Politics Abbreviations

Science is the set of techniques and models that make it possible to organize knowledge around a structure of objective facts. Politics, as far as it is concerned, is an ideological activity aimed at the decision-making of a group to achieve objectives and the exercise of power for the resolution of conflicts.

On the other hand , it is possible to distinguish the formal sciences (with no concrete content, such as mathematics), the natural sciences (they study nature, such as geology) and the social sciences (they try to analyze the phenomena of culture and society, such as story).

That said, we can say that political science is a social science dedicated to the study of political activity as a universal and necessary phenomenon. Political science is also responsible for developing the theory of the state , the main form of social organization.

It should be noted that politics has always existed, so reflections on its scope date back to antiquity. However, there are those who place the birth of political science in the 16th century, with the work of Nicolás Maquiavelo.

As for the modern notion of political science, it appears from the 19th century onwards, at the time when liberal revolutions and industrial development brought about great social changes, which were analyzed by several thinkers.
Today, political science is responsible for analyzing the exercise of political power, state activities, public administration and management, political systems, the partisan regime and election processes, among many other subjects.

The whole of social connections, temporary in nature, in a group of highly evolved species with a complex social system , which are aimed at collectively achieving a goal within the social context that cannot be achieved individually. P. includes forming alliances, repeatedly submitting to the dominant leader of the group, forming bonds of friendship with certain individuals, and so on. A P. presupposes that the individuals have foresight, memory , insight, thus know a certain level of consciousness . It has been observed in several primate species.

‘Politics is the acquisition and exercise of power.’1 And law is politics crystallized in rules. (See: Compulsion) Until 1789, power almost everywhere in the world was in the hands of a small number of men who hunted wild beasts for entertainment, waged war during the campaign season, and spent the rest of their time at court, absorbed in intrigues that revolved around the central figure, the monarch. In the Netherlands, power is now in the hands of a small number of men and women who go on holiday for entertainment, make themselves known during election campaigns and for the rest of the year are completely absorbed in the intrigue that takes place around the Binnenhof.

Monarchy has always been linked to religion. The idea was that all power ultimately comes from God giving his blessing to a successful ruler but withholding from a bad ruler. In a democracy, that bond with the divine is a lot looser. Elections determine who gets the most votes and yet very few people will see the hand of God at work during formation discussions. He doesn’t care who becomes prime minister in the Netherlands, although one member of the Dutch government still claims that he holds his position ‘by the grace of God’. That is the king who repeats this proposition in every law. The following applies to his ministers: ‘They do not form a team, but an assembly of chiefs.’2 In a democracy, politics is a matter of interference and has two enemies: indifference and the hysterical activity of the busybody. There is never a lack of the latter in the Netherlands, which is one of the reasons why decent people in the Netherlands don’t get their hands dirty on politics. ‘The Dutch are little disposed to take a busy and sustained part in politics. They rather enjoy their liberties, than exercise their rights.”3 The Athenians saw it differently. They knew that indifference is a danger to the functioning of a democracy. One of Solon’s first laws was: Anyone who refuses to take sides when the community is deeply divided must be exiled after the conflict, as soon as order is restored. And ‘idiot’ was the word the ancient Greeks used for someone who did not participate in the popular assembly that decided his fortunes. Thucydides had Pericles say in his famous eulogy, among other things, that Athens differed from the other cities in that ‘We alone do not regard the citizen who withdraws from political decision-making as someone who is not a burden, but as a useless person, as someone you don’t care about.’ Paul Léautaud wrote in the same vein: ‘I think of all those people (I know them) who, although they have strong opinions about what is happening, what they see or learn, but out of convenience have begun to keep their mouths shut and have thus employed a kind of stupidity, so much so that in a spiritual sense they have become nothing less than eunuchs. They have replaced honor with the legion of honor.”4 (See: Rebellion) ‘I think of all those people (I know them) who, although they have strong opinions about what happens, what they see or find out, but out of laziness have begun to keep their mouth shut and thus have used a kind of stupidity, so much so that in a spiritual sense they have become nothing less than eunuchs. They have replaced honor with the legion of honor.”4 (See: Rebellion) ‘I think of all those people (I know them) who, although they have strong opinions about what happens, what they see or find out, but out of laziness have begun to keep their mouth shut and thus have used a kind of stupidity, so much so that in a spiritual sense they have become nothing less than eunuchs. They have replaced honor with the legion of honor.”4 (See: Rebellion)

Moreover, active political involvement does not have to be deadly serious. The historian Johan Huizinga, who thought that all human culture originates in play, believes that people naturally choose sides, just like children on a playground, simply for the pleasure of playing. We divide into parties, into cliques or anything else, not to gain some actual advantage, but simply for the drama of the battle.

