Advertising Abbreviations


What is Advertising?

Propaganda is a set of specific and systematic actions carried out to make something or someone aware.

The term derives from the Latin propagare, which means “to reproduce by means of layering”.

It is one of the means of announcing a certain subject, with the objective of convincing or influencing the opinion of its receiver, although it can also be linked to the bringing together of people in favor of a cause or campaign.

Propaganda uses a set of actions and strategies combined with ideological, political, emotional and instinctive ends to influence its receiver.

The media where this set can be used are commercials, magazines, newspapers, posters, among others.

There is also a type of advertising in which the advertiser can offer a partially or completely wrong idea regarding the reality of the product or service. This is misleading advertising, as it conveys the illusory idea of the characteristics of what is being advertised, only for the purpose of selling it.

Advertising and Publicity

Although they are always mentioned together and with similar functions, in theory, the words advertising and publicity have different meanings.

While advertising, by its etymology, means giving knowledge to something through a set of actions, the word publicity derives from the Latin publicus and means the act of making public a fact, an idea.

In practice, both advertising and publicity acquire the same meaning. According to the Executive Council of Standard Norms (CENP, one of the communication regulatory bodies), both words are synonymous and have the same understanding.

The impersonal communication of a message addressed to the target audience of the product paid for by an identified sponsor, conveyed in mass or targeted media, such as television and internet, which aims to create image and stimulate the acquisition of the product.

