Rehabilitation Abbreviations

Rehabilitation is the action and effect of rehabilitating. This verb refers to the fact of restoring someone or something to its former state, enabling it again. Examples: “After the accident, he had to undergo a two-year rehabilitation to walk again”, “The rehabilitation of the building requires a millionaire investment”, “The singer decided to suspend the concerts to carry out rehabilitation”.

For medicine, rehabilitation is a process whose purpose is for the patient to regain a function or an activity that he has lost due to illness or trauma. It is health care oriented towards the sequelae of a disorder that generates disability or dysfunction.

If a person has a road accident and becomes bedridden, rehabilitation will attempt to restore that person’s ability to move/mobility. Doctors, therefore, will carry out different tasks and will accompany the injured person to comply with certain rules that will help the extremities to regain strength and respond to the person’s orders.

Depending on the needs of each case , it may be necessary for more than one area to intervene in the rehabilitation process of an individual who has suffered an accident, such as: medicine, physiotherapy, dentistry, speech therapy, psychologist, occupational therapy , among others.
An example of how other areas can intervene would be in the case of a person who had an accident, underwent rehabilitation with physiotherapy and regained movement, but is unable to resume their activities, here would be a psychological intervention to help regain that person’s confidence.

Rehabilitation also consists of health care for a patient to overcome his or her addiction to drugs or alcohol. In general, it requires hospitalization in a safe environment (so that the individual does not have access to harmful substances) and, sometimes, it involves the administration of medication until the drug addiction is ended.

In urbanism, lastly, rehabilitation is the work carried out to improve the idyllic and habitability conditions of a house . These processes usually develop in old buildings or buildings damaged by some phenomenon.

“Rehabilitation” is also a concept linked to the area of ​​law, which designates when a person tries to recover what he has lost, for example: “rehabilitation of a bankrupt businessman”.

Still in law, there is what is known as “criminal rehabilitation”, where the objective is to make the convict who has served his sentence be able to return to society and, in some cases, return to his former activities from which he was private as a result of the sentence.

In this case, the secrecy of the record on the convicted person’s case must be ensured. It is, therefore, a benefit granted to the convict (convicted), where he can have his criminal record clean after serving his sentence.

It is also worth mentioning that criminal rehabilitation is a benefit that ensures total secrecy regarding the background of the convict who has served his sentence.

According to Brazilian law, however, confidentiality regarding the process and conviction of the sentenced person can be broken if the information is requested by a criminal judge, as detailed in the article of the civil procedure code.

Rehabilitation Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Rehabilitation