Politics Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Politics

APAC Aboriginal Political Action Committee
APS Academy of Political Science
ASPRI Advanced Social and Political Research Institute
ASPAC Affordable Shelter Political Action Committee
AAPS African Association of Political Science
APO African Political Organization
APCG African Politics Conference Group
APEP Agriculture Political Education Program
ASPECT Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical and Cultural Thought
AAOPAC American Association of Orthodontists Political Action Committee
AAPC American Association of Political Consultants
AMPAC American Medical Political Action Committee
AMPAC American Motorcyclist Association Political Action Committee
APIC American Political Items Collectors
APSA American Political Science Association
ASPA American Political Science Association
AMPOL American Politics
APR American Politics Research
AMPP Architecture of Modern Political Power
ARLPAC Arizona Right to Life Political Action Committee
AAEP Asociacion Argentina de Economia Politica
AFDP Asociatia Fostilor Detinuti Politici
APLA Aspiring Political Leaders of America
AAPP Assistance Association for Political Prisoners
APA Assistant Political Agent
ABCP Associacao Brasileira de Ciencia Politica
APLA Association for Political and Legal Anthropology
APLS Association for Politics and the Life Sciences
ARPA Association for Reformed Political Action
AGRIP Association of Government Representatives and Independent Politicians
APSM Association of Political Science Majors
APPC Association of Professional Political Consultants
ASAPA Association of South Asian Political Activists
AAYPL Atlantic Association of Young Political Leaders
APPSA Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association
BOP Ban on Politics
BEPAC Basin Electric Political Action Committee
BAPAC Black American Political Association of California
BPLS British Politics and Legislative Studies
PM Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
CCPA Cabinet Committee of Political Affairs
CFPPC California Fair Political Practices Commission
CPAA California Political Attorneys Association
CPRA California Political Reform Act
CAPC Campaign Against Political Correctness
CPSA Canadian Political Science Association
CAPP Canadians Advocating Political Participation
CPIR Centar za Politicko Istrazivanje i Razvoj
CAPC Center for American Politics and Citizenship
CIPER Center for International and Political Economy Research
CIPT Center for International Politics Thessaloniki
CPRS Center for Political Research and Studies
CPS Center for Political Studies
CPG Center for Politics and Governance
CRP Center for Responsive Politics
CSPG Center for the Study of Political Graphics
CSPG Center for the Study of Politics and Governance
CSSPC Center for the Study of Southern Political Culture
CEPSA Central European Political Science Association
CEP Centre for European Politics
CGPE Centre for Global Political Economy
CNAPS Centre on North American Politics and Society
CIPES Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior
CEPAC Chevron Employees Political Action Committee
CPO Chief Political Officer
CPPCC Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
CPPU Christian Political Party Union
CAACP Citizens Alliance Against Creepy Politics
CPS Comitato Politico e di Sicurezza
COPOM Comite de Politica Monetaria
CPPA Committee for Progressive Political Action
CRP Committee for Responsive Politics
CPPCC Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
COPE Committee on Political Education
CPS Committee on Political Sociology
CPE Comparative Political Economy
CPEI Comparative Political Economy of Innovation
CPE Comunitat Política Europea
CPPA Conference for Progressive Political Action
COPEC Conference On Political and Economic Planning
CPAC Conservative Political Action Committee
CPAC Conservative Political Action Conference
CEPPS Consortium for Election and Political Process Strengthening
CPC Contemporary Political Consultants
CPRS Contemporary Political Reform Society
CPS Contemporary Political Studies
CCPE Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
CPE Contributions to Political Economy