Advertising Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Advertising

AWAMS Advantage Web Advertising, Marketing, and Sales
AIA Adventures in Advertising
ADVTG Advertising
ADVOCATE Advertising
ADVT Advertising
ADV Advertising
AIPA Advertising & Illustrative Photographers Association, Inc.
AAM Advertising Account Management
AAM Advertising Account Manager
AAAI Advertising Agencies Association of India
AAAJ Advertising Agencies Association of Jamaica
AA Advertising Agency
AANI Advertising Agency Network International
ADCC Advertising and Design Club of Canada
AMCR Advertising and Marketing Communications Roundtable
AMIN Advertising and Marketing International Network
AMIM Advertising and Media Investment Management
APLB Advertising and Promotional Labeling Branch
APORS Advertising and Public Opinion Research
ADPR Advertising and Public Relations
AA Advertising Association
AAB Advertising Association of Baltimore
AAW Advertising Association of the West
ABIS Advertising Bay Island Services
ACIO Advertising Career Information Office
ACB Advertising Checking Bureau
ACT Advertising Club of Toronto
ACS Advertising Club Styria
ACP Advertising Copy Processor
ACA Advertising Council of America
ACI Advertising Council, Inc.
ADGA Advertising Design and Graphic Arts
AEF Advertising Educational Foundation
AEM Advertising Expenditure Measurement
AEM-2 Advertising Expenditure Measurement
AFA Advertising Federation of America
AFGA Advertising Federation of Greater Akron
AFM Advertising Federation of Musicians
ADME Advertising in a Digital Media Environment
AIF Advertising In Focus
AIEF Advertising Industry Emergency Fund
AIG Advertising Information Group
AICT Advertising International Catalogue Tisseur
AID Advertising Investigation Department
ALTA Advertising League At Texas-Arlington
AMASA Advertising Media Association of South Africa
AMIC Advertising Media Internet Center
AOPC Advertising on Police Cars
APA Advertising Photographers of America
ARF Advertising Research Foundation
ARB Advertising Review Board
ASC Advertising Sales Coordinator
ASD Advertising Sales Director
ASR Advertising Services Representative
ASI Advertising Specialties, Inc.
ASI Advertising Specialty Institute
ASP Advertising Sponsorships Promotion
ASA Advertising Standards Agency
ASA Advertising Standards Authority
ASAI Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland
ASCB Advertising Standards Complaints Board
ASC Advertising Standards Council
ASCI Advertising Standards Council of India
AVE Advertising Value Equivalent
AWE Advertising Web Entertainment
AWNY Advertising Women of New York
ALFD Advertising, Labeling, and Formulation Division
ASP Advertising, Sponsorships, & Promotion
ANAS Alabama Newspaper Advertising Service
ABAC Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code
APAC All-State Promotional Advertising Company
AAA American Academy of Advertising
AAF American Advertising Federation
AAAA American Association of Advertising Agencies
AAA American Association of Advertising Agencies
ASAP American Society of Advertising and Promotion
ATA American Target Advertising, Inc.
AAAA Antique Advertising Association of America
ATWOLA AOL Time Warner Online Advertising
AASAM Area Allocation System for Advertising Money
ASIA Arthouse Strategic International Advertising, Inc.
AAAA Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies
AAAA Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Malaysia
AAPO Association of Advertising Practitioners
AAAA Association of American Advertising Agencies
ABAA Association of Business Advertising Agencies
AHAA Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies
AIAA Association of International Advertising Agencies
AQAA Association of Quebec Advertising Agencies
AAAA Australian Association of Advertising Agencies
BTA Behavioral Targeting Advertising
BAPCO Bellsouth Advertising and Publishing Corporation
BHRA Bernard Hodes Recruitment Advertising
BTA Blaine Turner Advertising, Inc.
BCAP British Code of Advertising Practice
BDMA British Direct Mail Advertising Association
BTAA British Television Advertising Awards
BTA British Transport Advertising
BACC Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre
BOA Bureau Of Advertising
BAM Burke Advertising Management
BAM Business Advertising and Marketing
CAB Cable Advertising Bureau
CAMA Cable Advertising of Metro Atlanta
CAB Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau
CAAB Canadian Advertising Advisory Board
CASA Canadian Advertising and Sales Association
CAAA Canadian Association of Advertising Agencies
CAAMP Carolinas Association of Advertising and Marketing Professionals
CRIAC Centre for Research in Advertising and Consumption
CAA Certified Advertising Analyst
CAS Certified Advertising Specialist
CARU Children’s Advertising Review Unit
CAPC City Advertising Promotion Commission
CAPACITY Code of Advertising Practice Committee
CAP Code of Advertising Practice Committee
CEOA Commercial Executive Online Advertising
CAPACITY Committee of Advertising Practice
CAP Committee of Advertising Practice
CAM Communication Advertising & Marketing Society
CAAP Communications and Advertising Accredited Professional
CGAM Computer Generated Images for Advertising & Marketing
CCAS Creative Circle Advertising Solutions
CEBA Creative Excellence In Business Advertising
DBDA David Bailey Design + Advertising
DAL Dedicated Advertising Location
DAN Digital Advertising Network, Inc
DPAA Digital Place-Based Advertising Association
DMAA Direct Mail Advertising Association
DAVP Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity
DIAD DIrectory ADvertising
DTCA Direct-To-Consumer Advertising
DDMAC Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communications
DVA Doc Valentine Advertising
DBCI DOOH Business Climate Index (Out-of-Home Video Advertising Bureau Europe; Germany)
DMAC Drug, Marketing, Advertising and Communications
DART Dynamic Advertising, Reporting, and Targeting
DDA Dynamic Digital Advertising
EAS ECS Advertising Service
EAG Entrepreneur Advertising Group
EAV Equivalent Advertising Value
EAAA European Advertising Agencies Association
EALA European Advertising Lawyers Association
EASA European Advertising Standards Alliance
EAAA European Association of Advertising Agencies
