Abbreviation for Manchester, United Kingdom


For many years only business travelers visited Manchester, but as the city’s profile grew abroad and new routes opened, more and more people discovered that England has cities other than London, and with completely different qualities.

Manchester’s premier football team has been among the world’s most popular in a lifetime, and over the last couple of decades rock bands such as Oasis, the Smiths and Happy Mondays have helped put the city on the map.

In 1996, the IRA detonated a one-and-a-half-ton bomb, the largest ever on British soil, in the center of Manchester. Amazingly, no one was killed, but over 200 people were injured, windows in a perimeter of almost a kilometer were smashed, and the amount of damage amounted to more than NOK 600 million. But the city turned this into an opportunity for total renewal, and after ten years of construction and renovation, the result was a modern metropolis with stylish squares, award-winning architecture and flourishing of both economy and tourism.

Manchester has a large number of students, an enchanting nightlife and many more outgoing, hospitable and inclusive residents than the capital London. In other words, you have to be extraordinarily cross-minded and self-solemn to not have fun in Manchester. Families, couples and single travelers can easily enjoy a weekend in Manchester at any time of the year.

Get to know Manchester

Manchester is a city the size of Oslo and is located in north west England. Around 445,000 inhabitants live within the city limits, and about 2.5 million if you include the suburbs. Manchester was historically noted as the world’s first industrialized city, and had an important role in the industrial revolution.

Manchester was built in the year 1301, although people had lived there since the Romans built a fort more than a thousand years earlier. The city flourished seriously in the late 1800s, and many of the most important public buildings date from that period.

In 1889 a canal was built connecting Manchester with the port of Liverpool. Thanks to the canal, ships could sail all the way up to the docks in Manchester, what is now Salford in the west. This was in operation until the 1970s, and the closure led to a sharp increase in unemployment in the area.

Manchester and Acronyms

City Profile

  • Abbreviation: M
  • Country: United Kingdom

Manchester city center

Very roughly we can count Manchester city center as the area within the triangle consisting of Victoria railway stations in the north, Piccadilly in the southeast and the old town of Castlefield in the southwest. Within this triangle are most of the attractions, with the exception of the largest, Old Trafford.

Manchester United’s legendary home ground is located in the Trafford area a few miles south of downtown, and is easily reached by bus or tram / rail. Trafford is also home to the huge shopping center The Trafford Center, with over 280 shops and restaurants.

The Castlefield / Victoria / Piccadilly Center Triangle is bounded to the south by the Rochdale Canal, which starts at the Castlefield brewing area, goes east and turns northeast just before Piccadilly Station. A few hundred meters of the canal is covered by the street with the obvious name Canal Street. Between Castlefield and Victoria Station in the north you have the Irwell River and the busy Deansgate shopping street, which ends at Manchester Cathedral and Victoria Station.


Castlefield is the area where the Romans built their fort. It was abandoned in the 400s, and remained standing and decaying for centuries. The area was called Castle-in-the-field until the Middle Ages, when it was shortened to Castlefield. Today, Castlefield is named Urban Heritage Park and is more famous for its many bars and restaurants. In 1830, the world’s first passenger train station opened on Liverpool Road in Castlefield.

Here you will also find many of Manchester’s cultural offerings, such as the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry, the Air & Space Gallery and Granada TV Studios. A little further north in side streets to Deansgate are the Opera House and the Pumphouse People’s History Museum.

Victoria Station

The north corner of the triangle is dominated by Victoria Station and the magnificent Manchester Cathedral. Buildings in this area are among the city’s oldest, so pop in to the Old Wellington Inn or Sinclair’s Oyster Bar pubs to soak up the remnants of 17th-century Manchester – and a pint of Boddingtons.

Nearby you will find the old grain market, and south of this is covered several blocks by the giant shopping center Arndale.

Piccadilly Gardens

If you continue southeast toward the third corner, Piccadilly Station, you will reach Piccadilly Gardens at the end of Market Street. This open, green area is the hub of the city’s buses and trams, and was completely renovated in 2001 and 2002.

