Cuba Abbreviations

CU is the abbreviation for Cuba, the 104th largest country in the world. Officially the Republic of Cuba, Cuba is a country located in Caribbean, bordering 5 countries – Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Haiti, Jamaica, and United States. Havana is the capital city of Cuba. Major cities include Havana (population: 2,163,813), Santiago de Cuba (population: 555,854), Camagüey (population: 347,551), Holguín (population: 319,991), Guantánamo (population: 272,790), Santa Clara (population: 250,501), Arroyo Naranjo (population: 210,042), Las Tunas (population: 203,673), Bayamo (population: 192,621), and Pinar del Río (population: 186,979).

Country Profile

  • Capital: Havana
  • Language: Spanish
  • Area: 109,884 km2
  • Population: 11,209,617
  • Currency: Peso (CUP)
  • Time zone: UTC−5
  • Calling code: 53
  • ISO 2-Letter Abbreviation: CU
  • UN 3-Letter Abbreviation: CUB
  • Internet TLD: .cu
  • State Government Website:

Map of Cuba

List of Cuba Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Cuba are CU which stands for Cuba and CUP which means Peso (Cuba currency). In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Cuba, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

CU: Cuba

Acronym Meaning
ANTBD Aerobically Incubated Thioglycolate Broth Disk
ACAS Afro-Cuban All Stars
ABIN Alabama Business Incubation Network
ATI Albuquerque Technology Incubator
ACPA Asociación Cubana de Producción Animal
ASCE Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy
AHTI Athena High Technology Incubator Ltd.
AIOS Avey Incubator Online Store
BSC Bainbridge Scuba Center
BNC Ballet Nacional de Cuba
BIAS Batam International Association of Scuba Divers
BCSBI Bay County Small Business Incubator
BIC Bibliotecas Independientes de Cuba
BIIT Blood Incubation Infectivity Testing
BTI Boulder Technology Incubator
BINGO Business Incubation of Global Organizations
BSI Business Support Incubator
CBIN California Business Incubation Network
CCS-AND-CF Canada Cuba Sports and Cultural Festivals
CABI Canadian Association of Business Incubation
CCFA Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association
CCPT Canadian-Cuban Projects Team
CABI Cape Ann Business Incubator
CEPEC Centro para la Promocion de las Exportaciones de Cuba
CFIM Chloroform Fumigation Incubation Method
CFG Cienfuegos, Cuba
CSRA Colorado Scuba Retailers Association
CEC Comité Electrotécnico Cubano
CAC Commandos d’Action Cubains
CRIM Commercial Refrigeration Incubation Module
CAFC Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba
CBIN Connecticut Business Incubator Network
CCSBI Contra Costa Software Business Incubator
CUBIC Cranfield University Business Incubation Centre
CU-2 Cuba
CU Cuba
CA Cuba Action
CGJ Cuba Gooding Jr.
COSG Cuba Organic Support Group
CPP Cuba Poster Project
CRAG Cuba Research and Analysis Group
CWG Cuba Working Group
CAJM Cuba-America Jewish Mission
CAA Cuban Adjustment Act
CABA Cuban American Bar Association
CAFR Cuban Armed Forces Review
CBF Cuban Baseball Federation
CUC Cuban Convertible Peso
CIC Cuban Council of Churches
CANADA Cuban Democracy Act of 1992
CDA Cuban Democracy Act of 1992
CDD Cuban Democratic Directorate
CEON Cuban Epidemic Optic Neuropathy
CFRP Cuban Family Reunification Program
CFF Cuban Freedom Fighters
CLC Cuban Liberty Council
CLSG Cuban Libraries Solidarity Group
CLSG Cuban Library Support Group
CMC Cuban Missile Crisis
CUP Cuban Peso
CPSA Cuban Philatelic Society of America
CRI Cuban Research Institute
CSI Cuban Studies Institute
CSG Cuban Study Group
CUB Cubana de Aviacion, Cuba
CU-2 Cubana de Aviacion, SA Cuba
CU Cubana de Aviacion, SA Cuba
CASA Cuban-American Student Association
DDSC Durham Divers Scuba Club
EPIS Edinburgh Pre-Incubator Scheme
EPC El Poder Cubano
ENCASA Emergency Network of Cuban-American Scholars and Artists
FPCC Fair Play for Cuba Committee
FMC Federacion de Mujeres Cubanas
FFC Federation des Femmes Cubaines
FCW Federation of Cuban Women
