Wyoming Abbreviation

What is the abbreviation for Wyoming state?

WY is the 2 letter abbreviation for Wyoming, the 50th largest state in the United States of America. Wyoming is a state located in Western part of U.S.A, bordering Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Utah. Cheyenne is the capital city of Wyoming. Major cities include Cheyenne (Population: 63346), Casper (Population: 60296), Gillette (Population: 32660), Laramie (Population: 32169), Rock Springs (Population: 23973), Sheridan (Population: 17884), Green River (Population: 12476), Evanston (Population: 12144), Riverton (Population: 10884), Jackson (Population: 10534), Cody (Population: 9803), and Rawlins (Population: 9051).

Wyoming State Flag

Wyoming State Profile

  • Capital: Cheyenne
  • Admitted to USA: July 10, 1890
  • Area: 253,600 km2
  • Population: 578,759
  • Time zone: UTC−07:00
  • Calling code: 307
  • ISO 2-Letter Postal Abbreviation:  WY
  • State Government Website: http://wyoming.gov/


The US state of Wyoming is located in the northwest of the United States. Viewed clockwise, it borders the states of Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah and Idaho. With a population of approximately 565,000, Wyoming is the smallest of the US states in terms of population. Wyoming covers an area of ​​253,348 km². The capital of Wyoming is the approximately 60,000 strong Cheyenne in the southeast of the state. Wyoming stretches from the west with the Great Plains to the east in the Rocky Mountains.

The name of the state of Wyoming comes from the language of the Algonkin Indians and means something like “Great Plains”. Until the end of the 19th century mainly Indians of different tribes lived here (e.g. Absarokee, Cheyenne; Lakota). Wyoming was accepted into the Union in 1890 as the 44th state. His constitution was the first in the world to grant women the right to vote. The state’s official nickname is “Equal State” and its motto is “Equal Rights.” However, the nicknames “Cowboy State” and “Big Wyoming” are also common.

Wyoming’s economy today is shaped by mining and above all by coal and not by cattle or sheep breeding as in the past. However, these industries still shape much of Wyoming’s culture today. Tourism mostly takes place in western Wyoming, i.e. in the Rocky Mountains. Wyoming’s sights are among the most famous in the United States, such as Yellowstone National Park with geysers, spectacular waterfalls and deep canyons. The film “Brokeback Mountain” by director Ang Lee from 2005 with Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal in the leading roles was a real shock for the extremely conservative Cowboy State. The film tells the love relationship between two male cowboys over a period of around 20 years.

Cities and larger towns

The city of Cheyenne has approximately 60,000 residents, making it the largest city in the state and the capital of Wyoming. The city was founded in 1867 as a Union Pacific Railroad station. The city was a meeting place for gunslingers and later an agricultural center. From 1890 Cheyenne became the capital of Wyoming. Even today, the city is known for cattle breeding and is also called cowboy capital. Wild west atmosphere can still arise here today, but in itself Cheyenne is not a tourist town.

The city of Casper has approximately 55,000 inhabitants, making it the second largest city in Wyoming after Cheyenne. The city is almost the center of the state and is known for its oil industry but also for cattle and sheep breeding. Because of the former, it was nicknamed “The Oil City”.

The city of Gilette with its approximately 30,000 inhabitants is located in northeastern Wyoming. The city was founded in 1892 and named after the engineer Edward Gillette. The city’s nickname is “Energy Capital of the Nation” because there are large deposits of coal and oil in the region. In addition, methane gas is extracted from coal here.

The city of Laramie has approximately 27,000 residents, making it the third largest city in Wyoming and located in the southwest of the state. The city was founded in the mid-19th century to support the construction work of the Union Pacific Railroad. Laramie is Wyoming’s educational center, if you will, because the only university in the state is the University of Wyoming. Laramie has more to offer, however. Since the city is bordered by the Snowy Range and Laramie Range, it is considered a particularly good place for outdoor activities.