In the past, Piccadilly Gardens had a reputation for being a scary and unpleasant place. Gardens is now a large, modern park with fountains and statues, including a monument to Queen Victoria.

Chinatown in Manchester

Southwest of Piccadilly Gardens, England’s largest Chinatown covers around 16 blocks. The entrance hall is large and colorful with carvings of demons and demons, and inside you will find hundreds of Chinese restaurants as well as incense-filled pagodas, Asian supermarkets with exotic goods, health food stores with herbs and ginseng, and Chinese signage signs.

Facts about Manchester

Manchester is England’s fifth largest city in terms of population.

Population about 450,000
Language English.
Control Form Monarchy.
Religion Protestant (50%), Catholic (12%).
Time Difference England is 1 hour after Norway.
Currency British pounds, the equivalent of around £ 10 as of July 2014. ATMs can be found almost everywhere, and the use of credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard and Diners is very widespread.
Tips Some places include tips. If not, give 10-15%. The same goes for taxis. At the pub you don’t have to give tips.
Embassy The Norwegian Consulate in Manchester is located in Elisabeth House, 1st floor, Sr. Peters Square. Tel: +44 161 236 8198.
Tourist Manchester Visitor Information Center, Town Hall Extension, Lloyd Street.
Telephone 44
Emergency 999
Electricity 240v 50Hz. You need an adapter for the UK 3-pin socket, and these are normally available in stores and in hotels.
Holidays and Holidays January 1st, first Monday in May, last Monday in August.
Visa Not required for Norwegian citizens.
Vaccinations No vaccines are required
Water Do not drink from the tap.
Nearest major cities Liverpool, Leeds, Blackpool.
Safety Some violent crime, but the level of preparedness in England has been raised following several terrorist attacks and bomb threats in recent years. Also pay attention to pickpockets in crowds.

M: Manchester

List of Manchester Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Manchester is M which stands for Manchester. In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Manchester, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

