Supplier Abbreviations

The supplier is the person or company that supplies something to another company or community. The term derives from the verb to provide, which refers to providing or providing what is necessary for a certain purpose.


For example: “We are running out of sheets: please call the supplier to bring several reams”, “John is looking for a new raw material supplier as his current one is not in compliance”, “The supplier of water hasn’t arrived yet, so I can’t offer you anything fresh for now”.

The supplier can be classified into three basic types: the presumed producer who will supply unidentified products, the real producer who is present in the manufacture of the products and the apparent producer who is not present in the manufacture of the product, but has his mark, name or some sign intensifying it.

The clothing supplier aims to provide clothing and accessories for wholesale or retail businesses, thus making its collection available, such as the Fitness Fashion supplier for sporting goods stores and gyms.

The establishment or trade that works by supplying another establishment can also be seen as a supplier. Considering that he is responsible for supplying this other establishment.

A service provider is understood to be a company that provides services to other companies. The most common business of service providers is offering subscriptions or contracts. Mobile telephony, Internet access and website hosting are some of the service providers’ businesses.

Suppliers must respect the terms and conditions of delivery of their products or services to avoid conflicts with the company they supply. In most cases, these companies must have a support or technical attention department, as service interruptions cause major problems for the customer.

The term supplier appears constantly in accounting, since, for a company, it is essential for the supply of materials for the development of products (raw materials, which are items used to create other items), of goods for direct commercialization (without there is any type of modification on the part of the company that acquires such products) and also of the services that are offered such as water, electricity , telephone, internet, among others.

The supplier is of great importance for companies and it has distinctive aspects that can be considered as attractive prices, good service, punctual delivery, product quality, meeting deadlines, product information and support.

The Internet access provider, also known as an ISP for Internet Service Provider, is the company that is responsible for providing Internet connection to its customers. This provider allows users to connect via various technologies, such as cable modem, ADSL or WiFi . It is usual to offer other technological services associated with the Internet, such as hosting websites or registering domains.

Therefore , we have as a supplier any individual or legal entity, whether national or international, that produces, builds, distributes, assembles, imports or exports goods or even provides services.