Rock Springs
The city of Rock Springs has approximately 18,000 residents and is located in the southwest of the state of Wyoming. The city is considered a mining town and there are actually numerous coal and natural gas deposits in the area surrounding the city. On September 2, 1885 there were serious riots between Chinese and white miners in which at least 28 Chinese miners died. This incident is known as the Rock Springs massacre.

Although only 15,000 people live in Sheridan, the city in northern Wyoming is known as the regional center of coal. Sheridan used to be a center of cattle breeding, which you can still see in the city today. The city even profits from this and markets itself a center of the Wild West where it is still possible to feel the spirit of the past. The mix of architecture in the city, which ranges from the old Wild West style to Victorian buildings to modern buildings, is very interesting.

Wyoming State Abbreviations

List of Wyoming Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Wyoming are WY which stands for Wyoming. In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Wyoming, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

WY: Wyoming

Acronym Meaning
ASUW Associated Students of the University of Wyoming
CWC Central Wyoming College
CWCC Central Wyoming Counseling Center
CWAM Colorado Wyoming Association of Museums
CWVRG Colorado/Wyoming Vizsla Rescue Group
CWNA Colorado-Wyoming Numismatic Association
GWV Geisinger Wyoming Valley
LWV Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Railway Company
PWMTF Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund
PAW Petroleum Association of Wyoming
PAWS Proficiency Assessment for Wyoming Students
RENEW Rehabilitation Enterprises of North Eastern Wyoming
UWY University of Wyoming
UW University of Wyoming
UWAA University of Wyoming Alumni Association
UWIN University of Wyoming Information Network
UWPD University of Wyoming Police Department
WWAMI Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho
WGWS Western Gas Wyoming, LLC.
WGW Western Gas Wyoming, LLC.
WWCC Western Wyoming Community College
WYO Wyoming
WY Wyoming
WAES Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station
WALC Wyoming Agricultural Leadership Council
WAIC Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom
WACY Wyoming Association for Creative Youth
WACTE Wyoming Association of Career and Technical Education
WAPA Wyoming Association of Physician Assistants
WASA Wyoming Association of School Administrators
WBQA Wyoming Beef Quality Assurance
WBI Wyoming Behavioral Institute
WBJS Wyoming Blues and Jazz Society
WBCR Wyoming Border Collie Rescue
WBC Wyoming Business Council
WBLN Wyoming Business Leadership Network
WCAA Wyoming Children’s Action Alliance
WEAPON Wyoming City Schools
WCS Wyoming City Schools
WCSD Wyoming City Schools District
WCMA Wyoming Coal Mining Association
WCH Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless
WCMA Wyoming Collaborative Mentorship Academy
WCAC Wyoming Collegiate Athletic Council
WCAA Wyoming Community Action Association
WCCC Wyoming Community College Commission
WCDA Wyoming Community Development Authority
WYCF Wyoming Community Foundation
WCF Wyoming Community Foundation
WCBO Wyoming Conference of Building Officials
WCLI Wyoming Cost of Living Index
WCTM Wyoming Council of Teachers of Mathematics
WCIS Wyoming County International Speedway
WCTFB Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund Board
WDA Wyoming Dental Association
WDHA Wyoming Dental Hygienists Association
WYDA Wyoming Department of Agriculture
WDA Wyoming Department of Agriculture
WDOC Wyoming Department of Corrections
WDH Wyoming Department of Health
WDOT Wyoming Department of Transportation
WEHS Wyoming East High School
WEDA Wyoming Economic Development Association
WEN Wyoming Education Network
WEN Wyoming Equality Network
WFMA Wyoming Farmers’ Market Association
