Meteorology Abbreviations

Meteorology is a science that studies the phenomena in the atmosphere.

The main areas of research are the factors that determine the weather, such as air temperature, humidity, cloud cover, precipitation and wind. Meteorology tries to find out which rules and laws the weather phenomena obey, so that one can explain the weather that occurs. To gain insight into the weather and its changes, observations must be made continuously. In the Netherlands this is done by, among others, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). Meteorological observations can be made with or without instruments. Observations that are still often made without instruments are estimating the cover ratio, estimating the cloud height and visibility. Instrumental observations are made using the thermometer (temperature), barometer (air pressure), psychrometer (humidity), hygrometer (relative humidity), anemometer (wind speed), rain gauge (precipitation), and sun recorder. Meteorology can be studied in the Netherlands at the universities of Wageningen and Utrecht.


Meteorology Abbreviations

Aristotle’s work Meteorologika has remained a meteorological standard for about 2000 years. It was not until the 17th century that meteorology could develop further with the invention of the barometer and thermometer. The oldest meteorological observation series date from that time, eg those of Delft (1705) and Zwanenburg (1735). In the 19th century a network of observatories was created, so that the measurements over a large area could be related to each other. Telegraphy and radio allowed for rapid dissemination of weather reports and contributed to the development of meteorology in the 20th century.

The radiosonde (invented in 1927) and the use of weather satellites are of great importance for expanding the knowledge of the higher air layers.

To a limited extent, future developments in the atmosphere can be calculated with electronic calculators.

Meteorology is concerned with the study of:

1. the temperature relationships in the atmosphere, both in the layer near the earth’s surface and in the higher air layers, with the main factors being: radiation, conduction, conve ction and advection;
2. the air pressure and its changes;
3. the water vapor present in the atmosphere, which plays a role in the formation of clouds, fog and precipitation;
4. atmospheric electricity;
5. the chemical composition of the atmosphere;
6. the general circulation, determined by the air movements, which are brought about by the differences in air pressure and by the vertical temperature gradient in the atmosphere. Certain interrelated changes of the meteorological elements manifest themselves in weather changes. Description and study of the phenomena and developments of the weather occurring in large areas of the earth belong to general meteorology. Synoptic meteorology studies the weather phenomena that occur at the same time in a large area with the main purpose of weather forecasting.

Within meteorology, which is part of geophysics, sub-areas can be distinguished: aerology, climatology, microclimatology, boundary layer meteorology, aviation meteorology, agricultural meteorology, biometeorology, maritime meteorology.

List of Acronyms Related to Meteorology

ASMET African Satellite Meteorology Education and Training
AFM Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
AMU Applied Meteorology Unit
ABOM Australian Bureau of Meteorology
ADAM Australian Data Archive for Meteorology
ANMRC Australian Numerical Meteorology Research Centre
ARAM Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology
BLM Boundary-Layer Meteorology
BOM Bureau of Meteorology
BMRC Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre
BMTC Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre
CRACOME Calculation of Reactor Accident Consequences with Effects of Containment, Meteorology, and Evacuation
CHRS Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing
CNMOC Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command
CAEM Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology
CAGM Commission for Agricultural Meteorology
CMM Commission for Marine Meteorology
CSM Commission for Synoptic Meteorology
CMRC Commonwealth Meteorology Research Centre
CALMET Computer Aided Learning In Meteorology
CAAM Computer Assisted Artillery Meteorology
COSMIC Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate
CITM Cooperative Institute for Tropical Meteorology
COMET Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training
CBMM Corps Ballistic Meteorology Manager
DHM Department of Hydrology and Meteorology
DOM Director Of Naval Oceanography & Meteorology
FNMOC Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
IMU Impact Meteorology Unit
IITM Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
IMGW Institute for Meteorology and Water Management
IMH Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology
IMHEN Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment
IABM International Association of Broadcast Meteorology
IAMAP International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
INSAM International Society for Agricultural Meteorology
ISBB International Society of Bioclimatology and Biometeorology
ISB International Society of Biometeorology
INSAFS International Symposium on Agrometeorology and Food Security
JCMM Joint Centre for Mesoscale Meteorology
JAM Journal of Applied Meteorology
JHM Journal of Hydrometeorology
LAWN LTER Automatic Weather Network (meteorology)
MMOP Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Programme
MMD Marine Meteorology Division
MMM Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology
MET Meteorological/Meteorology
METRO Meteorologist/Meteorology
METO Meteorology
MAP Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
MAPER Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
MEPA Meteorology and Environmental Protection Agency
BMG Meteorology and Geophysics Agency
ML Meteorology Laboratory
MOA Meteorology, Ozone and Aerosol
MCIP Meteorology-Chemistry Interface Processor
NIM National Institute of Meteorology
NIMH National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology
NMI National Meteorology Institute
NLMOC Naval Atlantic Meteorology and Oceanography Center
NEMOC Naval European Meteorology and Oceanography Center
NMOC Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command
NPMOC Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center
OM Office of Meteorology
OFCM Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology
PME Presidency of Meteorology and Environment
PDWRAM Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology
RAMM Regional And Mesoscale Meteorology
SMRP Satellite and Mesometeorology Research Project
SOM School Of Meteorology
SMG Spaceflight Meteorology Group
STORM Storm-Scale Operational and Research Meteorology
TMRP Tropical Meteorology Research Program
WGAM Working Group on Antarctic Meteorology
WDCM World Data Center for Meteorology