Robotics Abbreviations

The word “robotics” was coined by the American writer of Russian-Jewish descent, Isaac Azimov . His series of robots ” I, the Robot ” is world famous. Robotics is a branch of engineering , mechanical engineering , electrical engineering and informatics , which includes the design, construction, control and application of robots , as well as computer systems needed for their control, data reception from sensors and information processing. The application of these technologies is, for example, in industry and in the replacement of people for hazardous activities such as bomb disposal, research on shipwrecks and mines . It is classified according to the environment / condition of the robots: stationary, terrestrial, underwater, air, space and polar.


In 1942, the science fiction writer Isaac Azimov created the three laws of robotics. In 1948, Norbert Wiener formulated the principles of cybernetics , practically based on robotics.

Fully autonomous robots did not appear until the second half of the 20th century. The first digitally controlled and programmable robot, The Unimate , was installed in 1961 to lift hot pieces of metal from a casting and stacking machine. Commercial and industrial robots are widespread today and are used to make work cheaper, more accurate and more reliable than human labor. They are also used in workplaces that are too dirty, dangerous or gloomy to be suitable for people. Robots are widely used in the production, assembly, packaging and packaging, transportation of goods, Earth and space exploration, surgery, the weapons industry, laboratory research and mass production of consumer and industrial goods.

There are many types of robots; they are used in many different environments and for many different purposes, and despite the differences in their application and design, they still have common features in terms of their construction.

Robotics Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Robotics

ARIA ActivMedia Robotics Interface for Applications
ARSO Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts
ARTIFACTS Advanced Robotics in Flexible Automation Components, Tools, and Strategies
ARMS Advanced Robotics Manipulation System
ARRC Advanced Robotics Research Center
ARRL Advanced Robotics Research Laboratory
ARL Aerospace Robotics Laboratory
ARG Art & Robotics Group
ARG Art Robotics Group
ACFR Australian Centre for Field Robotics
ARAA Australian Robotics and Automation Association, Inc.
ASRO Automated Systems and Robotics
ARCS Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
ARAMIS Automation, Robotics and Machine Intelligence System
BRAIN BEST Robotics Artificial Intelligence Node (Sherman, Texas)
BRI BEST Robotics, Inc.
BIRG Biologically Inspired Robotics Group
BART Biomedical and Robotics Technology
BRML Biorobotics and Biomechanics Lab
BARG British Amateur Robotics Group
BARA British Automation and Robotics Association
CRL Canada Robotics Ltd.
CRC Canadian Robotics Competition
CRII Cell Robotics International, Inc.
CAIR Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
CRIM Center for Robotics and Intelligent Machines
CEDRA Center of Excellence in Design Robotics and Automation
CIRC Central Illinois Robotics Club
CIRA Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation
CARL Construction Automation & Robotics Laboratory
CRW Controls, Robotics, and Welding
CR Counter Robotics
DARC Decatur Austin Robotics Coalition
DRS Dexterous Robotics System
ESR Eastern Shore Robotics
EURISCON European Robotics and Intelligent Systems Conference
ERSP Evolution Robotics Software Platform
ER Evolutionary Robotics
EVR Extravehicular Robotics
FMR Field and Mobile Robotics
FRC Field Robotics Center
FATHER First Robotics
FR First Robotics
FRC First Robotics Canada
FRC FIRST Robotics Competition
FLAR Fuzzy Logic in Autonomous Robotics
GEARS Garrett Engineering and Robotics Society
GRASP General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception
GRAIN Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Nanotechnology
GRIN Genetics, Robotics, Information & Nanotechnology
GNR Genomics Nanotechnology and Robotics
GRI Global Robotics Institute
HTR Hellenic Technology of Robotics
HYR Hilo Youth Robotics
RAS IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
ISSPR Image, Speech, Signal Processing and Robotics
IRIS Imaging, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems laboratory
IRO Indian Robotics Olympiad
IMR Industrial Mobile Robotics
IRIS Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems
IRF Institute of Robotics Research
IRL Intelligent Robotics Laboratory
ISCOR Intelligent Systems Control and Robotics
IARC International Aerial Robotics Competition
ICAR International Conference on Advanced Robotics
ICRA International Conference on Robotics and Automation
IFR International Federation of Robotics
IJARM International Journal of Assistive Robotics and Mechatronics
IJHR International Journal of Humanoid Robotics
ISER International Symposium on Experimental Robotics
ISRA International Symposium on Robotics and Automation
ISRR International Symposium on Robotics Research
RAAD International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region
IVR Introduction to Vision and Robotics
JBIT Java-Based Interface for Telerobotics
JAMRIS Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems
JRA Journal of Robotics and Automation
KCARS Kansas City Area Robotics Society
KRS Korea Robotics Society
LCSR Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics (Johns Hopkins University
LMR Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
MSTL Man-Systems Telerobotics Laboratory
MR Mechanisms and Robotics Conference
MRTC Medical Robotics Technology Center
MRSI Micro Robotics Systems Incorporated
MMRRC Mobile and Marine Robotics Research Centre
NCDR National Center for Defense Robotics
NREC National Robotics Engineering Center
NURC National Underwater Robotics Challenge
NNSRI Near North Student Robotics Initiative
NIRO Neutral Interfaces for Robotics
NERDS New England Robotics Designers
NRG Newport Robotics Group
OSCAR Operational Software Components for Advanced Robotics
OPMR Optimal Robotics Corporation
PRB Planetary Robotics Building
PARTS Portland Area Robotics Society
PARI Precision Automation and Robotics India, Ltd.
RTC R&D Institute for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics
RAID Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Database
RDT Robotics & Digital Technology
ROAMS Robotics and Automation in Space Symposium
RCIM Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
RMAL Robotics and Manufacturing Automation Laboratory
RRSD Robotics and Remote Systems Division
RADIOLOGY Robotics Applications Development Laboratory
RCSA Robotics Certification Standards Alliance
RCTA Robotics Collaborative Technology Alliances
RCC Robotics Curriculum Clearinghouse
RBE Robotics Engineering
RETF Robotics Engineering Task Force
RIM Robotics in Manufacturing
RIA Robotics Industries Association
RIDC Robotics Industry Development Council
RI Robotics Institute
RIS Robotics Invention System
ROAM Robotics ORU Assembly and Maintenance
RPF Robotics Planning Facility
RRC Robotics Research Corporation
RSA Robotics Society of America
RSE Robotics Society of Japan
RSJ Robotics Society of Japan
RSSC Robotics Society of Southern California
RWG Robotics Working Group
RAM Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics
RVSN Robotics, Vision and Sensor Networks Group
RANGE Robust Aerial Navigation in GPS Denied Environments (Robust Robotics Group; Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
RRG Robust Robotics Group
SFRSA San Francisco Robotics Society of America
STAIR Search Techniques in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
SRS Seattle Robotics Society
SAR Semi-Autonomous Robotics
SMART Sequential Modular Architecture for Robotics and Teleoperation
SFR Shanghai-Fanuc Robotics, Ltd.
SYRA Sharon Youth Robotics Association
SIR Simulated Intelligence Robotics
SDIR Software Development and Integration in Robotics
STAR Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics
SIRS Symposium for Intelligent Robotics Systems
TRML-X Tardec Robotics Mobility Lab – Extreme
TRML TARDEC Robotics Mobility Laboratory
TSEPS Telerobotics Simulation of Explorer Platform Servicing
USR U.S. Robotics
UTAP Unified Telerobotics Architecture Project
URPR University Research Program in Robotics
USRDS US Robotics Dual Standard
USRMC US Robotics Mobile Communications
WARG Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group
WAFR Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics