Societies Abbreviations

Society is a set of individuals who share a culture with their ways of being in life and their ends, and who interact with each other to form a community. Although the most developed societies are the human ones (studied by social sciences such as sociology and anthropology), there are also animal societies (studied by sociobiology or social ethology).


Societies Abbreviations

Human societies are formed by population entities whose inhabitants and their surroundings are interrelated in a common project that grants them an identity of belonging. The concept also implies that the group shares ideological, economic and political ties. When analyzing a society, factors such as the degree of development, the technology achieved and the quality of life are taken into account.

Society has existed since the very emergence of Man , although its form of organization has undergone changes throughout history. The society of prehistoric man was organized in a hierarchical way, in which a chief (the strongest or wisest of the group) held power . In Ancient Greece, the absolutist tendency of power began to vary, as the lower classes of society were able to reach certain sectors of prominence in decision-making through democracy.

Recently, in 1789, with the French Revolution, social organization changed radically: since then, anyone can rise to a higher class in society.

It is worth mentioning that the concept of company is also used in the legal and economic sphere, to define the grouping between two or more people who undertake by common agreement to contribute to the development of a commercial activity, with the aim of sharing the gains between them.

In Brazil, the term “limited company” is used to refer to two or more people who have joined together to create a business company, for which a social contract is required that sets out the respective constitutive acts, the share capital, the way it will operate, its rules, etc. In this type of company, the share capital is divided into quotas, so the participation of the partners is limited to the responsibility for paying off the company’s obligations.

Therefore , a limited liability company can be summarized as a company where the share capital is represented by social shares (where the share capital is divided like this) and the partners of this company have a responsibility in the investment that is according to the invested value of the share capital. .

Another type of company existing in Brazil is the corporation (S/A), which has its financial capital divided by shares. Those who purchase shares of this type of company are called shareholders. This type of company must have at least two shareholders.

The corporation is further divided into “publicly held corporation” and “privately held corporation”. The first type has its shares traded openly on the Stock Exchange, for example, while the second type usually has its shares traded between partners and shareholders who have a close relationship with the company’s management.

Dead Poets Society is the title of an American drama film released in 1989, which received the Oscar for best original screenplay.

