OPPCA Office of Pollution Prevention and Compliance Assistance
OPPT Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
OPPT Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxics
OSPR Office of Spill Prevention & Response
OCPA Ohio Crime Prevention Association
OPEC Ohio Prevention and Education Conference
OSPF Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation
OTPF Ohio Tobacco Prevention Foundation
OSPAR Oil Spill Prevention, Administration and Response Fund
MIPT Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
OPC Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse
OWIIP Oregon Worker Illness Injury Prevention Program
OPPBTP Organisme Professionnel de Prévention du Bâtiment et des Travaux Public
OPCW Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Warfare
OPRP Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan
OPSIG Outbreak Prevention Signature
OPD Overfilling Prevention Device
OPCI Overweight/Obesity Prevention and Control Initiative
PKPA Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act
PAPCM Participatory Activity for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment
PIPSA Partners in Prevention of Substance Abuse
PFP Partnership for Prevention
PEPP Payment Error Prevention Program
PTPN Pennsylvania Tobacco Prevention Network
PPPS Personalized Prevention Plan Services
PCSP Pharmacy Council on Stroke Prevention
PCVPC Philadelphia Collaborative Violence Prevention Center
PDP Plan de Prévention
PPRI Plan de Prévention des Risques d’Inondations
PPR Plan de Prevention des Risques Naturels Previsibles
PPRT Plan de Prévention des Risques Technologiques
PPAG Poison Prevention Anticipatory Guidance
PCP Police Crime Prevention
P2 Pollution Prevention
PPA Pollution Prevention Act of 1990
PPAB Pollution Prevention Advisory Board
PPCA Pollution Prevention and Control Act
PPC Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations
PPC Pollution Prevention Center
PPEP Pollution Prevention Equipment Program
PPIC Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse
PPI Pollution Prevention Institute
PPM Pollution Prevention Manager
PPO Pollution Prevention Officer
P2P Pollution Prevention Plan
PPP Pollution Prevention Plan
PPP Pollution Prevention Program
PPPP Pollution Prevention Program Plan
PPR Pollution Prevention Regulation
PPRC Pollution Prevention Resource Center
PPRX Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange
PIES Pollution-Prevention Information Exchange System
POPULAR Power of Prevention
POP Power of Prevention
PASA Prevention Against Sexual Assault
PCH Prevention and Community Health
PDCF Prevention and Detection of Corporate Fraud
PEI Prevention and Early Intervention
PEIP Prevention and Early Intervention Programme
PEBLISA Prevention and Elimination of Bonded Labour in South Asia
PMAB Prevention and Management of Aggressive Behavior
PAMT Prevention and Methodology Training
PAR Prevention and Restoration
PAD Prevention Assistance Division
PCS Prevention Care and Support
PCOE Prevention Center of Excellence
PCC Prevention Coordination Center
PC Prevention Coordinator
PEPS Prevention Enhancement Protocols System
PF Prevention First
PI7 Prevention Indicator 7
PIST Prévention Information Sida Toxicomanie
PNA Prevention Needs Assessment
PASA Prevention of Anti-Social Activity
PAFAC Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation After Cardioversion
POB Prevention of Blindness
PCDD Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes
POCTA Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
PDC Prevention of Deterioration Center
PEA Prevention of Elder Abuse
PFEER Prevention of Fire, Explosion and Emergency Response
PFA Prevention of Food Adulteration Act
PITA Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act
POI Prevention of Injury
PMLA Prevention of Money Laundering Act of 2002
PMTC Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission
PMTCT Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission
PMI Prevention of Mutual Interference
PPTCT Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission
PORA Prevention of Road Accidents
PSD Prevention of Serious Deterioration
POSH Prevention Of Sexual Harassment
POSM Prevention of Sexual Misconduct
PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration
PTA Prevention of Terrorism Act
POTA Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002
POTO Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance
PULP Prevention of Unfair Labour Practices
PQI Prevention Quality Indicator
PRM Prevention Reference Manuals
PRC Prevention Research Center
PRI Prevention Research Institute
PRC Prevention Retention and Contingency
PSIT Prevention Specialist in Training
PSPA Prevention System for Platform Accidents
PTE Prevention through Education