Supplier Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Supplier

ASES Alliance Supplier Evaluation Standard
ASIP Alliance Supplier Improvement Program
ASCAP Allied Suppliers Credit Association of the Philippines
ASI American Supplier Institute
AIMS Amusement Industry Manufacturers & Suppliers, International
ASSAULT Approved Supplier List
ASL Approved Supplier List
AAMPS Arizona Association of Medical Products Suppliers
AABUS As Agreed Upon Between User and Supplier
ATS Assistive Technology Supplier
ACTS Association of Cable Television Suppliers
ACTS Association of Competitive Telecommunications Suppliers
ASFI Association of Suppliers to the Furniture Industry
ATSS Association of Track and Structure Suppliers
ADSA Automatic Door Suppliers Association
BESA Bakery Equipment Supplier Association
BES Bellville Electrical Suppliers
BBSDP Black Business Supplier Development Programme
BRRS Blue Ridge Rescue Suppliers
BES British Educational Suppliers
BESA British Educational Suppliers Association
BSTSA British Surface Treatment Suppliers Association
BSC Building Suppliers Corporation
CLSA Canadian Laboratory Suppliers Association
CISA Casting Industry Suppliers Association
CESA Catering Equipment Suppliers Association
CAS Certified Apartment Supplier
CFSU China Foundry Suppliers Union
CRES Competitive Retail Electric Supplier
CS Component Supplier
CS-5 Component Supplier
CESA Computer Entertainment Suppliers Association
CGSA Computer Graphics Suppliers’ Association
CSR Construction Suppliers Register
CSI Continuous Supplier Involvement
CASE Coordinating Agency for Supplier Evaluation
CCS Core Component Supplier
CSD Customer Supplier Division
COPIS Customer, Output, Process, Input, Supplier
DSN Dana Supplier Network
DRSS Defence Recognised Supplier Scheme
DPSP Demand Pull Supplier Pilot
DSQR Designated Supplier Quality Representative
DSP Designated Suppliers Program
DISTRICT Developing and Improving Consumer-Supplier Relationship in Traditional Commerce using Information and Communication Technologies
ESI Early Supplier Involvement
EPSN Electronic Produce Supplier Notebook
EMSA Envelope Manufacturers and Suppliers Association
EASO European Aviation Suppliers Organisation
EUCOMED European Confederation of Medical Suppliers Associations
FISA Food Industry Suppliers Association
FISC Food Industry Suppliers of Canada
FSN Ford Supplier Network
FSAC Foreign Supplier Assessment Center
FSS Full Service Supplier
GPSA Gas Processors Suppliers Association
GSSM Global Sourcing & Supplier Management
GS Global Supplier
GSDB Global Supplier Data Base
GSQM Global Supplier Quality Manual
GSRS Global Supplier Rating System
GPCSA Greater Peoria Contractors Suppliers Association
GSN Green Suppliers Network
GMES Gulf Mechanical Engineers and Suppliers
HRSA Hotel and Restaurant Suppliers Association
ISM Integrated Supplier Management
ISRMS Intelligent Supplier Relationship Management System
IAFIS International Association of Food Industry Suppliers
IASUS International Association of Satellite Users and Suppliers
IFMSA International Fastener Machinery and Suppliers Association, Inc.
IFSA International Furniture Suppliers Association
ISSA International Ship Suppliers Association
LSSA Legal Software Suppliers Association
MSS Maintenance Service Supplier
MSR Manufacturer Supplier Relationship
MONTH Manufacturers, Importers and Suppliers
MIS Manufacturers, Importers and Suppliers
MISA Microcomputer Industry Suppliers Association
MMSDC Minnesota Minority Supplier Development Council
MSC Minority Supplier Council
NAPSA National Appliance Parts Suppliers Association
NMSD National Minority Supplier Developers
NMSDC National Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc.
NSSA National Skating Suppliers Association
NSC National Supplier Clearinghouse
NSC National Suppliers Council
NASD North American Suppliers Directory
NCSDC Northern California Supplier Development Council
NISS Nuclear Information Suppliers System
NSG Nuclear Suppliers Group
NSC Nuclear Suppliers Group
NMTBSA Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association
OSD Office of Supplier Diversity
OASIS Online Automated Supplier Information System
OSN Oracle Supplier Network
OMSCO Organic Milk Suppliers Co-operative
OESA Original Equipment Suppliers Association
PAR Participating Supplier
PAMS Pennsylvania Association of Medical Suppliers
PBSA Performance Based Supplier Audit
PESA Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Association
PPS Power Producer and Supplier
PSB Preferred Supplier Benefit
PSID Preferred Supplier Inspection Delegation
PSL Preferred Supplier List
PSX Premium Supplier Exchange
PSC Private Supplier Catalog
PLS Product List Suppliers
PES Public Electricity Supplier
