Indonesia Abbreviations

ID is the abbreviation for Indonesia, the 14th largest country in the world. Officially the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia is a country located in Southeast Asia, bordering 3 countries – Timor-Leste, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. Top 10 biggest cities are Jakarta (population: 8,540,110), Surabaya (population: 2,374,647), Medan (population: 1,750,960), Bandung (population: 1,699,708), Bekasi (population: 1,520,108), Palembang (population: 1,441,489), Tangerang (population: 1,372,113), Makassar (population: 1,321,706), South Tangerang (population: 1,303,558), and Semarang (population: 1,288,073).

Country Profile

  • Capital: Jakarta
  • Language: Indonesian
  • Area: 1,904,569 km2
  • Population: 261,115,445
  • Currency: Indonesian rupiah (Rp) (IDR)
  • Time zone: UTC+7 to UTC+9
  • Calling code: 62
  • ISO 2-Letter Abbreviation: ID
  • UN 3-Letter Abbreviation: IDN
  • Internet TLD: .id
  • State Government Website:

Map of Indonesia

List of Indonesia Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Indonesia are ID which stands for Indonesia and IDR which means Indonesian rupiah (Indonesia currency). In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Indonesia, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

ID: Indonesia

Acronym Meaning
BPPT Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesia
ALAI Air Launch Aerospace Indonesia
ASRI Akademi Seni Rupa Indonesia
AMQ Ambon, Indonesia – Pattimura
AICC American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce
ABRI Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia
AMIN Angowuloa Masehi Indonesia Nias
AILS Annual Indonesia Lecture Series
ANRI Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia
AFFA ASEAN Federation of Forwarders Associations (Indonesia)
AAI Asosiasi Advokat Indonesia
AIPI Asosiasi Ilmu Politik Indonesia
AISI Asosiasi Industri Sepeda Motor Indonesia
APKINDO Asosiasi Panel Kayu Indonesia
APHI Asosiasi Penasehat Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia
APPBI Asosiasi Pengelola Pusat Belanja Indonesia
APHI Asosiasi Pengusaha Hutan Indonesia
APLI Asosiasi Penjualan Langsung Indonesia
APBI Asosiasi Pertambangan Batubara Indonesia
API Asosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia
APKI Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Indonesia
APPI Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Indonesia
APEI Asosiasi Profesional Elektrikal Indonesia
APKI Asosiasi Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia
ATSI Asosiasi Telekomunikasi Seluler Indonesia
AGI Assessments Group Indonesia
AAE Association of Indonesian Aluminum Extruders
ARII Atlantic Richfield Indonesia, Inc.
AIBC Australia Indonesia Business Council
AIMF Australia-Indonesia Ministerial Forum
BXD Bade, Indonesia
ITB Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
BDO Bandung, Indonesia – Husein Sastranegara
BDJ Banjarmasin, Indonesia – Syamsudin Noor
BISEXUAL Bank Indonesia
BI Bank Indonesia
BII Bank Internasional Indonesia
BNI Bank Negara Indonesia
BRI Bank Rakyat Indonesia
BSMI Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia, PT
BISA Berkeley Indonesian Student Association
BIK Biak, Indonesia – Mokmer
BKI Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia
BIMP Brunei Darassalam Indonesia Malaysia the Philippines
BIMP-EAGA Brunei Darussalam Indonesia Malaysia the Philippines – East Asean Growth Area
BIMP-EAGA Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East-Asian Growth Area
BSMI Bulan Sabit Merah Indonesia
BMI Buruh Migran Indonesia
BRIEF Business Review Indonesia Forum
CIMSA Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities
CIIB Certified Indonesian Insurance Brokers
CTEI Chevron Texaco Energy Indonesia Ltd.
CCI Citroën Club Indonesia
CPOI Club Peduli Orangutan Indonesia
CEPI Collaborative Environmental Program Indonesia
CIVETS Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa
PGI Communion of Churches in Indonesia
CCI Communion of Churches in Indonesia
CGI Consultative Group for Indonesia
DPS Denpasar Bali, Indonesia – Ngurah Rai
DAI Dewan Asuransi Indonesia
DDII Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia
DIMC Dunia Indonesian Mixed Couples
EKI Eksotika Karmawibhangga Indonesia
EMDI Environmental Management Development in Indonesia
FMUI Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia
FEUI Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia
