Archaeology Abbreviations

What is Archeology?

Archeology is the study of ancient human societies through the material remains found by archaeologists. With archeology, human beings can learn about the culture and customs of their ancestors.

Archaeologists, researchers who study the science of archeology, are responsible for identifying, studying and searching for objects that belonged to ancient peoples, helping to understand the sociocultural structure of primitive societies and the process of evolution and transformation of social groups over the years..

The archaeological information obtained by researchers can be extracted from any type of material built (or destroyed) by humans, such as vases, paintings, kitchen utensils, tools, weapons, etc.

Etymologically, the word “archaeology” came from the junction of two Greek terms: archaios, which means “past” or “ancient”; and logos, which means “science” or “study”; therefore, archeology means “science that studies the past” or “science that studies the ancient”.

Ancient objects are mainly found through excavations, at so-called “archaeological sites”.

To practice the profession of archaeologist, a person must complete a higher education course in archeology.


Archeology and Paleontology

Many people confuse archeology with paleontology.

Archeology is limited to looking for, identifying and studying objects made by humans in antiquity, with the aim of learning a little about the customs and traditions of primitive societies.

Paleontology, in turn, studies fossilized fauna and flora, with the aim of knowing the varieties of animal and plant species that inhabited the Earth thousands or millions of years ago.

The B’s are researchers who study dinosaurs and other animals that have already gone extinct.

Archaeology Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Archaeology

ARTA Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology
AARG Aerial Archaeology Research Group
AJA American Journal of Archaeology
AMERICAN-JOURNAL-OF-AUDIOLOGY American Journal of Archaeology
ASAA American Society for Amateur Archaeology
AHA Ancient History and Archaeology
AAA Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology
ACVA Applications of Computer Vision in Archaeology
ADS Archaeology Data Service
ANZ Archaeology in New Zealand
ARCHIVE Archaeology Research Center
ARC Archaeology Research Center
AARP Art and Archaeology Research Papers
AATA Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts
ARIUA Asian Research Institute of Underwater Archaeology
AIA Association for Industrial Archaeology
ARA Association of Roman Archaeology
AAA Atlas of Ancient Archaeology
AIMA Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology
AMERICAN-SPEECH-AND-HEARING-ASSOCIATION Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology
ASHA Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology
BASEBAND Bible Archaeology, Search & Exploration Institute
BASE Bible Archaeology, Search & Exploration Institute
BAR Biblical Archaeology Review
BAS Biblical Archaeology Society
BSAE British School of Archaeology in Egypt
BSAI British School of Archaeology in Iraq
BSAJ British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem
BIAL Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology
CIWA California Institute of World Archaeology
CFA Centre for Archaeology
CDAS Chichester and District Archaeology Society
CAAH Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
CSAA Classical Studies, Anthropology and Archaeology
CGMA Collaboratory for GIS and Mediterranean Archaeology
CEDAM Conservation, Education, Diving, Archaeology & Museums
CAPACITY Consulting Archaeology Program
CAP Consulting Archaeology Program
CBA Council for British Archaeology
CIA Council for Independent Archaeology
CWVA Council for West Virginia Archaeology
CRITA Current Research in Tennessee Archaeology
EMAP Early Medieval Archaeology Project
EAAN East Asia Archaeology Network
ELCAS East Lothian Council Archaeology Service
EAU Environmental Archaeology Unit
ECCFAU Essex County Council Field Archaeology Unit
FAO Federal Archaeology Office
FPAN Florida Public Archaeology Network
FOAA Friends of Alexandria Archaeology
FOSA Friends of the Office of State Archaeology, Inc
GLAAS Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service
GAAC Group of Archaeology and Art from the Centre
GARI Gulf Archaeology Research Institute
HIAS Hampshire Industrial Archaeology Society
HIMA Hellenic Institute of Marine Archaeology
IA Industrial Archaeology
IEAA Institute for Egyptian Art and Archaeology
IOA Institute of Archaeology
INA Institute of Nautical Archaeology
INAN Institute of Nautical Archaeology Newsletter
IPCAA Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology
IACA International Association for Caribbean Archaeology
ICAU International Centre for Archaeology Underwater
ISBSA International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology
IOSA Internet and Open Source in Archaeology
JEAA Journal of East Asian Archaeology
JEA Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
JFA Journal of Field Archaeology
JIIA Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology
LOA Laboratory of Archaeology
MBAS Madison Biblical Archaeology Society
MAAV Maritime Archaeology Association of Victoria, Inc
MVAC Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center
MASCA Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology
MIAT Museum of Industrial Archaeology and Textile
MUA Museum of Underwater Archaeology
NASC National Archaeology Students’ Conference
NNAD Navajo Nation Archaeology Department
NEAF Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation
NZJA New Zealand Journal of Archaeology
NPALS North Pennines Archaeology Limited
PIMA Pan-American Institute of Maritime Archaeology
PCMA Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology
POCA Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology
PZG Professional Zooarchaeology Group
STUA Scottish Trust for Underwater Archaeology
SAA Society for American Archaeology
SAAB Society for American Archaeology Bulletin
SCA Society for California Archaeology
SEHA Society for Early Historic Archaeology
SEAA Society for East Asian Archaeology
SHA Society for Hawaiian Archaeology
SHA Society for Historical Archaeology
SPMA Society for Post Medieval Archaeology
SARU Spatial Archaeology Research Unit
SCRAP State Conservation and Rescue Archaeology Program
TDOA Tennessee Division of Archaeology
TRAC Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference
TSBA Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology
TVG Trent Valley Geoarchaeology
UJA Ulster Journal of Archaeology
UAU Underwater Archaeology Unit
UCPAAE University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Enthology
VRCA Virginia Research Center for Archaeology
WYAAS West Yorkshire Archaeology Advisory Service
WYAS West Yorkshire Archaeology Service
WNSWAP Western New South Wales Archaeology Program