WFMC Wyoming Farmers’ Market Conference
WFRW Wyoming Federation of Republican Women
WYGF Wyoming Game and Fish Department
WGFD Wyoming Game and Fish Department
WGIF Wyoming Government Investment Fund
WGWA Wyoming Grape and Wine Association
WHSA Wyoming Head Start Association
WHC Wyoming Health Council
WHRN Wyoming Health Resources Network
WHS Wyoming High School
WHP Wyoming Highway Patrol
WHA Wyoming Hospital Association
WHDP Wyoming Housing Database Partnership
WILR Wyoming Independent Living Rehabilitation
WIPA Wyoming Independent Producers Association
WIDC Wyoming Industrial Development Corporation
WIND Wyoming Institute for Disabilities
WJN Wyoming Job Network
WLEA Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy
WYLD Wyoming Libraries Database
WLPS Wyoming License Plate Society
WLRA Wyoming Lodging and Restaurant Association
WMS Wyoming Medical Society
WMCI Wyoming Medium Correctional Institution
WMA Wyoming Mining Association
WMTA Wyoming Motorcycle Trials Association
WMPA Wyoming Municipal Power Agency
WMEA Wyoming Music Educators Association
WNPS Wyoming Native Plant Society
WYNOT Wyoming New Options in Technology
WOHS Wyoming Office of Homeland Security
WOA Wyoming Optometric Association
WPIC Wyoming Parent Information Center
WPHS Wyoming Park High School
WPA Wyoming Pipeline Authority
WPPC Wyoming Pork Producers Council
WPWI Wyoming Produced Water Initiative
WPAP Wyoming Professional Assistance Program
WPEA Wyoming Public Employee Association
WPS Wyoming Public Schools
WYTRANS Wyoming Public Transit Association
WREI Wyoming Real Estate Institute
WRMA Wyoming Retail Merchants Association
WRS Wyoming Retirement System
WRCP Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure
WRDC Wyoming Rural Development Council
WSSI Wyoming SBIR/STTR Initiative
WSBA Wyoming School Boards Association
WSMA Wyoming School Music Association
WSPA Wyoming School Psychology Association
WSUP Wyoming School-University Partnership
WSRA Wyoming Snowmobile Racing Association
WSRC Wyoming Society for Respiratory Care
WSCPA Wyoming Society of Certified Public Accountants
WSRT Wyoming Society of Radiologic Technologists
WSHA Wyoming Speech-Language-Hearing Association
WSA Wyoming State Archives
WSBF Wyoming State Bar Foundation
WSBN Wyoming State Board of Nursing
WSGS Wyoming State Geological Survey
WSGA Wyoming State Golf Association
WSL Wyoming State Library
WSLA Wyoming State Liquor Association
WSP Wyoming State Penitentiary
WSSA Wyoming State Shooting Association
WSSA Wyoming State Snowmobile Association
WSSA Wyoming State Soccer Association
WSTA Wyoming State Trapshooting Association
WSVL Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory
WSRA Wyoming Steer Roping Association
WSDA Wyoming Stock Dog Association
WSGA Wyoming Stock Growers Association
WSLC Wyoming Student Loan Corporation
WTPI Wyoming Teacher Policy Institute
WTRA Wyoming Team Roping Association
WTBC Wyoming Technology Business Center
WTTC Wyoming Technology Transfer Center
WTA Wyoming Telecommunications Association
WTT Wyoming Travel & Tourism
WTLA Wyoming Trial Lawyers Association
WTE Wyoming Tribune Eagle
WVAC Wyoming Valley Aids Council
WVMS Wyoming Valley Montessori School
WVPA Wyoming Valley Professional Ambulance
WVSA Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority
WVSD Wyoming Valley Sports Dome
WVWC Wyoming Valley Watershed Coalition
WVW Wyoming Valley West
WVAC Wyoming Veterans Affairs Commission
WVMA Wyoming Veterinary Medical Association
WVCS Wyoming Video Conference System
WVAC Wyoming Volunteer Assistance Corp
WWDC Wyoming Water Development Commission
WWPP Wyoming Water Planning Program
WWRC Wyoming Water Resources Center
WWWA Wyoming Water Well Association
WYWG Wyoming Wing
WWBA Wyoming Womens Bowling Association
WWGA Wyoming Wool Growers Association
WYSB Wyoming Youth Services Bureau

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