QSL Qualified Suppliers List
QUEST Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunications
QSDP Quality Supplier Development Program
RSSI Railway Systems Suppliers, Inc.
RESULTS Registry of Equipment Suppliers of Treatment Technologies for Small Systems
RMSA Roof Manufacturers & Suppliers Association
SALSA Safe and Local Supplier Approval
SISA Semiconductor Industry Suppliers Association
SSD Sourcing and Supplier Development
SEAMS Southeastern Apparel Manufacturers and Suppliers Association
SSQA Standardized Supplier Quality Assessment
SSRG Strategic Supplier Relationship Group
SAMP Supplier Access to Major Products
SABRE Supplier Advanced Business Relationship
SAM Supplier Agreement Management
SAMP Supplier Agreement Management Plan
SQAM Supplier and Quality Assurance Management
SACRIFICE Supplier Assurance Contract
SAC Supplier Assurance Contract
SACU Supplier Audit and Compliance Unit
SAPER Supplier Audit Program
SAP Supplier Audit Program
SBMC Supplier Base Management Committee
SCP Supplier Change Proposal
SCREW Supplier Change Request
SCREEN Supplier Change Request
SCR Supplier Change Request
SCOC Supplier Code of Conduct
SCQI Supplier Continuous Quality Improvement
SCAN Supplier Corrective Action Notice
SCAR Supplier Corrective Action Request
SCORE Supplier Cost Reduction Effort
SDRL Supplier Data Requirements List
SDP Supplier Delivery Performance
SDE Supplier Development Engineer
SDI Supplier Development Initiative
SDDR Supplier Deviation Disposition Request
SDR Supplier Deviation Request
SDD Supplier Diversity Development
SDI Supplier Diversity Initiative
SDL Supplier Document List
SDRL Supplier Document Requirements List
SDRS Supplier Document Requirements Schedule
SEM Supplier Engineering Memo
SEA Supplier Excellence Alliance
SWEDEN Supplier Exchange
SE Supplier Exchange
SFE Supplier Furnished Equipment
SIMULATOR Supplier Improvement Metrics
SIM Supplier Improvement Metrics
SID Supplier Information Database
SIR Supplier Information Request
SIOP Supplier Interface and Oversight Program
SATELLITE supplier lock
SL supplier lock
SMI Supplier Managed Inventory
SMOI Supplier Managed Owned Inventory
SMAC Supplier Management Awareness and Commitment
SMS Supplier Management Systems
SMDR Supplier Master Document Register
SNR Supplier Nonconformance Report
SOCIETY Supplier of Choice
SOC Supplier of Choice
SOLR Supplier of Last Resort
SOTD Supplier on Time Delivery
SOMI Supplier Owned and Managed Inventory
SPTT Supplier Parts Tracking Team
SPRM Supplier Performance and Relationship Management
SPE Supplier Performance Evaluation
SPMS Supplier Performance Measurement System
SPS Supplier Problem Sheet
SPCR Supplier Process Change Request
SPECIALIST Supplier Product Control
SPC Supplier Product Control
SQA Supplier Quality Analyst
SQA Supplier Quality Assurance
SQA Supplier Quality Auditor
SQC Supplier Quality Commodity
SQD Supplier Quality Development
SQE Supplier Quality Engineer
SQE Supplier Quality Excellence
SQEP Supplier Quality Excellence Process
SQIP Supplier Quality Improvement Program
SQIG Supplier Quality Information Group
SQM Supplier Quality Management
SQMS Supplier Quality Management System
SQM Supplier Quality Manual
SQR Supplier Quality Rating
SQR Supplier Quality Representative
SQR Supplier Quality Requirement
SQS Supplier Quality Surveillance
SRR Supplier Readiness Review
SRI Supplier Registration Information
SRM Supplier Relationship Management
SREA Supplier Request for Engineering Approval
SRT Supplier Response Time
SSMS Supplier Selection and Management System
SSR Supplier Selection Record
SSOW Supplier Statement of Work
STA Supplier Technical Assistance
STA Supplier Technical Assistant
STRS Supplier Test Report System
STA Supplier to Advise
SURGE Supplier Utilization Through Responsive Grouped Enterprises
SVR Supplier Variation Request
SDF Supplier’s Data File
SDC Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity
SDDR Supplier’s Drawing and Document Register
SSSP Supplier’s Suggested Selling Price
SOI Supplier-Owned Inventory
SMAC Suppliers and Manufacturers in Automotive Collaboration
SOD Suppliers Offering Discounts
STIN Suppliers’ Trial Information Note
THS Terminal Handling Supplier
TIMSA Thermal Insulation Manufacturers & Suppliers Association
TSSC Toyota Supplier Support Center
USIN Unique Supplier Identification Number
USASA United States Aquaculture Suppliers Association
USTSA United States Telephone Suppliers Association
USEM United Suppliers for Engineering Materials
VAS Value Added Supplier
VSI Verify Supplier Invoice
VSRM virtual Supplier Relationship Management
WSA Western Suppliers Association
WFFSA Wholesale Florist & Florist Supplier Association
WMSA Woodworking Machinery Suppliers Association