Therapeutic Abbreviations

Therapeutic is the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of disease and the action of remedial agents.



List of Acronyms Related to Therapeutic

ATNT Advanced Technologies for Novel Therapeutics
ATTN AIDS Therapeutic Treatment Now
ACMDTT Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic Therapeutic Technologists
ATRA Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association
ACT Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics
AAVPT American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
ACCEPT American College of Cardiology Evaluation of Preventive Therapeutics
ASENT American Society for Experimental Neuro Therapeutics
ASPET American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
ASTRO American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
ATRA American Therapeutic Recreation Association
ATC Anatomical Therapeutic Classification
ADTC Area Drug and Therapeutics Committee
ATRS Arkansas Therapeutic Recreation Society
AVCPT Association for Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
ATP Athletic Therapeutic Pilates
ACTM Atlantic College of Therapeutic Massage
ARTG Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods
BTE Baltimore Therapeutic Equipment
BTEWS Baltimore Therapeutic Equipment Work Simulators
BENZO Battelle Pulmonary Therapeutics
BPT Battelle Pulmonary Therapeutics
BSTM Brain Stimulation and Therapeutic Modulation
BATH British Association of Therapeutical Hypnotists
CCTR Cadence Center for Therapeutic Riding
CAPT Canadian Association for Population Therapeutics
CATC Canadian Association of Therapeutic Clowns
CCP Canadian Classification of Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Surgical Procedures
CCPEX Canadian Council of Psychotherapeutic Examiners
CTRA Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association
CBN Cancer Biotherapeutics Newsletter
CTRG Cancer Therapeutics Research Group
CET Center for Environmental Therapeutics
CERTS Centers for Education & Research on Therapeutics
CPHT Certified Practitioner of Homeopathic Therapeutics
CTRS Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
CIT China International Therapeutics
CIT China Interventional Therapeutics
CHTR Circle of Hope Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
CONNECT Clinical Online Network of Evidence for Care and Therapeutics
CPT Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
CCATS Coastal Child & Adolescent Therapeutic Service
CTS Creative Therapeutic Service, LLC
CTI Critical Therapeutics Inc
DTP Developmental Therapeutics Program
DARTNET Distributed Ambulatory Research in Therapeutics Network
DTC Drug and Therapeutics Committees
DTB Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin
ETI Echo Therapeutics, Inc.
ETRA Errington Therapeutic Riding Association
EACPT European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
ESTRO European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
ET Experimental Therapeutics
ECDET Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics
FOTO Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes, Inc.
GITS Gastro-Intestinal Therapeutic System
GTTB Gene Therapy and Therapeutics Branch
GTC General Therapeutic Class
HALTR Halifax Area Leisure and Therapeutic Riding
HTD Human Therapeutic Dose
ITNI Independent Therapeutic Nursing Intervention
ITG Innovative Therapeutics Group
IPTC In-Prison Therapeutic Community
IOTM Institute of Therapeutic Massage
ITI Intensive Therapeutic Intervention
IAPT International Academy of Physio Therapeutics
ICOTE International Course on Therapeutic Endoscopy
JASTRO Japanese Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
JTPA Joint Therapeutic Products Agency
JMPT Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
JPET Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
LCTRP Lanark County Therapeutic Riding Program
LIGHT Leeds Institute of Genetics, Health and Therapeutics
LFST Life Foundation School of Therapeutics
LTR Loss of Therapeutic Response
MTB Maximum Therapeutic Benefit
MTD Mean Therapeutic Dose
MTRM Medical Therapeutical Resonance Music
MPET Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
MPTV Multivalent-Polyvalent Therapeutic Vaccine
NTRA Nanaimo Therapeutic Riding Association
NTI Narrow Therapeutic Index
NTR Narrow Therapeutic Range
NCTR National Center for Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
NCTRC National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification
NDTI National Drug Therapeutic Index
NSBTM National Standards Board for Therapeutic Musicians
NTRS National Therapeutic Recreation Society
NCTM Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage
NCTMB Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
NCRL Natural Chemotherapeutic and Research Laboratory
NCTT Non-Contact Therapeutic Touch
NFTRA North Fraser Therapeutic Riding Association
NCTH Northern College of Therapeutic Hypnosis
OTRR Office of Therapeutic Research and Review
OTN Oncology Therapeutics Network
OTP Outdoor Therapeutic Program
PSTI Patient Specific Therapeutic Interchange
PTES Perceived Therapeutic Efficacy Scale
PNT Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee
PTC Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
PTK Phototherapeutic Keratectomy
PROSTATE Physicians for Rational Ordering of Screening Tests And Therapeutic Effectiveness
PPTA Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association
PSTR proportion of days in therapeutic range
PTI Proxima Therapeutics Inc.
PMTV Psycho Motor Therapeutic Vaulting
RUTF Ready to Use Therapeutic Food
RHCP Regional Hyperthermic Chemotherapeutic Perfusion
RTES Richmond Therapeutic Equestrian Society
RCTRC River Cities Therapeutic Riding Center
STEP Scientific Therapeutic Exercise Progressions
SMAT Small Molecule Anti-genomic Therapeutics
START South Texas Accelerated Research Therapeutics
STFC Specialized Therapeutic Foster Care
SOTI Spinal Osteoporosis Therapeutic Intervention
SCOTT Standing Committee on Therapeutic Trials
SBTE Structurally-Based Therapeutic Evaluation
STEP Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer
TTR Target Therapeutic Range
TA Therapeutic Abortion
TAB Therapeutic Abortion
TA Therapeutic Area
TBS Therapeutic Behavioral Service
TBS Therapeutic Behavioral Specialist
TBS Therapeutic Boarding School
TC Therapeutic Community
TCSN Therapeutic Community Service North
TDI Therapeutic Donor Insemination
TDM Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
TDMCS Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Consultation Service
TES Therapeutic Electrical Stimulation
TE Therapeutic Equivalence
TE Therapeutic Exercise
TFC Therapeutic Feeding Center
TFP Therapeutic Feeding Program
TFC Therapeutic Foster Care
TFCP Therapeutic Foster Care Program
TGA Therapeutic Goods Act
TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration
THEP Therapeutic Horsemanship of El Paso
THH Therapeutic Horsemanship of Hawaii
TI Therapeutic Index
TI Therapeutic Interchange
TJ Therapeutic Jurisprudence
TLN Therapeutic Landscapes Network
TLC Therapeutic Lifestyle Change
TLC-D Therapeutic Lifestyle Change for Depression
TMAV Therapeutic Management of Aggression and Violence
TM Therapeutic Massage
TNFI Therapeutic Nursing Function Indicator
TNFM Therapeutic Nursing Function Matrix
TPE Therapeutic Patient Education
TPE Therapeutic Plasma Exchange
TPD Therapeutic Products Directorate
TPP Therapeutic Products Programme
TRANSLATOR Therapeutic Recreation
TR Therapeutic Recreation
TRANSPOSED Therapeutic Recreation
TRIPLE-R Therapeutic Recreation
TRAAC Therapeutic Recreation Association of Atlantic Canada
TRALI Therapeutic Recreation Association of Long Island
TRCB Therapeutic Recreation Certification Board
TRJ Therapeutic Recreation Journal
TRO Therapeutic Recreation Ontario
TRCCF Therapeutic Residential Child Care Facility
TRAV Therapeutic Riding Association of Virginia
TRCI Therapeutic Riding Center of Israel
TRP Therapeutic Riding Program
TSS Therapeutic Staff Support
TTNO Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario
TUE Therapeutic Use Exemption
TRMP Therapeutically Relevant Multiple Pathways
TREAT Therapeutics Research Education and AIDS Training in Asia
TTM Total Therapeutic Management
TCT Transcatherter Cardiovascular Therapeutics
TCT Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics
TTS Transdermal Therapeutic System
TTS-T Transdermal Therapeutic System for Testosterone
UKATC United Kingdom Association of Therapeutic Counsellors
VTEA Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association
WVTRA West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association
WTRP Wilkes Therapeutic Riding Program
WFTE Windrush Farm Therapeutic Equitation, Inc.
WTRA Wisconsin Therapeutic Recreation Association
WFITN World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology
WFTC World Federation of Therapeutic Communities