FI Farmakope Indonesia
FASI Federasi Aero Sport Indonesia
FAJI Federasi Arung Jeram Indonesia
FAPI Federasi Asosiasi Perasuransian Indonesia
FBSI Federasi Buruh Seluruh Indonesia
FGII Federasi Guru Independen Indonesia
FPTI Federasi Panjat Tebing Indonesia
FFI Festival Film Indonesia
FPAI Financial Planner Association Indonesia
FAGI Forum Aksi Guru Indonesia
FCGI Forum for Corporate Governance in Indonesia
GFHI Forum Guru Honorer Indonesia
FKKI Forum Komunikasi Kristen Indonesia
FPBI Forum Persaudaraan Bangsa Indonesia
FKKI Fraksi Kesatuan Kebangsaan Indonesia
FPDI Fraksi Partai Demokrasi Indonesia
FPDIP Fraksi Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan
GGBI Gabungan Gereja Baptis Indonesia
GKBI Gabungan Koperasi Batik Indonesia
GPEI Gabungan Pengusaha Ekspor Indonesia
GPFI Gabungan Perusahaan Farmasi Indonesia
GI Garuda Indonesia
GA Garuda Indonesia Airline – Indonesia
GIA Garuda Indonesia Airways
GWK Garuda Wisnu Kencana; Bali, Indonesia
GEBS Gebe Airport, Indonesia
GEB Gebe Airport, Indonesia
GMNI Gerakan Mahasiswa Nasional Indonesia
GPRI Gerakan Pemuda Reformasi Indonesia
GPI Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia
GSNI Gerakan Siswa Nasional Indonesia
GKI Gereja Kristen Indonesia
GPDI Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia
GPIB Gereja Protestan Indonesia Bagian
GTDI Gereja Tuhan di Indonesia
GTO Gorontalo, Indonesia – Tolotio
GOI Government Of Indonesia
HFHI Habitat for Humanity Indonesia
HDCI Harley Davidson Club Indonesia
HAKI Himpunan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia
HATHI Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hidraulik Indonesia
HATTI Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia
HDII Himpunan Desainer Interior Indonesia
HMPTI Himpunan Masyarakat Peduli Transmigrasi Indonesia
HMMI Hino Motors Manufacturing Indonesia
HMSI Hino Motors Sales Indonesia
HTI Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia
HACI Honda Automotive Club Indonesia
HTCI Honda Tiger Club Indonesia
IAFI Ikatan Ahli Fisiologi Indonesia
ICMI Ikatan Cendikiawan Muslim Indonesia
IDAI Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia
IKPI Ikatan Konsultan Pajak Indonesia
IPKI Ikatan Pendukung Kemerdekaan Indonesia
IPEI Ikatan Pialang Efek Indonesia
ISWI Ikatan Sarjana Wanita Indonesia
IN Indonesia
INER Indonesia
INA Indonesia
IDN Indonesia
ID Indonesia
IARW Indonesia Antimicrobials Resistance Watch
IBCC Indonesia Business Case Center
ICCI Indonesia Cement & Concrete Institute
ICP Indonesia Crude Price
IDHS Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey
IIX Indonesia Information Exchange
IIMS Indonesia International Motor Show
IIX Indonesia Internet eXchange
IMLPC Indonesia Media Law and Policy Centre
IMCP Indonesia Multi Colour Printing PT
INSW Indonesia National Single Window
IOJ Indonesia Open Jazz
IPH Indonesia Publishing House
IQR Indonesia Quake Relief
IRIF Indonesia Regional Investment Forum
IRSA Indonesia Regional Science Association
IDR Indonesia Rupiah
ISQ Indonesia Submergence Quotient
ITSF Indonesia Toray Science Foundation
ITTF Indonesia Tourism & Travel Fair
ITPO Indonesia Tourist Promotion Office
IVPA Indonesia Veterinary Pathology Association
IYE Indonesia Young Entrepreneurs
IMT-GT Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle
IND Indonesian
IAQA Indonesian Agricultural Quarantine Agency
IAF Indonesian Air Force
IABA Indonesian American Business Association
INFIS Indonesian Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System
IAFT Indonesian Association of Food Technologists
IBRA Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency
IBBA Indonesian Best Brand Award
IBC Indonesian Born Chinese
IBFC Indonesian Buddhist Fellowship of Canada
ICMD Indonesian Capital Market Directory
ICWF Indonesian Child Welfare Foundation
ICAA Indonesian Chinese American Association
ICIP Indonesian Cleaner Industrial Production
ICAN Indonesian Climate Action Network
ICRP Indonesian Committee on Religion and Peace
ICW Indonesian Corruption Watch
ICSA Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Awards
ICS Indonesian CyberLibrary Society
IFLS Indonesian Family Life Survey
INFA Indonesian Forwarders Association
IGA Indonesian Gas Association
IICG Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance
INIAS Indonesian Interior and Architectural Space
ILR Indonesian Law Reporter
IMQ Indonesian Market Quotes
IMA Indonesian Medical Association