EGTA European Group of Television Advertising
FKQ Faller, Klenk & Quinlan Advertising Agency
FAAN First Advertising Agency Network
FNAN Florida Newspaper Advertising Network
FOAA Florida Outdoor Advertising Association
FDAF Ford Dealers Advertising Fund
FA Formal Advertising
FPA Front Page Advertising
FOOA Future of Online Advertising
GAO Game Advertising Online
GSA Gas Station Advertising
GAIN Gator Advertising and Information Network
GALA Global Advertising Lawyers’ Alliance
GDAA Greater Dayton Advertising Association
GALA Group Against Liquor Advertising
HAAA Halifax Area Advertising Authority
HAAG Healthcare Advertising Agencies Group
HACA Highway Advertising Control Act of 1971
IAMA Incorporated Advertising Management Association
IARI Industrial Advertising Research Institute
IRA Information Retrieval for Advertising
IOA Institute of Outdoor Advertising
IPA Institute of Practitioners in Advertising
IPSA Institute of Professionals in Specialty Advertising
IAB Interactive Advertising Bureau
IMAA Interactive Marketing and Advertising Award
IAG Intermedia Advertising Group
IAA International Advertising Association
IAEA International Advertising Executives’ Association
IAAA International Automotive Advertising Awards
ISA International Services Advertising
IAB Internet Advertising Board
IAB Internet Advertising Bureau
IASH Internet Advertising Sales House
JAAA Japan Advertising Agencies Association
JICTAR Joint Industry Committee for Television Advertising Research
JCIRA Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising
KIAF Kiev International Advertising Festival
KAAA Kuwait Arab Advertising Awards
LAMAC Latin American Multichannel Advertising Council
LAA League of Advertising Agencies
LSAA Lebanese Syndicate of Advertising Agencies
LBA Location-Based Advertising
MFAA Macromedia Flash Advertising Alliance
MAB Magazine Advertising Bureau
MAPR Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations
MAS Master Advertising Specialist
MMB McCarthy Mambro Bertino Advertising
MAD Media Advertising and Design
MAPPP-SETA Media, Advertising, Publishing, Printing, and Packaging Sector Education Training Authority
MALG Medicines Advertising Liaison Group
MRMA Miami Research Marketing and Advertising, Inc.
MAA Mobile Advertising Alliance
MAAP Mobile Affiliate Advertising Program
NADS National Advertising and Design Studios
NABS National Advertising Benevolent Society
NAC National Advertising Campaign
NAD National Advertising Division
NAF National Advertising Fund
NANI National Advertising Network, Inc.
NAR National Advertising Revenue
NARC National Advertising Review Council
NASA National Advertising Sales Association
NABA National Association Breweriana Advertising
NABA National Association of Breweriana Advertising
NATA National Association of Transportation Advertising
NOAB National Outdoor Advertising Bureau
NSAC National Student Advertising Competition
NAC Net Advertising Circulation
NSCA Net Sales Classified Advertising
NAI Network Advertising Initiative
NEAS New England Advertising Specialties
NYFA New York Festivals of Advertising
NAB Newspaper Advertising Bureau
NAEA Newspaper Advertising Executives’ Association
NASA Newspaper Advertising Sales Association
NTA Non-Traditional Advertising
OGIA Office of Government Information and Advertising
OAR Online Advertising Report
OLA Online Advertising, Inc.
OBA Online Behavioral Advertising
ODAC Online Digital Advertising Connection
OMMA Online Media, Marketing and Advertising
OCAN Oregon Classified Advertising Network
OAF Orlando Advertising Federation
OAAG Outdoor Advertising Association of Georgia
OAC Outdoor Advertising Council
OAI Outdoor Advertising Incorporated
OOHA Out-of-Home Advertising
OVAB Out-of-Home Video Advertising Bureau
PAA Pakistan Advertising Association
PBMA Permission-Based Mobile Advertising
PAAA Premium Advertising Association of America
PAMS Production Advertising Merchandising Service
PRASA Puerto Rico Advertising Specialty Association
RAB Radio Advertising Bureau
RACC Radio Advertising Clearance Centre
RAMA Retail Advertising and Marketing Association
ROAS Return on Advertising Spending
RMCA Rocky Mountain Creative Advertising
SBA School Bus Advertising
SAA Screen Advertising Association
SAWA Screen Advertising World Association
SEA Search Engine Advertising
SPAG Search, Portals, and Advertising Group
SAPER Service Advertising Protocol
SAP Service Advertising Protocol
SOA Sexually Oriented Advertising
STAS Short-Term Advertising Strength
SOAA Singapore Outdoor Advertising Award
SKAD Sk Advertising
SAIB Software Advertising International Business, LLC
SDAF South Dakota Advertising Federation
SAPA Southeastern Advertising Publishers Association
SAA Specialty Advertising Association
SAAC Specialty Advertising Association of California
SNAP Specifications for Non-Heatset Advertising Printing
SAI Standard Advertising Invoice
SAU Standard Advertising Unit
SCLA Study Committee on Lawyer Advertising
TBAF Tampa Bay Advertising Federation
TAAM Tanay Advertising and Marketing
TACO Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out
TABS Television Advertising Bureau Ltd.
TBA Television Bureau of Advertising
TVA Television Bureau of Advertising
TVB Television Bureau of Advertising
TVAF Tennessee Valley Advertising Federation
TIA Texas Indoor Advertising
TRAC The Rolling Advertising Company
TWA Third Wave Advertising
TEAM Top European Advertising Media
TAA Transit Advertising Association
TAMB Transit Advertising Measurement Bureau
TAAN Transworld Advertising Agency Network
TASA Tri-State Advertising Specialty Association
TIA Truth In Advertising
UAAI Universal Advertising Associates, Inc.
VEGA Virtual Embedded Graphical Advertising
WAC War Advertising Council
WAPA War Against Popup Advertising
WKPA Warren Kremer Paino Advertising LLC
WASP Web Advertising and Special Promotions
WNAB Weekly Newspapers Advertising Bureau
WAF Western Advertising Federation
WCAA Western Classified Advertising Association
WSAA Western States Advertising Agencies Association
WAA Wireless Advertising Association
WACL Women’s Advertising Club of London
WOMA Word-of-Mouth Advertising
WARC World Advertising Research Center
WOWA World of Web Advertising
YPA Yellow Pages Advertising