PTP Prevention Through People
PTSA Prevention Through Service Alliance
PTME Prévention Transmission Mére-Enfant
PWP Prevention with Positives
PWG Prevention Working Group
PIT Prevention, Intervention and Treatment
PUKE Prevention, Understanding, Knowledge and Education
PPPP Program Pollution Prevention Plan
PPU Programme de Prévention Urbaine
PNPT Programme National de Prévention du Tabagisme
PPEA Proliferation Prevention Enhancement Act of 1999
PCPT Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial
PSCP Public Safety and Crime Prevention Committee
PPIP Put Prevention Into Practice
QIPP Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention
RPG Rape Prevention Glasses
REAAP Reasonable Efforts in Assessment, Access and Prevention Unit
RCPP Recurrent Coronary Prevention Project
RAP Regional Addiction Prevention
RCCP Regional Centre on Conflict Prevention
RVPS Regional Violence Prevention Specialist
RPG Relapse Prevention Group
RPB Release Prevention Barrier
RPCC Release Prevention, Control and Countermeasure
ROPP Repeat Offender Prevention Program
RSVP Resources for Sexual Violence Prevention
RLP Retail Loss Prevention
RLPX Retail Loss Prevention Exchange
RLPIN Retail Loss Prevention Intelligence Network
RTPP Retail Theft Prevention Project
RAPT Rhodesia Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis
RESPECT Risk Evaluation and Stroke Prevention in the Elderly Cerivastatin Trial
RSIPO Road Safety and Injury Prevention Officer
RSSPCC Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
RSPCC Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children
ROSPA Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
RSPA Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals
RIAT Runway Incursion and Surface Error Prevention Team
RIPS Runway Incursion Prevention System
RAPP Rural AIDS Prevention Project
RFPC Rural Fire Prevention and Control
SSPCA Sacramento Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SHARP Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention
SHIPS Safety and Health Injury Prevention Sheets
SPPE Safety and Pollution Prevention Equipment
SAAP Safety Assessment and Accident Prevention
SPOER Sales Prevention Officer
SPO Sales Prevention Officer
SFSP San Francisco Suicide Prevention
SCVURPPP Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program
SSPCA Saskatchewan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SNAP School Network for Absenteeism Prevention
SPRINT School Prevention, Review and Intervention Team
SVP School Violence Prevention
SPPT Science, Pollution Prevention and Technology
SSPCA Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPP Secretariat Permanent a la Politique de Prevention
SLPA Security and Loss Prevention Association
SELECT Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial
SCPU Senior Crime Prevention University
SHCPF Senior Housing Crime Prevention Foundation
SPIM Service de Prévention des Incendies de Montréal
SIPP Service Interne de Prevention et de Protection au Travail
SMPS Service Municipal de Prévention et de Sécurité
SPR Service Prévention des Risques
SAPT Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
SAPE Sexual Assault Prevention and Education
SAPIC Sexual Assault Prevention and Intervention Committee
SHARP Sexual Harassment and Racism Prevention
SHARP Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Program
SHPP Sexual Harassment Prevention and Policy
SOPO Sexual Offences Prevention Order
SOPP Sexual Offense Prevention Policy
SVPE Sexual Violence Prevention and Education
SVPC Sexual Violence Prevention Coordinator
SVPP Sexual Violence Prevention Program
SCP Side Collision Prevention
SLPR Signal Loss Prevention and Recovery
SLPP Simple Loop Prevention Protocol
SAAP Single Aircraft Accident Prevention
SCP Skin Cancer Prevention
SHARP Social Habilitation And Relapse Prevention
SFIP Société Française d’Intervention et de Prévention
MFPT Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology
SPEECH Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Humans
SPCH Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Humans
SPASM Society for the Prevention of Asinine Student Movements
SPCA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPCC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
SPCDD Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To David Duchovny
SPCW Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Werewolfs
SPUD Society for the Prevention of Unhealthy Diets
SAAPSA South African Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse
SCSPCA South Carolina Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPEWS Spam Prevention Early Warning System
SPS Spam Prevention System
SAPG Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide
SAPG Special Advisor for the Prevention of Genocide
SCPU Special Crimes Prevention Unit
SPR Spill Prevention and Response
SPCC Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures
SPCCP Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan
SPOTS Spill Prevention Operations Technology Series
SMIP Sports Medicine and Injury Prevention
SFPC Standard Fire Prevention Code
SHARP Standard for Harassment & Racism Prevention
SHDPP Stanford Heart Disease Prevention Program
SPRC Stanford Prevention Research Center
SIPP State Injury Prevention Program
SWPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
SPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
SPF Strategic Prevention Framework
SCIP Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention
SHPT Street Homeless Prevention Team
SPARC Stroke Prevention and Atherosclerosis Research Centre
SPARC Stroke Prevention Assessment of Risk in A Community
SPAF Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation
SPIRIT Stroke Prevention in Reversible Ischemia Trial
SPI Stroke Prevention Initiative
SSPW Student Services/Prevention and Wellness
SSAP Students for Suicide Awareness and Prevention
STOP Students Taking on Prevention
SAEPC Substance Abuse Education and Prevention Center
SAPHE Substance Abuse Prevention and Health Enhancement
SAPT Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment
SATP Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment
SAPTA Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency
SAPTBG Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant
SAPE Substance Abuse Prevention Education
SCSPCA Suffolk County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPAN Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network
SPEA Suicide Prevention Education Alliance
SPEAK Suicide Prevention Education Awareness for Kids
SPI Suicide Prevention International
SPRC Suicide Prevention Resource Center
SPTP Suicide Prevention Training Programs
SWAP System-Wide Accident Prevention
TDPMD Technology Demonstration for Prevention of Material Degradation
TSPN Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network
TIPS Terrorism Information and Prevention System
TPB Terrorism Prevention Branch
TCPA Texas Crime Prevention Association
TSPCA Thai Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
TOPS The Over Volunteering Prevention System
TEPP Tobacco Education and Prevention Program
TIPS Tobacco Information and Prevention Sourcepage
TPOP Tobacco Policy Options for Prevention
TPC Tobacco Prevention and Control Program
TPEP Tobacco Prevention and Education Program
TUPE Tobacco Use and Prevention Education
TUPP Tobacco Use Prevention Program
TCPA Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act
TOPS Tuberculosis Outreach and Prevention Services
TAPP Tumaini AIDS Prevention Program
USPCA Ulster Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
ULPS Ultimate Logging Prevention System
UFP Underwater Fire Prevention
UPL Unit Prevention Leader
UNAFRI United Nations African Institute for Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders
UNCICP United Nations Centre for International Crime Prevention
UBAPC University of Buea AIDS Prevention Club
UCCP Utah Council for Crime Prevention
VTPC Vehicle Theft Prevention Council
VAPP Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Prevention
VVAPP Victims of Violence and Abuse Prevention Programme
VIP Violence Intervention and Prevention
VPAP Violence Prevention Action Plan
VPI Violence Prevention Initiative
VPI Violence Prevention Institute
VPI Violence Prevention Intervention
VPP Violence Prevention Program
VPT Violence Prevention Team
VISP Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention Trial
VISP Vitamins in Stroke Prevention
VPP Voluntary Prevention Program
VAPP Volunteers for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
WTPC Walking the Prevention Circle
WSCPA Washington State Crime Prevention Association
WPA Waste Prevention Association
WPIE Waste Prevention Information Exchange
WPFPA Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act
WXAP Weather Accident Prevention
WIPS Wellbeing, Integrity, Prevention, and Security
WPRC Western Prevention Resource Center
WMPN Wichita Mountains Prevention Network
WPAD Wildfire Prevention Assessment District
WIPPM Wireless Intrusion Prevention and Performance Management
WDHP Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Program
WHPP Workplace Hazard Prevention Program
WSPS Workplace Safety & Prevention Services
WSIP World Summit on Intrusion Prevention
XIP XML Intrusion Prevention
YARP Youth Action Research for Prevention
YSP Youth Smoking Prevention
YSPAG Youth Suicide Prevention Advisory Group
YSPEP Youth Suicide Prevention Education Program
ZAPP Zimbabwe AIDS Prevention Project