Argentina Country Abbreviations

AR is the abbreviation for Argentina, the 8th largest country in the world. Officially Argentine Republic, Argentina is a country located in South America, bordering 5 countries –  Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Buenos Aires is the capital city of Argentina. Major cities include Buenos Aires (population: 13,076,300), Córdoba (population: 1,428,214), Rosario (population: 1,173,533), Mendoza (population: 876,884), Tucumán (population: 781,023), La Plata (population: 694,167), Mar del Plata (population: 553,935), Salta (population: 512,686), Santa Fe (population: 489,505), and San Juan (population: 447,048).

Country Profile

  • Capital: Buenos Aires
  • Language: Spanish
  • Area: 2,780,400 km2
  • Population: 43,847,430
  • Currency: Peso (ARS)
  • Time zone: UTC−3
  • Calling code: 54
  • ISO 2-Letter Abbreviation: AR
  • UN 3-Letter Abbreviation: ARG
  • Internet TLD: .ar
  • State Government Website:

Map of Argentina

List of Argentina Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Argentina are AR which stands for Argentina and ARS which means Peso (Argentina currency). In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Argentina, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

AR: Argentina

Acronym Meaning
ACA Acción Católica Argentina
AA Aerolineas Argentina
ARG Aerolineas Argentinas
AR Aerolíneas Argentinas
AICA Agencia Informativa Catolica Argentina
AAA Alianza Anticomunista Argentina
ATFA American Task Force Argentina
ARG Argentina
AR Argentina
ARA Argentina Austral
AEI Argentina En La Era de La Informacion
ARG Argentina Gold Peso
ARL Argentina Ley
ARM Argentina Moneda Nacional
APNF Argentina People and Nature Foundation
ARS Argentina Peso
ARPER Argentina Peso (national currency since 1970; replaced by Austral 1985)
ARP Argentina Peso (national currency since 1970; replaced by Austral 1985)
ARF Argentina Peso Fuerte
ARST Argentina Summer Time
ATC Argentina Televisora Color
ALPHABET Argentina, Brazil, Chile
ABC Argentina, Brazil, Chile
ABCP Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Paraguay
APU Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay
ARA Armada de la República Argentina
AAA Asociacion Anticomunista Argentina
AAAA Asociación Argentina Amigos de la Astronomía
AAA Asociacion Argentina de Actores
AADA Asociacion Argentina de Agrometeorologia
AACA Asociacion Argentina de Criticos de Arte
AAEP Asociacion Argentina de Economia Politica
AAG Asociación Argentina de Golf
ASAGA Asociación Argentina de Grasas y Aceites
AAIM Asociación Argentina de Informática Médica
AADL Asociacion Argentina de Luminotecnia
AAOC Asociacion Argentina de Oncologia Clinica
AAQC Asociación Argentina de Químicos Cosméticos
AAS Asociación Argentina de Sedimentología
AATA Asociación Argentina de Tenis Adaptado
AATA Asociacion Argentina de Tiradores con Arco
AATO Asociacion Argentina de Trauma Ortopedico
AAI Asociación Argentina para la Infancia
AHT Asociacion de Hoteles de Turismo de la Republica Argentina
AFA Asociacion Fisica Argentina
AGA Asociación Geológica Argentina
AGA Asociación Guías Argentinas
AIRA Asociación Indígena de la República Argentina
AMA Asociación Médica Argentina
AMA Asociacion Modelos Argentinas
AMIA Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina
APA Asociación Paleontológica Argentina
APA Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina
AQA Asociación Química Argentina
BHI Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina – Commandante
BCRA Banco Central de la Republica Argentina
BNA Banco de la Nación Argentina
BPRA Biblioteca Popular Republica Argentina
BUE Buenos Aires, Argentina
EZE Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina – Eze – Ezeiza International Airport
AEP Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina – Jorge Newberry
CABASE Camara Argentina de Bases de Datos y Servicios en Linea
CAPIP Cámara Argentina Patagónica de Industrias Pesqueras
CIA Cámara Inmobiliaria Argentina
CMDA Codigos Moviles Desde Argentina
CRD Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, Argentina – Comodora Rivadavia
CAB Confederación Argentina de Basquetbol
CAPACITY Confederacion Argentina de Patin
CAP Confederación Argentina de Patín
COOPERAR Confederación Cooperativa de la Republica Argentina
CEA Conferencia Episcopal Argentina
CLTA Conservation Land Trust Argentina