IMDIA Indonesian Mold & Dies Industry Association
IMIA Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association
INSA Indonesian National Shipowner’s Association
INPI Indonesian NGOs Partners Initiative
IOF Indonesian Offroad Federation
IPP Indonesian Parrot Project
IPA Indonesian Petroleum Association
IPPA Indonesian Pharmaceutical Phsysician Association
IPPA Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association
IPA Indonesian Professionals Association
IRPA Indonesian Risk Professionals Association
ISFA Indonesian SEARCA Fellows Association
ISBA Indonesian Shipbrokers Association
ISIP Indonesian Society of Investment Professionals
ISMC Indonesian Students Mining Competition
ITI Indonesian Technical Institute
ITAF Indonesian Textile and Apparel Fair
ITLA Indonesian Tour Leaders Association
ITPC Indonesian Trade Promotion Centre
ITUC Indonesian Trade Union Confederation
ITZ Indonesian Trading Zone
IVMA Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association
ISFA Indonesia-Singapore Friendship Association
IKPI Induk Koperasi Perikanan Indonesia
IAAI Institut Aeronotika an Astronotika Indonesia
IGGI Inter-Governmental Group on Indonesia
JKT Jakarta / Indonesia International, Soekarno-Hatta Indonesia
HLP Jakarta, Indonesia – Halim Perdana Kusama
CGK Jakarta, Indonesia – Soekarno Hatta International
JKPIT Jaringan Kesehatan Perempuan Indonesia Timur
KBBI Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia
KRI Kapal Republik Indonesia
KPPI Kaukus Perempuan Politik Indonesia
KEKI Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Indonesia
KPLI Kelompok Pengguna Linux Indonesia
KKI Keluarga Katolik Indonesia
KAI Kereta Api Indonesia
KAMI Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Indonesia
KMHDI Kesatuan Mahasiswa Hindu Dharma Indonesia
KUIS Koalisi Untuk Indonesia Sehat
KNIP Komite Nasional Indonesia Pusat
KNPI Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia
KONI Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia
KPPI Komite Pengamanan Perdagangan Indonesia
KPPI Komite Persiapan Pergerakan Indonesia
KJI Kompetisi Jembatan Indonesia
KKI Komunitas Konservasi Indonesia
KASI Konferensi Agung Sangha Indonesia
KOWANI Kongres Wanita Indonesia
KWI Konperensi Waligereja Indonesia
LPMI Laporan Pembangunan Manusia Indonesia
LIPI Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia
LPPI Lembaga Pengembangan Perbankan Indonesia
LRPI Lembaga Riset Perkebunan Indonesia
LPPI Liga Perempuan Pemilih Indonesia
MWI Mafia Wars Indonesia
MLDI Mailing List Dokter Indonesia
MRPTNI Majelis Rektor Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Indonesia
MUI Majelis Ulama Indonesia
MBIM Majlis Bahasa Indonesia-Malaysia
MIB Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei
MDC Manado, Indonesia – Samratulang
MKW Manokwari, Indonesia – Rendani
MKJI Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia
MRI Market Research Indonesia
METI Masyarakat Energi Terbarukan Indonesia
MIAP Masyarakat Indonesia Anti Pemalsuan
MJI Masyarakat Jeruk Indonesia
MSPI Masyarakat Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia
AMI Mataram, Indonesia – Selaparang
MES Medan, Indonesia – Polonia
MUGI Microsoft User Group Indonesia
MRII Mimbar Reformed Injili Indonesia
NAH Naha, Indonesia
BPN National Land Affairs Agency of Indonesia
NII Negara Islam Indonesia
NKRI Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia
NZMI New Zealand Milk Indonesia
OGTI Oil and Gas Technology Indonesia
PDG Padang, Indonesia – Tabing
PSAI Paduan Suara Anak Indonesia
PUTI Paguyuban Umat Tao Indonesia
PLM Palembang, Indonesia – Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Ii
PLW Palu, Indonesia – Mutiara
PDI Partai Demokrasi Indonesia
PDI-P Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan
PDIP Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan
PKDI Partai Kasih Demokrasi Indonesia
PKI Partai Komunis Indonesia
PNBI Partai Nasional Bangsa Indonesia
PNIM Partai Nasional Indonesia Marhaenisme
PPNI Partai Pemersatu Nasional Indonesia
PPDI Partai Penegak Demokrasi Indonesia
PPNUI Partai Persatuan Nahdlatul Ummah Indonesia
PKU Pekanbaru, Indonesia – Simpang Tiga
PRRI Pemerintah Revolusioner Republik Indonesia
PDRI Pemerintahan Darurat Republik Indonesia
PPRI Pemilihan Peneliti Remaja Indonesia
PCKI Perdana Citra Komputer Indonesia
PMII Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia
PDHI Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia
PDSKJI Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa Indonesia