FCC Ferrocarriles de Cuba
FBIA Florida Business Incubation Association
FTIA Fresh Tissue Incubation Assay
FBIC Fukuoka Bio Incubation Center
GIC Gimnasio Internacional Cubano
GSC Gouvernement Secret Cubain
GOC Government of Cuba
GBC Guantanamo Bay Cuba
HRTI Hampton Roads Technology Incubator
HSA Handicapped Scuba Association International
MUHA Havana, Cuba
HAV Havana, Cuba – Jose Marti
HBIC Hertfordshire Business Incubation Centre
IMP Incubadora de Microempresas Productivas
IIES Incubadora Internacional de Empresas de Software
ITCP Incubadora Tecnológica de Cooperativas Populares
IRA Incubateur Régional d’Aquitaine
I3P Incubatore Imprese Innovative Politecnico
INZ Incubators New Zealand
IBIA Indiana Business Incubator Association
ICCAS Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies
ICGC Instituto Cubano de Geodesia y Cartografia
IEC Instituto de Estudios Cubanos
ICCAS Instituto de Estudios Cubanos y Cubanoamericanos de la Universidad de Miami
IIP Instrument Incubator Program
IBI International Business Incubator
ICDC International Committee for Democracy in Cuba
IISC International Institute for the Study of Cuba
ITBI International Technology Business Incubator
ICC Internet Cubaweb Communications Corp.
JC Jeunes Cubains
JPC Junta Patriotica Cubana
KBIC Kordin Business Incubation Centre
KSC Kwajalein Scuba Club
LOGISTICS La Gloria Cubana
LGC La Gloria Cubana
MSD Master SCUBA Diver
MSDA Mauritian Scuba Diving Association
MEDICC Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba
MCBI Mendocino Coast Business Incubator
MCBI Missoula Community Business Incubator
MOIU Mobile Oocyte Incubation Unit
MBI Montana Business Incubator
MCAO Mount Cuba Astronomical Observatory
NASE National Academy of Scuba Educators
NABS National Association of Black Scuba Divers
NBIA National Business Incubation Association
NCF National Cuban Front
NABI Northern Alberta Business Incubator
ONC Octanitrocubane
OCB Office of Cuba Broadcasting
OWSI Open Water SCUBA Instructor
ORC Organisation Révolutionnaire Cubaine
OBIC Ottawa Biotechnology Incubation Centre
PCC Partido Comunista de Cuba
PDC Partido Demócrata Cristiano de Cuba
PSMI Patch Slice Micro-Incubator
PCSSD Philippine Commission on Sports Scuba Diving
PBII Platteville Business Incubator, Inc.
PRCC Presbyterian Reformed Church of Cuba
PSI Professional Scuba Inspectors, Inc.
PSI ProScuba Inc.
RHC Radio Habana Cuba
RMCHS Ramon Magsaysay Cubao High School
RSTC Recreational Scuba Training Council
RTSC Recreational Training Scuba Council
RSI Remote Site Incubator
RIB Research Incubator Building
RITP Retail Incubator Training Programme
RTIC Riyadh Technology Incubation Center
SJAI San Jose Arts Incubator
SFBI Santa Fe Business Incubator
SCU Santiago, Cuba – Santiago-Antonio Maceo Cuba
SCVT SCUBA Club at Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Blacksburg, VA)
SDI Scuba Diving International
SDD Scuba Doo Divers
SSI Scuba Schools International
SZB Scuba Zipper Bottle
SICUW Sección de Intereses de Cuba En Washington
SPRC Sección de Protección Radiológica de la Sociedad Cubana de Física
SBIP Small Business Incubator Program
SDBI South DeKalb Business Incubator
SOMBIS South Orange-Maplewood Business Incubator
SBI Springfield Business Incubator
TBTI Tampa Bay Technology Incubator
TSDC Tasmanian Scuba Diving Club
TBIF Technology and Business Incubation Facility
TIP Technology Incubation Program
TCTA Texas-Cuba Trade Alliance
UNJC Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba
UNAC United Nations Association of Cuba
VRA Varadero, Cuba – Juan Gualberto Gomez
VSDC Vermont SCUBA Diving Club
VHSBI Virginia Highlands Small Business Incubator
VILD Visually Incubated Lucid Dream
VCC Voyage Culture Cuba
WAI Weeks After Incubation
WCBI West Charlotte Business Incubator
WSA Women’s Scuba Association
WASI World Association of Scuba Instructors
WRSTC World Recreational Scuba Training Council
YUCA Young Upscale Cuban American
YUCA Young, Upwardly-mobile, Cuban-American
YBI Youngstown Business Incubator