CORNER Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina – Pajas Blancas
COR Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina – Pajas Blancas
ELMA Empresas Lineas Maritimas Argentinas
EAN Escuela Argentina de Naturalistas
EAN Escuela Argentina de Negocios
ERSA Estudios de la Realidad Social Argentina
FAA Federación Agraria Argentina
FADA Federacion Argentina de Ajedrez
FACILITY Federacion Argentina de Cardiologia
FAC Federación Argentina de Cardiología
FACILITY Federacion Argentina de Colectividades
FAC Federación Argentina de Colectividades
FAMU Federacion Argentina de Mujeres Universitarias
FATCA Federación Argentina de Trabajadores Cerveceros y Afines
FAU Federación Argentina de Urología
FAY Federación Argentina de Yachting
FCA Federación Cinológica Argentina
FLA Federación Libertaria Argentina
FMA Formosa, Formosa, Argentina – Formosa
FAA Fuerza Aérea Argentina
FACN Fundación Argentina de Cl ca Neuropsiquiátrica
FADES Fundacion Argentina para el Desarrollo Sociotecnologico
FAA Futbol Asociacion de Argentina
GNA Gendarmeria Nacional Argentina
HASTA H-Alpha Solar Telescope for Argentina
IGR Iguazu, Misiones, Argentina – Iguazu International
IAVA Industria Argentina de Vehiculos de Avanzada
IKA Industrias Kaiser Argentina
ICBA Instituto Cultura Brasil-Argentina
ICIA Instituto de Cultura Indigena Argentina
ILSA Instituto de Lengua de Señas Argentina
IDEA Instituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial de la Argentina
JAR Jornadas Argentinas de Robotica
JUJ Jujuy, Provincia Jujuy, Argentina – El Cadillal
LMAA Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina SA
MDQ Mar Del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
MZA Mendoza, Argentina
MDZ Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina – El Plumerillo
NEC Necochea, Buenos Aires, Argentina – Necochea
OSPRERA Obra Social del Personal Rural y Estibadores de La República Argentina
OMA Olimpíada Matemática Argentina
OHAM Organización Hebrea Argentina MACABI
OIA Organizacion Israelita Argentina
OSA Organización Sionista Argentina
PCA Partido Comunista de la Argentina
PFA Policia Federal Argentina
PDCA Portal Democrata Cristiano de Argentina
PNA Prefectura Naval Argentina
PYAR Python Argentina
RAE Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior
RA República Argentina
RESIDENCE Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina
RES Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina
RGL Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina – Rio Gallegos-Internacional
RGA Rio Grande, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina
ROS Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina – Fisherton
SLA Salta, Salta, Argentina – International
BRC San Carlos De Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina International
UAQ San Juan, San Juan, Argentina
CPC San Martin De Los Andes, Neuquen, Argentina
SFN Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina
RSA Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina
SICA Sindicato de La Industria Cinematografica Argentina
SAA Sociedad Argentina de Antropología
SADEPA Sociedad Argentina de Dermatopatología
SIA Sociedad Argentina de Inmunologia
SAIB Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Bioquímica
SAPER Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria
SAP Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria
SATELLITE Sociedad Argentina De Transplantes
SAT Sociedad Argentina de Transplantes
SAU Sociedad Argentina de Urologia
SADEC Sociedad Asociación Civil Argentina de Estimulación Cardíaca
SHA Sociedad Hebraica Argentina
SRA Sociedad Rural Argentina
TECO Telecom de Argentina
TASA Telefonica de Argentina, SA
RELATION Trelew, Chubut, Argentina
REL Trelew, Chubut, Argentina
TUC Tucuman, Tucuman, Argentina – Benjamin Matienzo
UACA Unión Argentina de Ciegos y Amblíopes
UAR Union Argentina de Rugby
UATRE Union Argentina de Trabajadores Rurales y Estibadores
UOCRA Unión Obrera de la Construcción de la República Argentina
UOCRA Unión Obrera de la Construcción de la República Argentina
UCA Universidad Católica Argentina
USH Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina
VASA Vidriería Argentina Sociedad Anónima
VISTA Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey and Argentina
VLG Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires, Argentina – Villa Gesell
YCEA Yo Creo en Argentina
YHA Young Hadassah Argentina