PIB Perhimpunan Indonesia Baru
PERKAPI Perhimpunan Kedokteran Anti Penuaan Indonesia
PMMI Perhimpunan Manajemen Mutu Indonesia
PPHI Perhimpunan Peneliti Hati Indonesia
PNRI Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia
PBSI Persatuan Bulutangkis Seluruh Indonesia
PGRI Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia
PII Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia
PITI Persatuan Islam Tionghoa Indonesia
POSSI Persatuan Olahraga Selam Seluruh Indonesia
PPDI Persatuan Pembebasan Dari Indonesia
PPCI Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia
PPNI Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia
PPGI Persatuan Perusahaan Grafika Indonesia
PRSI Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia
PSSI Persatuan Sepak Bola Seluruh Indonesia
PTMSI Persatuan Tenis Meja Seluruh Indonesia
PWNI Persatuan Wartawan Nasional Indonesia
PNK Pontianak, Indonesia – Supadio
PPIP Portugal-Indonesia Friendship Association
PIFA Portugal-Indonesia Friendship Association
PSPI Pusat Studi Properti Indonesia
RAPI Radio Antar Penduduk Indonesia
RRI Radio Republik Indonesia
RCTI Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia
RI Republic of Indonesia
RUSI Republic of the United States of Indonesia
RZI Rumah Zakat Indonesia
STIMI Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Indonesia
SRG Semarang, Indonesia – Achmad Yani
SOBSI Sentral Organisasi Buruh Seluruh Indonesia
SOKSI Sentral Organisasi Karyawan Swadiri Indonesia
SBMI Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia
SPOI Serikat Pekerja Otomotif Indonesia
SPSI Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia
SPTI Serikat Pekerja Transportasi Indonesia
SNPI Simposium Nasional Pemuda Indonesia
SIMP Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines
SIPCO Society of Indonesian Professional Convention Organizers
SPBI Solidaritas Perjuangan Buruh Indonesia
SNI Standar Nasional Indonesia
SIR Standard Indonesian Rubber
SWQ Sumbawa Island, Indonesia – Brang Bidji
SLFI Sun Life Financial Indonesia
SUBJECT Surabaya, Indonesia – Juanda Airport
SUBTRACT Surabaya, Indonesia – Juanda Airport
SUB Surabaya, Indonesia – Juanda Airport
SRI Survey Research Indonesia
TRK Tarakan, Indonesia – Tarakan
TPTI Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia
TKI Tenaga Kerja Indonesia
TNI Tentara Nasional Indonesia
TNI-AD Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat
TNI-AL Tentara Nasional Indonesia–Angkatan Laut
TNI-AU Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara
TTE Ternate, Indonesia – Babullah
TIPS Thailand-Indonesia-Philippines-Singapore
TOKI Tim Olimpiade Komputer Indonesia
TCPI Toshiba Consumer Products Indonesia
TIME Tourism Indonesia Mart and Expo
UPG Ujung Pandang, Indonesia – Hasanudin
UNCI United Nations Commission for Indonesia
UNOHCI United Nations Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator for Indonesia
UI Universitas Indonesia
UII Universitas Islam Indonesia
UKI Universitas Kristen Indonesia
UPMI Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia
UGM University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
UGI Unocal Geothermal Indonesia
VGI Video Games Indonesia
VISTA Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey and Argentina
VIDP Visit Indonesia Decade Pass
WIB Waktu Indonesia Barat
WITA Waktu Indonesia Tengah
WIT Waktu Indonesia Timur
WITT Wanita Indonesia Tanpa Tembakau
WNI Warga Negara Indonesia
WNA Warga Negara Indonesia
WIIP Wetlands International Indonesia Program
WUSKI World University Service Komite Indonesia
YAI Yayasan Austima Indonesia
YIF Yayasan Indonesia Forum
YIH Yayasan Indonesia Hijau
YJI Yayasan Jantung Indonesia
YKI Yayasan Kemanusiaan Indonesia
YKPI Yayasan Kita Peduli Indonesia
JOG Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Indonesia is an archipelago located between the Southeast Asian mainland and Australia. The archipelago consists of about 18,000 islands, of which 6,000 are inhabited. The largest islands in Indonesia are Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and the western part of Papua on the island of New Guinea. The land is in an area where three parts of the earth’s crust meet. They have a large number of active volcanoes, and earthquakes are occurring constantly. The tsunami that hit several areas in Southeast Asia in 2004 was caused by an earthquake. Aceh province on Sumatara was hit hardest, killing 220,000 Indonesians.