Abbreviation Meanings
AMTC American Manchester Terrier Club
ARMCM Associate of the Royal Manchester College of Music
AGMA Association of Greater Manchester Authorities
AMAS Association of Manchester Allotment Societies
BLNM Business Link North Manchester
CMMC Central Manchester and Manchester Children’s University Hospitals
CMDC Central Manchester Development Corporation
CMHT Central Manchester Healthcare Trust
COMS City of Manchester Stadium
DIGM Dance Initiative Greater Manchester
FCUM Football Club United of Manchester
FOML Friends of the Manchester Library
GGMU Glory Glory Manchester United
GMC Godmanchester
GMR Great Manchester Run
GM Greater Manchester
GMAS Greater Manchester Ambulance Service
GMACF Greater Manchester Army Cadet Force
GMASVG Greater Manchester Asbestos Victims Support Group
GMAVSG Greater Manchester Asbestos Victims Support Group
GMC Greater Manchester Collections
GMC Greater Manchester County
GMDSA Greater Manchester Democratic Socialist Alliance
GMMMG Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group
GMMAZ Greater Manchester Music Action Zone
GMNA Greater Manchester Neurological Alliance
GMPTE Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive
GMP Greater Manchester Police
GMPTE Greater Manchester Public Transport Executive
GMR Greater Manchester Radio
GMRB Greater Manchester Residuary Body
GMSA Greater Manchester Strategic Alliance
GMW Greater Manchester Waste Limited
JMGS Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society
KMAC Kimball-Manchester Ambulatory Care Center
KMD Komodo Manchester Debugger
LGYM Lesbian and Gay Youth Manchester
LTM Little Theater of Manchester
LAMDA London and Manchester Document Access
MANAGER Manchester
MANUAL Manchester
MILLI Manchester
M Manchester
MONEY Manchester
MARRIED Manchester
MAFA Manchester Academy of Fine Arts
MLFHS Manchester and Lancashire Family History Society
MARSAG Manchester Area RSI Support and Action Group
MACINTOSH Manchester Athletic Club
MAC Manchester Athletic Club
MADAM Manchester Automatic Digital Machine
MBC Manchester Bridge Club
MBS Manchester Business School
MCHM Manchester Centre for Healthcare Management
MCTR Manchester Children’s Tumour Registry
MC Manchester City
MCCT Manchester City College of Technology
MCFC Manchester City Football Club
MCSC Manchester City Supporters Club
MCB Manchester Civic Band
MCC Manchester Code Converter
MC Manchester College
MCIX Manchester Commercial Internet Exchange
MCB Manchester Community Band
MCC Manchester Community College
MCSC Manchester Community Services Council
MCC Manchester Computing Centre
MCBA Manchester Contract Bridge Association
MCG Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild
MCC Manchester Cricket Club
MDH Manchester Debating Hall
MDU Manchester Debating Union
MDSS Manchester Dental Student Society
MERCI Manchester Environmental Resource Centre Initiative
MERSD Manchester Essex Regional School District
MENU Manchester Evening News
MEN Manchester Evening News
MEV Manchester Event Volunteers
MFRE Manchester Fire Rescue Emergency Medical Services
MGS Manchester Grammar School
MHS Manchester High School
MISPA Manchester Institute for Sport and Physical Activity
MIF Manchester International Festival
MIFT Manchester International Freight Terminal
MIMP Manchester is my Planet
MJM Manchester Jewish Museum
MJSL Manchester Jewish Soccer League
MMH Manchester Memorial Hospital
MMHSCT Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust
MMHG Manchester Methodist Housing Group
MMU Manchester Metropolitan University
MMUBS Manchester Metropolitan University Business School
MMUCC Manchester Metropolitan University Canoe Club
MNSL Manchester North Soccer League
MOHSG Manchester Occupational Health and Safety Group
MCO Manchester Oxford Road
MPE Manchester Phase Encoding
MFM Manchester Phonology Meeting
MPDA Manchester Private Detective Agency
MPEN Manchester Progressive Enterprise Network
MQFS Manchester Queen Futon Set
MRO Manchester Recorder Orchestra
MRSN Manchester Refugee Support Network
MRHS Manchester Regional High School
MRPF Manchester Regional Police and Fire Pipe Band
MRCCS Manchester Research Centre for Computational Science
MRI Manchester Royal Infirmary
MSLD Manchester Scene Description Language
MSDL Manchester Scene Description Language
MSA Manchester School of Architecture
MST Manchester School of Technology
MSG Manchester Sports Guild
MSCM Manchester Student Christian Movement
MSAS Manchester Students Against Sweatshops
MSDS Manchester Students’ Dance Society
MSOC Manchester Symphony Orchestra and Choral
MTES Manchester Township Elementary School
MANTEC Manchester Training & Enterprise Council
MTA Manchester Transit Authority
MU-2 Manchester United
MANU Manchester United
OMAN Manchester United
MU Manchester United
MUFC Manchester United Football Club
MUML Manchester United Merchandising Limited
MUSS Manchester United Soccer Schools
MUST Manchester United Supporters’ Trust
MUDC Manchester University Diabetes Centre
MUFS Manchester University Film Society
MUP Manchester University Press
MUSS Manchester University Speleological Society
MUSC Manchester University Speleology Club
MUSAC Manchester University Sub-Aqua Club
MCR Manchester, England
MANAGEMENT Manchester, England, United Kingdom – International
MANEUVER Manchester, England, United Kingdom – International
MAN Manchester, England, United Kingdom – International
MHT Manchester, NH, USA – Manchester
MMQL Minneapolis Manchester Quality of Life
MSIM Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester
RMCM Royal Manchester College of Music
RSDM Royal Schools for the Deaf Manchester
SCOM Ski Club of Manchester
SMCF South Manchester Christian Fellowship
SMCU South Manchester Credit Union
TFGM Transport for Greater Manchester
UM University of Manchester
UOFM University of Manchester
UOM University of Manchester
UMIST University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
UMITS University of Manchester Institute of Technology
UMPS University of Manchester Persian Society
UMU University of Manchester Union
VUM Victoria University of Manchester
VAM Voluntary Action Manchester
WHMU We Hate Manchester United
WLM White Label Manchester