CILP Convention on International Law and Politics
CPR Cook Political Report
COPA Co-Op Owners for Political Action
CPM Coordinadora Político-Militar
CCPR Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
CPE Critical Political Economy
CDPE Cultural Dimensions of Politics in Europe
CEPS Cultural, Economic, Political and Social
CPS Culture, Politics and Society Research Group
DPA Department of Political Affairs
STATE-PM Department of State, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
DIIPER Development, Innovation and International Political Economy Research
DEPENDENT Dipartimento De Economia Politica
DEP Dipartimento de Economia Politica
DEPUTY Dipartimento de Economia Politica
DEPLOYED Dipartimento de Economia Politica
DEPOSIT Dipartimento de Economia Politica
DPCS Division of Political Science
DRIP Don’t Reelect Incumbent Politicians
EIP Eagleton Institute of Politics
EEPS East European Politics and Societies
ELPSA Economic, Legal, and Political Systems in Action
EPAC Employee Political Action Committee
EPISTLE Environmental, Psychological, Institutional/political, Social, Technological, Legal and Economic
ESEP Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics
EPSN Eurasian Political Studies Network
ECPM European Christian Political Movement
ECPG European Conference on Politics and Gender
EJPE European Journal of Political Economy
EPC European Political Community
EPC European Political Cooperation
EPUS European Political Union
EPU European Political Union
ERPT European Review of Political Technologies
ESIPP European Summer Institute in Political Psychology
ERSP Evangelical Review of Society and Politics
EPUS Exeter Political Union
EPU Exeter Political Union
FPI Faith and Politics Institute
FIPAC Forest Industry Political Action Committee
FKMCPR Foundation for Keeping Moluccan Civil and Political Rights
GPG General Political Guidelines
GPSA Georgia Political Science Association
GPSA Georgian Political Science Association
GRIP Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians
GPA Global Political Agreement
GPEC Global Political Economy Commission
GWIP Global Women in Politics
GAPAC Godless Americans Political Action Committee
GIPE Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics
GVPT Government and Politics
GIPP Government International Politics and Philosophy
GSPM Graduate School of Political Management
GOPAC Grand Old Party Political Action Committee
GPJ Greek Politics Journal
GPSG Greek Politics Specialist Group
GLPS Group for Legal and Political Studies
HOPE Hispanas Organized for Political Equality
HPOL History and Politics out Loud
HOPE History of Political Economy
HEPS History, Economics, Political Science, Sociology
HPS History/Political Science
IPPA Index of Personal Political Activity
IAPAC Indian American Political Advocacy Council
IEPAC Indiana Equality Political Action Committee
IPEG Institute for Political and Economic Governance
IPLE Institute for Political and Legal Education
IPSC Institute for Political and Sociological Consulting
IPS Institute for Political Studies
ISPO Institute for Social and Political Opinion Research
ISRP Institute for the Study of Religion in Politics
ISWP Institute for the Study of World Politics
IOPL Institute of Political Leadership
IPLA Institute of Political Leadership and Access
IPSAS Institute of Political Science Academia Sinica
IPS Institute of Political Studies
IPSIR Institute of Political Studies and International Relations
IOP Institute of Politics
IWEP Institute of World Economy and Politics
IWP Institute of World Politics
INCEP Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Políticos
IEP Instituto de Ecologia Politica
ISPM Instituto Social y Politico de la Mujer
IFAPAC Insurance and Financial Advisors Political Action Committee
IPSC Interim Political and Security Committee
IAPSS International Association for Political Science Students
ICGS International Centre for Geopolitical Studies
ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
ICPCR International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights
IFJP International Feminist Journal of Politics
IGRA International Geopolitics Reporters Association
IPE International Political Economy
IPSA International Political Science Abstracts
IPSA International Political Science Association
IPSR International Political Science Review
IPWG International Politics Working Group
IPE Interpersonal Political Environment
IAPAC Iranian American Political Action Committee
IPSC Irish Political Status Committee
IPS Irish Political Studies
IPPA Islamic Political Party of America
IPAC Israel Political Action Committee
JCPES Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
JCPS Joint Center for Political Studies
JPMG Joint Political Military Group
JCPS Journal of Chinese Political Science
JHPPL Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law
JPE Journal of Political Economy
JOPP Journal of Political Philosophy
KPR Keeler Political Report
KJP Knee Jerk Politican
LUP Laboratorio de Urbanismo Politico
EEPS Laboratory for Experimental Economics and Political Science
LPL Laborers Political League
LPAC Larouche Political Action Committee
LPAC Latino Political Action Committee
LPBR Law and Politics Book Review
LPAC Libertarian Political Action Committee
LSE London School of Economics & Political Science
LAAAW-PAC Los Angeles African American Women Political Action Committee
MIPAC Massachusetts Independent Political Action Committee for Working Families
MPS Master in Political Science
MAPL Master of Advocacy and Political Leadership
MAP Master of Applied Politics
MAPER Master of Applied Politics
MEPC Meccanismo di Esame delle Politiche Commerciali
MJP Melbourne Journal of Politics
MAPA Mexican-American Political Association
MPLP Michigan Political Leadership Program
MPSA Midwest Political Science Association
MIDEPLAN Ministerio de Planificacion Nacional y Politica Economica
MPSA Mississippi Political Science Association
NAAPAC National Apartment Association Political Action Committee
ARPAC National Association of Realtors Political Action Committee
NBPA National Black Political Assembly
NCNP National Congress for New Politics
NCPR National Consensus on Political Reform
NPPCC National People’s Political Consultative Conference
NPAT National Political Awareness Test
NPCBW National Political Congress of Black Women, Inc.
NWPC National Women’s Political Caucus
NAPI Native American Political Issues
NPAC Network of Politically Active Christians
NEPSA New England Political Science Association
NPCU New Political Communication Unit
NPI New Politics Institute
NPA No Political Affiliation
NEMP Núcleo de Estudos sobre Mídia e Política
OOP Object Oriented Politics
OPCS Obligatory Political Correctness Syndrome
OPSA Oklahoma Political Science Association
OPIN Online Political Information Network
OPH Operation Politically Homeless
OPSM Organization of Political Science Majors
PIPSA Pacific Islands Political Studies Association
PIJ Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture
BEP Party for Brotherhood and Unity in Politics
PPB Party Political Broadcast
PPSA Pennsylvania Political Science Association
PPAC Persian Political Action Committee
PNPP Persistently Non-Political Podcast
PEOPLE Philosophies and Ethics of Politics, Law and Economics
PPP Philosophy Politics and Psychology
PPE Philosophy, Politics and Economics
PTPAC Physical Therapy Political Action Committee
PPPP Politic Public Private Person
PAC Política Agrícola Comum
PAC Politica Agricola Comune
PACA Politica Agropecuaria Comun Andina
PCP Politica Comune Della Pesca
PESD Politica Estera di Sicurezza e Difesa
PESC Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune
PESC Politica Externa e de Seguranca Comum
PO Política Operativa
PAC Political Action Commission
PAC Political Action Committee
PACCS Political Action Coordinating Conference
PAL Political Action League
PAAN Political Advanced Analysis Network
POLAD Political Advisor
PA Political Affairs
PACC Political Affairs Committee of Chinland
PA Political Agent
PERC Political and Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd
POLAR Political and Legal Anthropology Review
PSC Political and Security Committee
PSI Political and Social Inquiry
PBOC Political Bureau of the CPC
POCO Political Committee
PC Political Committee
PCPMB Political Council for Presevo, Meveda and Bujanovac
PCRA Political Country Risk Analysis
PDI Political Data, Inc.