ARRP Abyei Recovery and Rehabilitation Project
ACVREP Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals
ARA Action Réhabilitation Assistance
ANCER Acute Neurological Care and Early Rehabilitation
ARUS Acute Rehabilitation Unit
ARU Acute Rehabilitation Unit
ARA Addiction Rehabilitation Association
AMHR Adult Mental Health Rehabilitation
ARCHIVE Adult Rehabilitation Center
ARC Adult Rehabilitation Center
ARRT Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training
ACRS Aged Care and Rehabilitation Service
ACRU Aged Care Rehabilitation Unit
ADRS Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
AWRC Alabama Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
AWRS Alabama Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
ARCT Albanian Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma and Torture Victims
ABRS Alberta Burn Rehabilitation Society
ARA Alcohol Rehabilitation Association
ARCHIVE Alcohol Rehabilitation Center
ARC Alcohol Rehabilitation Center
ARS Alcohol Rehabilitation Service
ALERT All Africa Leprosy, Tuberculosis and Rehabilitation Training Centre
AOTR Ambulant Orthopaedic-Traumatologic Rehabilitation
AOTR Ambulatory Orthopedic-Traumatological Rehabilitation
AAPR American Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation
ABPMR American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
ACRM American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
AIVR American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation
AOCPMR American Osteopathic College of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
AREA American Rehabilitation and Economics Association
ARCA American Rehabilitation Counseling Association
ARCA American Rehabilitation Counselors Association
ARM American Rehabilitation Ministries
ARK Animal Rehabilitation Keep
ARAA Ansari Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan
ATRI Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute
APMR Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
PMR Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
ADED Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists
AER Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired
APMR Association for Physical and Mental Rehabilitation
ARCOS Association for Rehabilitation of Communication and Oral Skills
AROD Association for Rehabilitation of the Disabled
ARN Association of Rehabilitation Nurses
ARPPS Association of Rehabilitation Providers in the Private Sector
ASFA Association pour la Sauvegarde et la Réhabilitation de la Faune des Antilles
AMBRI Atraumatic Multidirectional Bilateral Rehabilitation Inferior
AFRM Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
ACRA Australian Cardiac Rehabilitation Association
ACMRR Australian Centre for Minesite Rehabilitation Research
ARPA Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association
ARNA Australiasian Rehabilitation Nurses’ Association
BCR Bachelor of Community Rehabilitation
BRSC Bachelor of Rehabilitation Science
BRAC Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee
BRCT Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims
BARC Bay Area Rehabilitation Center
BRSB Beratungs- und Rehabilitationsstelle fur Sehbehinderte und Blind
BAAR Bicycles for Afghan Amputees Rehabilitation
BRUMS Birmingham Rehabilitation Uptake Maximisation
BERDO Blind Education and Rehabilitation Development Organization
BRS Blind Rehabilitation Specialist
BDRC Bohol Detention and Rehabilitation Center
BIR Brain Injury Rehabilitation
BIRS Brain Injury Rehabilitation Services
BIRT Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust
BRRC Brain Rehabilitation Research Center
BACR British Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation
BCRRC British Columbia Rehabilitation and Recovery Centre
BSRM British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine
BWRC British Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
BVR Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
BVRS Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
BIRMS Burn Injury Rehabilitation Model System
BAER Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation
CAR California Association for Rehabilitation
CARP California Association of Rehabilitation Professionals
CCRF California Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation
CDCR California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
CRA California Rehabilitation Association – North, Inc.
CRC California Rehabilitation Center
CRCA California Rehabilitation Counseling Association
CRDB Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board
CASPAR Cambridge and Somerville Program for Alcoholism Rehabilitation
CAPMR Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
CCRC Canadian Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
CWGHR Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation
CARES Cancer Rehabilitation Evaluation System
CRET Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Training
CRP Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
CHRU Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Unit
CRASH Care Rehabilitation and Aid for Sick Hedgehogs
CARMA Caribbean Rehabilitation Medicine Associates
CPDRC Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center
CARES Center for Administering Rehabilitation and Employment Services
CART Center for Applied Rehabilitation Technology
CCER Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation
CHRR Center for Human Rights and Rehabilitation
CIR Center for International Rehabilitation
CPR Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
CRAT Center for Rehabilitation and Abolition of Torture