Argentina is located in South America and borders Chile in the west and south, Paraguay and Bolivia in the north and Brazil and Uruguay in the east. The country has a long coastline out to the Atlantic. Besides the Andes in the west, most of the landscape is lowland and large flat plains. The lowlands are divided into three main areas: the northern region, the pampas and Patagonia. The northern area is characterized by large grasslands, the pampas have good conditions for agriculture and livestock, while Patagonia is a plateau landscape with heights up to 1500 meters above sea level. To the north, at the border with Brazil, are the Iguazu Falls. The waterfalls are a major tourist attraction and are on UNESCO’s list of the world’s cultural and natural heritage.

Argentina extends far geographically and has a varied climate. Large parts of the country have temperate climates, but to the north there is a tropical climate while a sub-arctic climate is found in the south. Pollution and loss of agricultural land due to industrial emissions and use of pesticides are major environmental problems the country is facing. Much of the land in the country has also been destroyed due to deforestation and desertification.


The oldest traces of people in Argentina are from 11,000 years BCE. The country had Native American settlements in the north, and dispersed populations of hunters and gatherers in the south until the Spaniards colonized the country in 1516. Forced labor and diseases from Europe caused many of the country’s original population to die. The country was part of the Viceroy of Peru and the Viceroy of Rio de la Plata, before it became independent in 1816. The period after Spain’s independence was characterized by internal turmoil. There were disagreements between conservative and liberal politicians, and between politicians and the military. Between 1880 and 1910 the country was ruled by conservative politicians. Agriculture was developed and meat and grain were important commodities. Labor was needed, which opened up for immigration from Europe. With European immigrants came ideas of socialism,

In 1946, Juan Perón came to power. He improved the situation of the poor, gave women the right to vote and nationalized the industry. At the same time, he ruled with dictatorial means; resistance was suppressed and the media controlled. In 1955 Perón was overthrown by a military coup, and until 1976 the military characterized the country’s political leadership. Up to 30,000 people disappeared over the years, the military dictatorship lasted, and the country’s foreign debt increased dramatically. In 1982, Argentine troops invaded the British Falkland Islands in the southern Atlantic, but lost to British troops. The loss led to the military dictatorship’s demise and the country’s first democratic elections. The 2000s have been marked by several periods of economic downturn and great dissatisfaction among the population.

Society and politics

Argentina is a republic with 23 provinces, in addition to the capital Buenos Aires. It is a federal system of government with partially autonomous provinces. The President is elected every four years and can sit for a maximum of two consecutive terms. In theory, the president’s actions should be controlled by Congress, but in practice it is the president who has the power. The country’s people have little faith in the political system, much because of corruption.

Much political focus is focused on reducing the differences between poor and rich, giving the state a more important role in business, making Argentina more attractive to foreign investors and fighting the corruption that is a major problem in the country. Increased cooperation with neighboring countries is also emphasized, in this way reducing the influence of the United States in the region.

In 2017, it was estimated that about one in four Argentines lives below the poverty line and there are large differences between poor and rich. Several of the rich live in Buenos Aires and other large cities, while the poor live primarily in slums on the outskirts of cities.

Economics and Commerce

A hundred years ago, Argentina was one of the world’s ten richest countries, but failed economic policies and corruption led to Argentina’s currency losing much of its value. In 2001, the country ended in economic crisis and people were not allowed to withdraw their savings from the bank. The country went bankrupt. This triggered more mass demonstrations, and more presidential changes in a short time. The economy gradually recovered, but the country took up new loans and experienced a new economic crisis in 2014 when the country failed to meet its loans. In 2018, Argentina applied for a $ 50 billion crisis loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Despite the crisis loan, the value of the Argentine currency has continued to decline and inflation remains high.

Large parts of Argentina’s cultivated areas are used for agricultural production, and the industry accounts for most of the country’s exports. Argentina is one of the world’s largest exporters of beef. In addition, soy, maize, fruit, gas, oil and biodiesel are exported from the country. High international commodity prices make Argentina a profit, and in 2017 the country exported goods for a total of US $ 58.4 billion. Argentina’s main trading partners are Brazil, the United States and Chile.

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