PESO Political Ecology Society
PEST Political Economical Social Technological
PEEHS Political Economy and Economic History Society
PEIS Political Economy of Industrial Societies
PEGS Political Economy of the Good Society
PEWS Political Economy of the World System
PERC Political Economy Research Center
PERI Political Economy Research Institute
PFS Political Film Society
PICME Political Intelligence Centre Middle East
PL Political Linguistics
PMC Political Media Consultant
PMSC Political Military Steering Committee
POS Political Opportunity Structure
PPC Political Party Committee
PPSO Political Philosophy and Social Ontology
PRA Political Research Associates
PRQ Political Research Quarterly
PROD Political Research: Organization and Design
PREU Political Resources for the European Union
PROI Political Return on Investment
PRVC Political Rights Verification Campaign
PRI Political Risk Insurance
PSAF Political Safety Assurance Foundation
POS Political Science
PS Political Science
POSC Political Science
POLS Political Science
PSIR Political Science and International Relations
PSPA Political Science and Public Administration
PSC Political Science Club
PSCL Political Science Computational Laboratory
PSQ Political Science Quarterly
PSRT Political Science Research and Teaching
PSSA Political Science Student Association
PSSU Political Science Students Union
PSSA Political Science Students’ Association
PSPL Political Science/Pre Law
PSPA Political Studies and Public Administration
PSA Political Studies Association
PSAI Political Studies Association of Ireland
PWZ Political War Zone
PEGS Political, Economic, Geographic, Social
PESTEL Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal Factors
PESTELO Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal, Organisational
PESTLE Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental
PSI Political, Social and International Studies
PMA political/military assessment
PC Politically Correct
PCB Politically Correct Buzzword
PCU Politically Correct University
PEP Politically Exposed Person
PI Politically Incorrect
PIG Politically Incorrect Guide
PIGAH Politically Incorrect Guide to American History
PMAD Political-Military Anchor Desk
PAUL Politicians Against Unwanted Lewdness
PES Politická a Ekonomická Sociologie
PLM Politico-Legal-Media
PMG Politico-Military Group
PMI Politico-Military Interactions
POLIS Politics and International Studies
PMH Politics and Modern History
PNP Politics and Prose
PPA Politics and Public Administration
PPAA Politics and Public Administration Association
PAU Politics as Usual
PSV Politics of Sexual Violence
POW Politics of War
PPE Politics Philosophy and Economics
PWIS Politics with International Studies
PEERS Politics, Economics, Education, Religion and Social Issues
P1 Politics1
PCPE Prague Conference on Political Economy
RCP Real Clear Politics
RPAC Realtor Political Action Committee
RPD Rerum Politicarum Doctor
ROAPE Review of African Political Economy
RRPE Review of Radical Political Economics
RPA Revista de Politica Agricola
RPMA Revolution in Political and Military Affairs
RGA Russian State Archive for Social/Political History
EPPS School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences
SPIRE School of Politics and International Relations
SSPS School of Social and Political Sciences
SESPA Scientists and Engineers for Social and Political Action
SEPIN Secretaria de Política de Informática
SAPRA Security and Political Risk Analysis
SPECIALIST Senior Political Committee
SPC Senior Political Committee
SGP Senior Politico-Military Group on Proliferation
SCOPE Shooters’ Committee on Political Education
SPEB Social and Political Environment of Business
SPS Social and Political Sciences
SPW Social and Political Worlds
SLEPT Social Legal Economical Political Technological
SPERM Social Political Economic Religious Military
SCPE Social, Civic and Political Education
SPRITE Social, Political, Religious, Intellectual, Technological, Economic
STEEPLE Social/demographic, Technological, Economic, Environmental , Political, Legal and Ethical factors (analysis)
SEPLA Sociedad Latinoamericana de Economía Política y Pensamiento Crítico
SEP Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Politica
SGPT Society for the Study of Greek Political Thought
STEEP Society, Technology, Economy, Environment, and Politics/Regulation
SPEE Socio-Politico-Economic-Entity
SCPSA South Carolina Political Science Association
SWUPL Southwest University of Politics and Law
SPECIALIST Special Political Committee
SPC Special Political Committee