Cuba is an island state in the Caribbean. The country consists of the main island of Cuba, the smaller island of Isla de la Juventud, as well as over 1000 smaller islands and islets. The island’s coast consists of bays, sandy beaches, cliffs and coral reefs. The hinterland consists mostly of plain landscapes and low altitudes. The western part of the island is characterized by flat terrain, while to the east there are low hills and mountains. The country’s highest peak, Pico Turquino, is 1974 meters above sea level. The soil is fertile and most of it is used for agriculture. The climate is tropical, with hot, humid summers and mild, dry winters. It is rainy season from May to October.

The country is regularly exposed to heavy tropical hurricanes in the months of June to October. The hurricanes can cause enormous havoc, especially affecting the eastern part of the island most severely. The country also has a major problem with deforestation. Almost all of the original forest has been cut down. Several programs have been launched to conserve and plant new forest.


Cuba was inhabited for over 4,000 years before Kristoffer Columbus, as the first European, discovered the island in 1492. The indigenous people consisted of the three peoples groups taino, siboney and guanahatabey. When Spain began colonization of the island in the 16th century, almost all the indigenous people were exterminated, and little of their culture and language has been preserved. The Spaniards established plantations and brought many African slaves to the island as labor. In 1898, the United States supported the Cuban independence struggle against Spain, but occupied the island shortly thereafter. The United States ruled Cuba until independence in 1902. As part of the Declaration of Independence, the United States forced through a constitutional annex where they gained great influence over the Cuban economy and foreign policy.

In the years following independence, the country was ruled by alternating democratic and corrupt regimes. In 1959, Fidel Castro seized power through an armed revolution, turning the country into a one-party communist state. This led to conflict with the United States, which supported, among other things, a failed coup in 1961. In 1962, the Soviet Union began building military facilities on the island, leading to confrontation between the superpowers and the world nearing a nuclear war, (the Cuban crisis). Following this incident, the United States introduced a severe trade blockade. After more than 50 years of sanctions, the United States declared in 2014 that the country would work to normalize relations with Cuba.

Society and politics

Cuba is a one-party socialist state where only the Communist Party is allowed. The National Assembly is the country’s highest body, but in practice is subject to the Communist Party. The Communist Party decides to adopt the National Assembly. President Fidel Castro ruled Cuba from 1959, but in 2006 handed over power to his brother Raúl Castro. Raúl Castro carried out several reforms, and decided that politicians can only sit for two periods. Raul Castro resigned in 2018, handing over power to Miguel Diaz Canel. After more than 50 years without diplomatic relations with the United States, the countries opened new talks in 2015. The US trade blockade was softened and the countries’ embassies were reopened. The softening process has stopped somewhat since then, but the relationship is less tense than before.

Cuba is criticized for being undemocratic, corrupt and totalitarian. The country violates human rights by imprisoning and executing political opponents. The press and the internet are monitored and controlled by the state, and criticism of the state can result in severe fines, imprisonment or execution.

The country has a well-developed welfare system with toll-free health sector, maternity leave, pensions and free education. Women are equal men, and the sexes usually earn the same amount. Ethnic and sexual minorities are protected by strict anti-discrimination laws.

Economics and Commerce

Cuba has a state-controlled planning economy. The country was previously dependent on assistance and cheap oil supplies from the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union also subsidized Cuba’s sugar industry, which was the country’s most important industry. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Cuban sugar production has dropped significantly. Tourism, nickel and tobacco have become new important sources of income.

The state has a food rationing system, where everyone has the right to buy basic goods at a low price. The system works poorly and usually does not meet the monthly need. The liberalization of the economy in recent years has put more pressure on the system. The richest have the opportunity to buy extra food, which pushes up food prices. This has made it more difficult for the poor to buy the necessary food next to the insufficient monthly rations.

In order to increase the income of tourists, the country has created its own tourist currency. However, wages are paid in the original currency, which has much less value than the tourist currency. Because many goods have a price calculated on the tourist currency, the goods become extremely expensive with the local currency. This has created a big distinction between those with access to the tourist currency and those who only have access to the local currency.

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