Indonesia has the world’s third largest tropical rainforest, covering about 70% of its land area. Many and long wooded mountain ranges characterize the landscape, but there are also large lowland areas on some of the islands. The country has a tropical coastal climate and the temperature is always above 18 degrees with humidity between 70-90%.

The use of oil and coal as sources of energy, in addition to over-consumption of fertilizers and pesticides, has created major environmental problems. Deforestation associated with palm oil plantations is a growing problem.


The oldest traces of human life in the area are around 1 million years old. Newer population came from the Southeast Asian mainland around 3000 years BCE. Islam spread to the country in the 1300s, eventually becoming the largest religion in the area. Of colonial states, the Portuguese were the first to settle in the country in the early 16th century. From the 17th century, the Dutch took control of much of the trade, and the country became a Dutch colony around the year 1800.

Indonesia was under Japanese occupation during World War II. In 1949, they were recognized as an independent state under the leadership of nationalist leader Sukarno. In 1965 there was a coup attempt with communist elements. The coup attempt triggered an anti-communist reaction and was severely beaten by the army, including at least 80,000 real and alleged communists. The dissatisfaction with the leader Sukarno increased, and in 1968 General Suharto was elected new president. He introduced his own state ideology: Pancasila. Pancasiola means that the country should be governed by five points: the belief in a god, human dignity, national unity, democracy and social justice. To disagree with this became the same as being a communist or a radical Muslim.

In 1975 Indonesia occupied the neighboring island of East Timor, which first gained independence in East Timor in 1999.