SCPB Standing Committee of the Political Bureau
SWOPSI Stanford Workshops on Political and Social Issues
SUPA Stop Union Political Abuse
SPAC Student Political Action Committee
SNAP Students for a New American Politics
SPA Students for Political Action
SPPP Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy
SIPP Summer Institute in Political Psychology
SPIT Supporters of Politically Incorrect Topics
TPSA Taiwanese Political Science Association
TPSA Tarleton Political Science Association
TTPC Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition
JAMPAC The Joint Artists and Music Promotions Political Action Committee
TPOE The Politics of Ecstasy
TPSA Turkish Political Science Association
UCIPR Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research
UPSA Undergraduate Political Science Association
UDAPE Unidad de Análisis de Politicas Sociales y Económicas
URPE Union for Radical Political Economics
UMPP Union of Moral Political Parties
UNDPA United Nations Department of Political Affairs
UPS Universal Politician’s Suit
UVCP University of Virginia Center for Politics
UPM Urban Political Machine
VLC Vera List Center for Arts and Politics
WLOP Warning Labels on Politicians
WEP West European Politics
WPQ Western Political Quarterly
WPSA Western Political Science Association
WWAP Who’s Who in American Politics
WCPC Winner’s Circle Political Consulting, LLC
WEPAC Wisconsin Electric Political Action Committee
WPAF Women and Politics in Asia Forum
WPI Women and Politics Institute
WPRN Women in Politics Resource Network
WIPSU Women in Politics Support Unit
WPPL Women, Policy and Political Leadership
WPC Women’s Political Council
WSPUS Women’s Social and Political Union of England
WSPU Women’s Social and Political Union of England
WAPE World Association for Political Economy
WPSR World Political Science Review
WSPQ World’s Smallest Political Quiz
YPU Yale Political Union
YPP Young Philly Politics
AFLP Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
ARF-P Acute Renal Failure in Pregnancy
APPENDIX Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
APP Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
APORS Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Reporting System
ACPH America’s Crisis Pregnancy Helpline
AWPC Another Way Pregnancy Center
AHPT At Home Pregnancy Test
BPAS British Pregnancy Advisory Service
CPDA California Pregnancy Disability Act
CAPSS Canadian Association of Pregnancy Support Services
CPC Caring Pregnancy Center
CAPP Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
CASPP Center on Adolescent Sexuality, Pregnancy and Parenting
CFPC Central Florida Pregnancy Center, Inc.
ICP Cholestasis, Intrahepatic, of Pregnancy
CAPSS Christian Association of Pregnancy Support Services
CPR-C Clinical Pregnancy Rate per Started Cycle
COAP Colorado Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy Parenting and Prevention
COAPPP Colorado Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting and Prevention
CPCC Crisis Pregnancy & Counseling Center
CPC Crisis Pregnancy Center
DPSG Diabetic Pregnancy Study Group
DPPI Disability Pregnancy and Parenthood International
EPAC Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic
EPAT Early Pregnancy Associated Thrombocytopenia
EPBM Early Pregnancy Body Mass
EPDU Early Pregnancy Diagnostic Unit
EPT Early Pregnancy Test
EPUS Early Pregnancy Unit
EPU Early Pregnancy Unit
EP Ectopic Pregnancy
EPT Ectopic Pregnancy Trust (Uxbridge, UK
EPCC Edmonton Pregnancy Crisis Centre
ETOP Elective Termination of Pregnancy
EUP Extrauterine Pregnancy
FFTP First Full-Term Pregnancy
FPCN Florida Pregnancy Care Network
FVPC Fraser Valley Pregnancy Centre
HIP Health in Pregnancy
HOPP Healthy Options for Pregnancy and Parenting
HRD High Rate Pregnancy
HPT Home Pregnancy Test
HDP Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
IPO Improved Pregnancy Outcome
IPODM Improved Pregnancy Outcome Data Management System
IAGTP Independent Advisory Group on Teenage Pregnancy
ITOP Induced Termination of Pregnancy
IDDP Insulin-Dependent Diabetic Pregnancy
IPTP Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria during pregnancy
IIP International Infections in Pregnancy
ICP Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy
IUP Intrauterine Pregnancy
MPS Making Pregnancy Safer
MIP Malaria in Pregnancy
MPWG Malaria in Pregnancy Working Group
MAPPP Maltreatment and Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program
MCAP Mecklenburg Council on Adolescent Pregnancy
MTP Medical Termination of Pregnancy
MTLP Metabolic Toxemia of Late Pregnancy