List of Acronyms Related to Societies

ASAT Affiliated Societies of the Alexander Technique
ASPP All Societies Periodicals Package
ACSA Alliance of Canadian Societies of Art
ALSO Alliance of Literary Societies
ALS Alliance of Literary Societies
AAES American Association of Engineering Societies
AAEC American Association of Engineering Societies
ACLES American Council of Learned Societies
ACLS American Council of Learned Societies
AFCOS American Federation of Clinical Oncologic Societies
AFMS American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
AAC-MIS Americas Association of Cooperative/Mutual Insurance Societies
ASAMI Artificial Societies for Ambient Intelligence
ARUPS ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies
AFSUMB Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
AAAP Asian-Australian Association of Animal Production Societies
APORS Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies
ABACUS Association of Building Societies and Credit Unions
ACTS Association of Cambridge Theatre Societies
ACHS Association of College Honor Societies
ACSAC Association of Commonwealth Societies of Architects in the Caribbean
EUROTOX Association of European Toxicologists and Societies of Toxicology
AGAS Association of German American Societies
AGAS Association of German-American Societies of Greater Washington, DC
ALSISS Association of Learned Societies in the Social Sciences
AMAS Association of Manchester Allotment Societies
AMRSS Association of Model Railway Societies in Scotland
ANTAS Association of North Thames Amenity Societies
APSEA Association of Professional Societies in East Africa
ARPS Association of Railway Preservation Societies
ASOSH Association of Societies for Occupational Safety and Health
ASEAPS Association of Southeast Asian Pain Societies
AGSS Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia
ASMS Association of the Scientific Medical Societies
ACOFS Australian Council of Film Societies
BSF Bonsai Societies of Florida
BANS British Association of Numismatic Societies
BUSS British Union of Spiritist Societies
BSA Building Societies Association
BSMA Building Societies Members Association
CFMS California Federation of Mineralogical Societies
CFBS Canadian Federation of Biological Societies
CFHS Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
CRISM Canadian Radiation and Imaging Societies in Medicine
CKS Center for Knowledge Societies
CSDS Center for the Study of Democratic Societies
CASOC Clubs and Societies on Campus
CISAC Collecting Societies of Authors and Composers
CUIS Colorado United Irish Societies
CESP Confederation of European Societies of Paediatrics
EUREL Convention of National Societies of Electrical Engineers of Europe
CAWSS Council of Australian Weed Science Societies
CCSS Council of Christian Scholarly Societies
CCS Council of Commonwealth Societies
CEFSO Council of Elizabeth Fry Societies of Ontario
CEPIS Council of European Informatics Societies
CEPIS Council of European Professional Informatics Societies
CMSS Council of Medical Specialty Societies
COPAS Council Of Petroleum Accountants Societies
CSSR Council of Societies for the Study of Religion
CCBE Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Union
CSVTS Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies
DASSA Distinguished Affiliated Societies Service Award
EAUHGS East Asian Union of Human Genetics Societies
EEPS East European Politics and Societies
EGLMWBS Eastern Great Lakes and Midwest Biblical Societies
ESSS Ecclesiastical Sources for Slave Societies
ESAW Engineering Societies in the Agents World
EBSA European Biophysical Societies’ Association
EFAS European Federation of Audiology Societies
EFCS European Federation of Cytology Societies
EFFAS European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies
EFFAS European Federation of Foot and Ankle Societies
EFIS European Federation of Immunological Societies
EFSM European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery
EFAS European Foot & Ankle Societies
FASE Federation of Acoustical Societies of Europe
FAIS Federation of African Immunological Societies
FAAS Federation of American Aquarium Societies
FASEB Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
FACSS Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies
FASS Federation of Animal Science Societies
FACS Federation of Asian Chemical Societies
FAS Federation of Astronomical Societies
FAHS Federation of Australian Historical Societies
FEAST Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies
FBAS Federation of British Aquatic Societies
FCSSP Federation of Crop Science Societies of the Philippines
FEEFHS Federation of East European Family History Societies
FEBS Federation of European Biochemical Societies
FECS Federation of European Cancer Societies
FECS Federation of European Chemical Societies
FEGS Federation of European Genetical Societies
FENS Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
FENS Federation of European Nutrition Societies
EPHAR Federation of European Pharmacological Societies
FFHS Federation of Family History Societies
FGS Federation of Genealogical Societies
FIMSA Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania
FIPS Federation of Information Processing Societies
FLSC Federation of Law Societies of Canada
FMS Federation of Materials Societies
FRMS Federation of Recorded Music Societies
FOSIS Federation of Student Islamic Societies
FSGS Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societies
FCBS Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
FERS Forum of European Respiratory Societies
FSCU Friendly Societies and Credit Unions Act 1982
FSPS Friendly Societies Protection Scheme
FAMSA Funeral And Memorial Societies Association
GCAGS Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
HATS Huntsville Association of Technical Societies
IACS International Association of Chemical Societies
IACS International Association of Classification Societies
IAJGS International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies, Inc.
ICCPS International Committee of Connemara Pony Societies
ICES International Council for Electrophoresis Societies
ICSID International Council of Societies of Industrial Design
IDAAS International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies
FISM International Federation of Magic Societies
IFRCS International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
IFSM International Federation of Societies for Microscopy
IFSTP International Federation of Societies of Toxicologic Pathologists
ILDS International League of Dermatological Societies
IULTCS International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies
JBS Janashakti Bank Societies
JASO Japan America Societies
JBS Joint British Societies
JCSNS Joint Council of State Neurosurgical Societies
JESC Joint Engineering Societies Conference
KCTOS Knowledge, Creativity and Transformations of Societies
LRCS League of Red Cross Societies
LFACS London Forum of Amenity and Civic Societies
MAEGS Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies
MAHS Michigan Association of Honor Societies
MFES Minnesota Federation of Engineering Societies
MASHO Modelling Artificial Societies and Hybrid Organizations
MSDSP Mountain Societies Development Support Programme
NADFAS National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies
NASCOH National Association of Societies for the Care of the Handicapped
NCSS National Conference of State Societies
NCSS National Council of State Societies
NNTS National Network of Technological Societies
NASRA Newly Arrived Societies of Refugees to Australia
NARSA Northwest Amateur Radio Societies Association
OAAS Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies
OSET Organisation of Societies for Electrophysiological Technology
OSNA Ornithological Societies of North America
PAABS Pan-American Association of Biochemical Societies
PAS Pediatric Academic Societies
PEIS Political Economy of Industrial Societies
PMS Pontifical Mission Societies
PWCS Primary Weavers’ Cooperative Societies
PILI Public Interest Law Initiative in Transitional Societies
QCAS Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies
QCBS Queensland Council of Bird Societies
RFS Registrar of Friendly Societies
RSB Related Societies Board
SASA Shanghai Administration of Societies and Associations
SCS Sim City Societies
SSB Sister Societies Board
SCFMS South Central Federation of Mineral Societies
SAGAS Southern Area Group of Astronomical Societies
SIACS States in Advanced Capitalist Societies
TFHS Texas Federation of Humane Societies
UEMS Union of European Medical Societies
USPS Union of Swiss Philatelic Societies
USSEB Union of Swiss Societies of Experimental Biology
UBS United Bible Societies
USIS United Societies in Space
VAAS Virginia Association of Astronomical Societies
WSP War-torn Societies Project
WFWS Western Federation of Watercolor Societies
WACS World Association of Chefs’ Societies
WACS World Association of Cooks Societies
WASP World Association of Societies of Pathology
WFNS World Federation of Neurological Societies
WFRD World Federation of Right to Die Societies
WFRS World Federation of Rose Societies
WSTA World Federation of Societies for Technology in Anaesthesia
WFSA World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists
WSTA World Societies for Technology in Anesthesia