CRTV Center for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims
CERSE Center for Rehabilitation Science and Engineering
CRST Center for Rehabilitation Sciences and Technology
CRT Center for Rehabilitation Technology
CEPRI Center for the Promotion of Integral Rehabilitation
CTRDW Center for Training and Rehabilitation of Destitute Women
CPRS Central PA Rehabilitation Services Inc
CBIR Centre for Brain Injury Rehabilitation
CMLR Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation
CPRS Centre for Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences
CORE Centre of Rehabilitation Engineering
CORNER Certificate of Rehabilitation
COR Certificate of Rehabilitation
CCRP Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner
CCRT Certified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist
CCRD Certified Chiropractic Rehabilitation Doctor
CDRS Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist
CERP Certified Equine Rehabilitation Practitioner
CPRP Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner
CRC Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
CRP Certified Rehabilitation Professional
CNRC Charles County Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
CDRP Chemical Dependency Rehabilitation Program
CDRC Child Development and Rehabilitation Center
CERC Children’s Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center
CRS Children’s Rehabilitation Services
CURE Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants
CROW Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, Inc.
CRAFSS Cognitive Rehabilitation and Family Support Services
CRT Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy
CARF Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
CRCC Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification
CLITORIS Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society
CRS Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service
CBDR Community Based Drug Rehabilitation
CHRP Community Housing Rehabilitation Program
CRDS Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies
CRCP Community Rehabilitation Careers Project
CRCM Community Rehabilitation Case Management
CRN Community Rehabilitation Network
CRP Community Rehabilitation Program
CBR Community-Based Rehabilitation
CORNER Complete Oral Rehabilitation
COR Complete Oral Rehabilitation
CIR Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation
CORF Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility
CSTAR Comprehensive Substance Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Program
CRT Computer Rehabilitation Training
CREAT Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology
CRP Coronary Rehabilitation Program
CRS Correction & Rehabilitation Squadron
CRF Corrosion Rehabilitation Facility
CSAVR Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation
CORE Council On Rehabilitation Education
CMRC Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center
DRP Darfur Rehabilitation Project
DRSA Darwaz Rehabilitation and Services Association
DRP Day Rehabilitation Program
DCR Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
DETR Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
DOR Department of Rehabilitation
DRC Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
DORC Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections
DORS Department of Rehabilitation Services
DRS Department of Rehabilitation Services
DGNR Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation eV
DPRM Diploma in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
DOR Director of Rehabilitation
DRRP Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects
DPTR Disability Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation
DRRA Disabled Rehabilitation and Research Association
DMRR Disaster Management, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
DALR Division of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation
DORS Division of Rehabilitation Services
DVR Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
DAART Domiciliary Allied health Acute care and Rehabilitation Team
DARTS Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Training System
DARC Drug anf Alcohol Rehabilitation Counselor
DARE Drug Awareness Rehabilitation Education
DRC Drug Rehabilitation Center
DRR Drug Rehabilitation Requirement
EAWP Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project
ERO Eastern Rehabilitation Organization
ERSS Edinburgh Rehabilitation Status Scale
ENRP Electricity Network Rehabilitation Program
EHRP Emergency Health Rehabilitation Project
EIRP Emergency Irrigation Rehabilitation Programme
ERCU Emergency Rehabilitation and Coordination Unit
EARS Ephrata Area Rehabilitation Services
ESRDF Ethiopian Social Rehabilitation and Development Fund
ECART European Conference on the Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology
ECRR European Congress on Research in Rehabilitation
EFRR European Federation for Research in Rehabilitation
EJCPR European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
EPR European Platform for Rehabilitation
ESPRM European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
EWRA European Wildlife Rehabilitation Association
ECRC Extended Care Rehabilitation Center
ERS Extended Rehabilitation Services
EARF Extractive Areas Rehabilitation Fund
FRC Family Rehabilitation Centre
FRRA Fashoda Relief and Rehabilitation Association
FRAM Fleet Rehabilitation & Modernization
FARF Florida Association of Rehabilitation Facilities
FINR Florida Institute for Neurologic Rehabilitation
FRA Florida Rehabilitation Association
FSPMR Florida Society of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
FORCE Focus on Rehabilitation and Cancer Education