MFPR Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction
NAPMT National Association of Pregnancy Massage Therapy
NCPP-1 National Campaign to Prevent Pregnancy
NCPP National Campaign to Prevent Pregnancy
NSHPC National Study of HIV in Pregnancy and Childhood
NTPPM National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
NTPR National Transplantation Pregnancy Registry
NVP Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy
NPPCC North Peace Pregnancy Care Centre
PPPP Posterior Pelvic Pain since Pregnancy
PAPP Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein
P25 Pregnancy at 25 Days
PCC Pregnancy Care Center
PDL Pregnancy Disability Leave
PDA Pregnancy Discrimination Act
PLSP Pregnancy Loss Support Program
POUCH Pregnancy Outcomes and Community Health
PRINT Pregnancy Rate
PR Pregnancy Rate
PRFS Pregnancy Rate to First Service
PRCG Pregnancy Resource Center of Gwinnett
PRAMS Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
PZP Pregnancy Zone Protein
PIN Pregnancy, Infection and Nutrition
PA Pregnancy-Associated
PAAG Pregnancy-Associated Alpha 2 Glycoprotein
PAG Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein
PAPP-A Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A
PDMT Pregnancy-Dependent Mammary Tumor
PIH Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension
PRPP Pregnancy-Related Pelvic Pain
PSPB Pregnancy-Specific Protein B
PUQE Pregnancy-Unique Quantification of Emesis
PSPG Pseudopregnancy
REPL Recurrent Early Pregnancy Loss
REPLACE Recurrent Early Pregnancy Loss
SIUP Singleton Intrauterine Pregnancy
SCIP Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy
STP Stop Teenage Pregnancy
SPALS Subsequent Pregnancy After a Loss Support
STOP Suction Termination of Pregnancy
TPU Teenage Pregnancy Unit
TOP Termination Of Pregnancy
TOPC Termination Of Pregnancy Assessment Clinic
TSDP Tianjin Study of Diabetes in Pregnancy
UPT Urine Pregnancy Test
VIP Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy
VAPP Volunteers for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
WPRC Westside Pregnancy Resource Center
WWPP Women With PCOS Pregnancy
WWPP Women with Polycystic Pregnancy
WCPC Women’s Choice Pregnancy Clinic
YPWBW Your Pregnancy, Week by Week
MPDA 2003 Medicare Prescription Drug Act
APAC Ameri-Can Prescription Administrators Corporation
ARGPM Australian Regulatory Guidelines for Prescription Medicines
BPEL Bilan de Prescription et d’Evaluation Linguistique
BHPD Bureau of Human Prescription Drugs
CPS Cahier des Prescriptions Spéciales
CPT Cahier des Prescriptions Techniques
EPICC Equity in Prescription Insurance and Contraceptive Coverage Act of 2001
EOP Exercise on Prescription
FBP Food by Prescription
IFMAP Integrated Forest Monitoring, Assessment, and Prescription
KASPER Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting
MAPD Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug
MARX Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug System
MPB Medicare Prescription Benefit
MPDIMA Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003
MMA Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act
MAPS Michigan Automated Prescription System
NASPER National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Act
NCPDP National Council for Prescription Drug Programs
NPA National Prescription Audit
NDMA Nonprescription Drug Manufacturers Association
OPRS Online Prescription Refills
OPSM Optical Prescription Spectacle Makers
PFPA Partnership for Prescription Assistance
PPA Partnership for Prescription Assistance
PPA Preferred Prescription Assistance
PHSP Pre-Harvest Silviculture Prescription
PX Prescription
RX Prescription
PALP Prescription Access Litigation Project
PAL Prescription Access Litigation Project
PBM Prescription Benefit Manager
PCM Prescription Care Management
PDB Prescription Drug Benefit
PDCS Prescription Drug Card System
PDE Prescription Drug Event
PDL Prescription Drug List
PDMA Prescription Drug Marketing Act
PDMP Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
PDP Prescription Drug Plan
PDUFA Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 1992
PMCPA Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority
POM Prescription Only Medicine
PPA Prescription Pricing Authority
RXA Prescriptions Anonymous
POPD Probability of Prescription Dose
SPA Source Prescription Audit
TRX Total Prescription
USPD Uniformed Services Prescription Database
VPMS Vermont Prescription Monitoring System
VPDBP Voluntary Prescription Drug Benefit Program
WPDP Washington Prescription Drug Program
WRX Workforce Prescriptions, Inc