Indonesia was hit hard during the Asian financial crisis of 1998, triggering fierce protests against Suharto’s authoritarian regime, and he resigned. In June 1999, the first free elections were held since 1955, and in 2004 for the first time became a president by direct election.

Society and politics

Indonesia is a republic with a multi-party system. Both the president and the 550 members of the National Assembly are elected for five years. The president is the chief of state and commander-in-chief of the country’s armed forces. The country is divided into 33 provinces, in addition to the special regions of Aceh and Yogyakarta and the capital district of Jakarta. Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous country. A number of immigration waves to Indonesia have led to a population composed of several different languages, religions and cultures. This complicated ethnic pattern has created the ground for some groups to want to disassociate and form their own states.

The majority of the country’s poor live in the countryside and in the eastern parts of the country. Many poor families were hit hard in 2005 when the then president cut subsidies on fuel, while rice became more expensive. Although the country’s economic growth has been good, Indonesia is characterized by a number of challenges related to poverty, terrorism and corruption. Maternal and infant mortality and malnutrition among children are also a major problem.

Economics and Commerce

Indonesia was hit hard by the Asian financial crisis in 1998 but has since experienced high economic growth. Foreign investment has risen sharply in recent years. Most of the economic growth has been concentrated on the island of Java and the capital Jakarta. The country’s many islands create transport challenges, and a well-developed transport network exists only in the densely populated parts of the country. Indonesia has good contact with neighboring countries, and the country is one of the founders of ASEAN, a South Asian political and economic cooperation organization.

Today, Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia. The country is the world’s largest producer of palm oil and the world’s second largest producer of natural rubber. Coal, natural gas, palm oil, natural rubber, textiles, oil and electrical appliances are important export goods. Indonesia’s main trading partners are China, Singapore, Japan, South Korea and the United States. Tourism is also an important source of income, and about a third of tourists come to the province of Bali.


The UN Association offers a role-playing game for the 2019-20 school year in which students will try to resolve a conflict in the Security Council (Iran and the nuclear issue). Indonesia is a member of the Security Council, and the sections that follow are information related to this game.

Relations with other countries in the Security Council

The West has long seen Indonesia as a central ally in Asia, and as a counterpart to an increasingly powerful China. The country receives a lot of military support from the United States, but has also gradually improved its relationship with China in the years after 2010. As the world’s largest Muslim country, Indonesia has tried to position itself as a bridge builder in the Security Council in the Middle East conflicts.


Like most other countries in the Security Council, Indonesia is worried that the nuclear deal with Iran will be destroyed as a result of the US withdrawal. Indonesia is also afraid of the consequences of a possible armed conflict between the United States and Iran, and that the conflict may affect shipping and oil transport through the Persian Gulf.

Indonesia is a member of the Nuclear-Free Zone in Southeast Asia from 1995, and has signed the Prohibition Treaty against Nuclear Weapons from 2017. This shows that the country is taking nuclear disarmament seriously and that the country is not happy with the limited progress achieved in terms of disarmament through the Non-Proliferation Agreement. The prohibition treaty on nuclear weapons places particular emphasis on the possible humanitarian consequences of the weapons, and seeks to establish a norm that such weapons are morally reprehensible no matter which state possesses them.

In a debate on disarmament in the UN Security Council 02.04. In 2019, Indonesia highlighted the importance of the regional nuclear-free zones in the world. The country urged all nuclear weapons states to respect their obligations to the countries in these zones, and to provide unreserved guarantees never to use nuclear weapons against the states that have joined the various treaty zones.

In its speech to the Security Council, Indonesia was also concerned about the right of all countries to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, and that states without nuclear weapons should be given priority for international support for various civilian nuclear projects. It is also important that all states adhere to the Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection agreements – the global control that is absolutely necessary to prevent the possibility of developing secret military nuclear programs.

Indonesia, like many other countries, is concerned that the existing nuclear weapons agreements between the US and Russia powers are being weakened or wound up, and has repeatedly urged these countries to lead by example in further disarmament efforts.

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