GRS Generale de Rehabilitation Services
GRA Georgia Rehabilitation Association
GROW Georgia Rehabilitation of Wildlife
GERU Geriatric Evaluation and Rehabilitation Unit
GRU Geriatric Rehabilitation Unit
GARC Global AIDS Rehabilitation Centre
GPRS Great Plains Rehabilitation Services
HREP Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project
HCRC Halton Community Rehabilitation Centre
HIRS Head Injury Rehabilitation Services
HBRR Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program
HCR Home Care Rehabilitation
HKARM Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine
HRP Housing Rehabilitation Program
IRA Indiana Rehabilitation Association
IWRP Individual Written Rehabilitation Plan
IWRP Individualized Written Rehabilitation Program
IRP Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program
IPAR Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
IPROS Inpatient Psychiatric Rehabilitation Outcome Scale
IRF Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
IRU Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit
IJTRC Integris Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Center
ICRP Intensive Cognitive Rehabilitation Program
IPRT Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation Treatment
ISMR Interagency Subcommittee on Medical Rehabilitation
INABIR Inter-National Association of Business, Industry, and Rehabilitation
IAPSRS International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
IPRLS International Institute for Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Landmine Survivors
IPRLS International Institute for Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Landmine Survivors
IRMA International Rehabilitation Medicine Association
ISMR International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation
IWRC International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
IWVR International Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation
IACPR Iowa Association of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
IVRS Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services
JMHRC Jewish Memorial Hospital and Rehabilitation Center
JRH Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital
JARC Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling
JCR Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
JSR Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
JADARA Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association
JVR Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
KORT Kentucky Orthopedic Rehabilitation Team
KRRC Kings Regional Rehabilitation Centre
KAARD Korean American Association for Rehabilitation of the Disabled
KRA Kunduz Rehabilitation Agency
LSTR Laboratory of Speech Technology for Rehabilitation
LEIR Lake Erie Institute of Rehabilitation
LORAC Life Options Rehabilitation Advisory Council
L-AND-R Lifestyle and Rehabilitation
LLPRS Long-Life Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies
MR-AND-R Maintenance, Rehabilitation, and Repair
MRCI Mankato Rehabilitation Center, Inc
MHRP Maryland Housing Rehabilitation Program
MRC Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
MRC McKean Rehabilitation Center
MRCP Medical Rehabilitation Centers of Pennsylvania
MRFA Medical Rehabilitation Follow Along
MRU Medical Rehabilitation Unit
MHR Mental Health Rehabilitation
MRC Methodist Rehabilitation Center
MERS Metropolitan Employment and Rehabilitation Services
MRCB Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Bill
MARPS Mining and Rehabilitation Program
MARP Mining and Rehabilitation Program
MRRR Ministry of Rehabilitation, Resettlement and Refugees
MRRD Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development
RRD Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development
MARPS Minnesota Association of Rehabilitation Providers
MARP Minnesota Association of Rehabilitation Providers
MDVR Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
MACVPR Montana Association of Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation
MRFS Montebello Rehabilitation Factor Score
MRPP Montreal Rehabilitation Performance Profile
MRTC Morrissey Rehabilitation & Treatment Counselling
MLR Mountain Land Rehabilitation, Inc.
MNRCVT Mwatikho National Rehabilitation Centre for Victims of Torture
NBRC Nabih Berry Rehabilitation Center
NATRESA National Agency for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Substance Abusers
NACRO National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders
NAMRC National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns
NARA National Association of Rehabilitation Agencies
NARN National Association of Rehabilitation Nurses
NCCR National Center for Community Rehabilitation
NCDR National Committee for Demining and Rehabilitation
NCSOCRC National Consortium of State Operated Comprehensive Rehabilitation Centers
NCRE National Council on Rehabilitation Education
NHRA National Housing and Rehabilitation Association
NRRF National Rehabilitation & Rediscovery Foundation, Inc.
NRDC National Rehabilitation and Development Centre
NRA National Rehabilitation Association
NRAJPD National Rehabilitation Association of Job Placement and Development
NRAC National Rehabilitation Awareness Celebration
NRC National Rehabilitation Center
NRCB National Rehabilitation Center for the Blind
NRCA National Rehabilitation Counseling Association
NARIC National Rehabilitation Information Center
NVRD National Vision Rehabilitation Day
NARP Neurobehavioural Assessment and Rehabilitation Program
NRRU Neurological Rehabilitation and Research Unit
NRR Neurological Rehabilitation Resources
NORA Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, International, Inc.
NRU Neuro-Rehabilitation Unit
NERH New England Rehabilitation Hospital
NHRA New Hampshire Rehabilitation Association
NJPRA New Jersey Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
NZRA New Zealand Rehabilitation Association, Inc.
NCCRA North Carolina Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Association
NTRA North Texas Rehabilitation Association
NTRC North Texas Rehabilitation Center
NRH Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital
NRU Nutrition Rehabilitation Unit
NERP Nutritional Education and Rehabilitation Programme
NRU Nutritional Rehabilitation Unit
OPRA Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Act of 2000
OHRI Occupational Health & Rehabilitation Inc.
OVR Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
OACVPR Ohio Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
ORTA Ohio Rehabilitation Technology Association
OCRR Old Colony Railroad Rehabilitation
OSSR Olympic Sports and Spine Rehabilitation
OCUPRS Ontario Council of University Programs in Rehabilitation Sciences
ORTC Ontario Rehabilitation Technology Consortium
OARP Oregon Association of Rehabilitation Professionals
ORA Oregon Rehabilitation Association
ORDA Organization for Rehabilitation and and Development in Amhara
OBRA Organization of Bilingual Rehabilitation Associates
ORA Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Association
ORC Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Centre
OSCAR Outside Cable Rehabilitation
PRRC Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission
PRU Pediatric Rehabilitation Unit
PFMR Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation
PRC Peninsula Rehabilitation Center
PIRP Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program
PASSOR Physiatric Association of Spine, Sports and Occupational Rehabilitation
PMR Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
PARSA Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Support for Afghanistan
PDR Planning, Development and Rehabilitation
PRC Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
PMRC Preventive Medicine and Rehabilitation Center
PCRF Primary Care Rehabilitation Facility
POLR Private Oyster Lease Rehabilitation
PRCC Prosthetic Rehabilitation Center for Children
PDRS Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation Service
PRP Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program
PSR Psychosocial Rehabilitation
PRRC Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center
PRP Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program
PRRC Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre
PRINT Pulmonary Rehabilitation
PR Pulmonary Rehabilitation
PRP Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program
QRC Qualified Rehabilitation Consultant
QRE Qualified Rehabilitation Expenditure
QRF Qualified Rehabilitation Facility
QRR Qualified Rehabilitation Representative
RRO Rahmo Rehabilitation Organisation
RRIF Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing
RGRP Rajiv Gandhi Rehabilitation Package
RLANRC Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center
RNH Randolph Nursing Home Rehabilitation Center
RRF Refugees Rehabilitation Fund
RRP Registered Rehabilitation Professional
RAC Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission
RA Rehabilitation Act of 1973
RDLF Rehabilitation and Development Lanka Foundation
RDO Rehabilitation and Development Organization
RIP Rehabilitation and Inspection Program
RAP Rehabilitation and Preservation Program
RACV Rehabilitation Associates of Central Virginia
RBU Rehabilitation Bedservice Unit
RCM Rehabilitation Case Management
RCCA Rehabilitation Center for Children & Adults
RCS Rehabilitation Center of Sheboygan
RCC Rehabilitation Centre for Children
RCS Rehabilitation Consulting and Services
RCEP Rehabilitation Continuing Education Program
RCI Rehabilitation Council of India
RCP Rehabilitation Counseling Program
RC Rehabilitation Counselor
RCE Rehabilitation Counselor Education
RERC Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
RENEW Rehabilitation Enterprises of North Eastern Wyoming
RAPT Rehabilitation for Addicted Prisoners Trust
RFI Rehabilitation Foundation, Inc.
RIHD Rehabilitation Institute and Hospital for the Disabled
RIC Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
RIM Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan
RING Rehabilitation Insurance Nurses Group
RI Rehabilitation International
RLOS Rehabilitation Length of Stay
RLP Rehabilitation Loan Program
RMA Rehabilitation Management Associates
RMI Rehabilitation Management Inc.
REBEP Rehabilitation of Basic Education Project
REFS Rehabilitation of Economic Facilities
ROA Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
RPF Rehabilitation Project Force
RRC Rehabilitation Recruitment Center
RRAC Rehabilitation Research Advisory Council
RRTCPBS Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Positive Behavioral Support
RSA Rehabilitation Services Administration
RSCM Rehabilitation Services and Claims Manual
RSC Rehabilitation Services Commission
RSNC Rehabilitation Services of Northern California
RSI Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
ROUTE Rehabilitation Teaching
RT Rehabilitation Teaching
RPL Rehabilitation, Psychiatric, and Long-Term Care
RRC Relief and Rehabilitation Commission
RRG Religious Rehabilitation Group
REREPS Repair and Rehabilitation of Paved Surfaces
RRDC Research and Rehabilitation Development Center
RRAP Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program
RRTP Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program
RRR Resurfacing, Restoration & Rehabilitation
3R Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation
RMRC Riyadh Medical Rehabilitation Centre
RRSP Road Rehabilitation Sector Project
RMRC Rocky Mountain Rehabilitation Center
RADAR Royal Association for Disability And Rehabilitation
RTRC Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre
RIRP Rural Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project
RRAA Rural Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan
RIRM Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
SJVR San Joaquin Valley Rehabilitation
SLRS Scheme of Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers
SHRS School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
SMR School of Medical Rehabilitation
SSR Scottish Society of Rehabilitation
SPEAR Seismic Performance Assessment and Rehabilitation
SHAR Self Help Addiction Rehabilitation, Inc.
SCRPA Self-Care Rehabilitation in Pediatric Asthma
SORTS Sexual Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment Service
SFOOR Single-Family Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation
SFRP Single-Family Rehabilitation Program
SRCO Site Rehabilitation Completion Order
SRL Site Rehabilitation Levels
SNR Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation
SRA Slum Rehabilitation Authority
SRS Social and Rehabilitation Services
SARPV Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable
SHARE Social Help and Rehabilitation Effort
SRVC Society for Rehabilitation of the Visually Challenged
SARDA Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers
SHARE Society of Handicapped Achievement Rehabilitation and Empowerment
SER Socio-Economic Rehabilitation
SLRT Solideal Loadstar Rehabilitation Trust
SRRDO Somali Relief and Rehabilitation Organisation
SCVR South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation
STRH South Texas Rehabilitation Hospital
SCRE Southern California Rehabilitation Exchange
STAR Special Targeted Applicant Rehabilitation Program
SCORE Spinal Cord Opportunities for Rehabilitation Endowment
SMR Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
SOAR Sports Orthopedic and Rehabilitation
SRLC Sports Rehabilitation Locus of Control
BIRRD Sri Balaji Institute of Surgery, Research and Rehabilitation for the Disabled
SRC State Rehabilitation Council
SRCB State Rehabilitation Council for the Blind
SVRA State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
SCVR Statewide Council for Vocational Rehabilitation
SVRI Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute
SRCA Student Rehabilitation Counseling Association
SARD Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Department
SARP Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program
SVRA Sudan Vision and Rehabilitation Association
SLRH Sugar Land Rehabilitation Hospital
TRO Tamil Rehabilitation Organization
TRANSFER Texas Rehabilitation Association
TRAINING Texas Rehabilitation Association
TRA Texas Rehabilitation Association
TRMA Thai Rehabilitation Medicine Association
TIRR The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
TRRO The Refugees Rehabilitation Organisation
TRI Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
TRACC Total Rehabilitation and Athletic Conditioning Center
TRU Transitional Rehabilitation Unit
TORS Trinity Outpatient Rehabilitation Services
TERM Tsunami Education Rehabilitation Monitor
UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
URS United Rehabilitation Services
URSA Universal Rehabilitation Service Agency
URES Urban Rehabilitation and Sustainability
URSB Urban Rehabilitation Standards Board
USRP Urban Sector Rehabilitation Programme
USOR Utah State Office of Rehabilitation
VRF Vali-Asr Rehabilitation Foundation
VSRP Vavuniya South Rehabilitation Project
VDRU Ventilator-Dependent Rehabilitation Unit
VVRS Veterans’ Vocational Rehabilitation Scheme
VSRP Victim Support and Rehabilitation Programme
VPRS Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service
VRRM Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation Medicine
VRT Vision Rehabilitation Therapist
VR Vocational Rehabilitation
VRAC Vocational Rehabilitation Advisory Council
VRC Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
VRD Vocational Rehabilitation Division
VRP Vocational Rehabilitation Program
VRS Vocational Rehabilitation Services
VRS Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist
VRTC Vocational Rehabilitation Training Centre for Blind
VARA Voluntary Association for Rehabilitation of Afghan
WARD Walking Assistance and Rehabilitation Device
WSRP Water Sector Rehabilitation Project
WSARP Water System Acquisition and Rehabilitation Program
WRAP Weatherization, Rehabilitation, and Asset Preservation Project
WORCS Web-Based, On-Line, Rehabilitation Case Management System
WRRP Wellness, Redemption, & Rehabilitation Program
WVARF West Virginia Association of Rehabilitation Facilities
WVSRC West Virginia State Rehabilitation Council
WBRC Western Blind Rehabilitation Center
WRCA Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation Association
WRT Wildlife Rehabilitation Today
WRR Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Inc.
WHRC Winnipeg Housing Rehabilitation Corporation
WWRC Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center
WIRC Work Injury Rehabilitation Center
WORC Work Oriented Rehabilitation Center
WRQ Worker Rehabilitation Questionnaire
WRQS Worker Rehabilitation Questionnaire
WRCA Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act
WAPR World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation
WFNR World Federation for NeuroRehabilitation
WRF World Rehabilitation Fund
WILR Wyoming Independent Living Rehabilitation
YRO Youth Rehabilitation Order